44 Callion

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I had felt a pulse of passion while I was mid swing sparing with Jakota. The King's guard watched, annoyed at Jakota's skill. He paused when I did. Something was wrong. I searched my magic system, worried something had happened to Nik. Her golden strand was glowing wildly, and I was stunned.

The feelings that were being sent, there was no way. She loved Ameer, even if neither wanted to admit it. I grasped my heart, not understanding. Had she learned something that I wasn't aware of? The glowing intensified. Her feelings projecting into me nearly brought me to my knees. The woman felt so strongly and with her whole self. I knew that already, but to see it, to be a part of it, was something else entirely.

Jakota stepped forward and I put up a hand, stopping him. The last thing I remember was that she had left to go to the library and help her cousin research Dath's curse. What could have happened? The feelings increased and my heart pounded. God's above. I wracked my mind. Alden? It couldn't be that prick. She was clear in the mines about what he had done to her and how much he had hurt her. I met Jakota's worried look.

Ameer. Of course. I drew my anger inward. Felling like an idiot. I should have known. I slammed up my wall, trying my damnedest to ignore her passion with my best friend. I didn't want to consider what they were doing. Jakota knew when I had changed as I figured out what had happened. He was ready for me as I swung my sword, not longer holding back. Jakota was the one person that knew my fits. My rage. He met every blow, letting me release my anger through each swing.

Jakota spun, avoiding my lunge at his back. I had no right to be this angry, I knew that. Jakota told me she had spent at least seven months in the mines with me, a short time compared to how long I had been there before. I ducked at Jakota's quick swing and met his blade as he brought it behind his back, blades clanging. Nik had gotten under my skin, despite my every attempt to avoid it. And it was my own fault. I knew it was impossible. Knew the bond would be rejected. I hated her for it. Hated her for making me weak. For making me care.

I backed away, both of us catching our breath. King Hesper's guards clapped, shocked by our onslaught. I growled and snapped my jaws at them, my lion just below the surface, itching to get out. Jakota met me where I was at, shifting into his black tiger, ready to take me on. I shut it down and shook my head at his preparations. There had to be something I could do. I couldn't live like this, feeling them at every passing moment. Not when I would have a kingdom to run one day. Just imagining what that would be like, in a meeting as feelings of passion ran through that weren't caused by me, while she was miles away at Ameer's side. For the rest of our lives. No.

I slammed the sword onto the rack and Jakota shifted back into his Fae form. There had to be something in the library about breaking a bond. To free myself from this inevitable torment. She had made her choice. I just didn't realize I would have an opinion on it. I made my way to the library, desperate for an immediate answer.

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