67 Dath

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Walking through the valley path wedged between the mountains towards the Riveton Plains was far easier than walking through the forest. But the possibility of danger was greater. I was on edge and the shadows at the edges of my vision increased with my trepidation.

The others didn't know how poorly I was holding it together. Every crack of a branch was a bone snapping. Every breath of air loosed was my fist flying through the air. Every call of an animal was an order to kill. Alden wisely kept his distance, shielded by his brothers. He was probably the only one able to see the fight within me.

I knew the truth. Alden wasn't my enemy. He was just another fly trapped in his father's web. But for each sound, I had to remind myself of the truth. I had to find a way to ground myself better than just the base of protecting Nik. It had been enough to break me free of the brainwashing, yes, but it wasn't enough to help me fight every moment of every day, not to tear everyone I loved to shreds.

The bargain with Erix had been fulfilled when I stole power from him. And stole I did. I drank from that well he accidently gave me access to until I could no longer drink from it. I helped Nik over a particularly large rock and Faolan whimpered with lingering pain. She eyed the shadows around me, which had become a permanent fixture since the night I grew wings. A bear with wings. What a ridiculous image I made. Nik and her mates had their theories as to where they came from. But the only logical answer was they were a result of stealing Erix's power.

Nik looped her arm through mine as we exited the valley into the fresh grass of the plains. The group stopped to admire the view of the afternoon sun dancing on the tips of the fresh wheat and wildflowers. I smiled at the feeling of my best friend laying her head on my shoulder like she did after we traded lunches in undergrades.

"Aren't you afraid of me?" I asked her.

I felt her shake her head against me and she squeezed my arm tighter. Callion and Ameer watched our exchange, neither wearing the jealousy I would expect from mates. I supposed I wasn't a threat. Not romantically at least. I did love Nik. Still did. But not the way she needed or deserved. And if I was honest with myself, she couldn't love me like that either. The anger and bitterness that drove my original jealousy of her love for Alden was gone. What was left was adoration, respect, and protectiveness. That was enough for me. I wrapped my arm around her back and squeezed her back. Together, we remembered the comfiness we found in each other as children. A small reprieve before trekking through the plains.

Faolan came up next to Nik and grabbed her hand. I used to hate him deep down, for taking what I had thought was my place. But that arrogant male was long dead. Now I saw Faolan as family that she chose for herself. Around us stood fae of every shape, size, and color and it was then that I realized that it was all because of Nik. For whatever reason, whatever force, whatever gods, Nik had loyalty kings would dream of and never receive. A queen without a crown. And I was just happy to be here, holding my oldest friend knowing I would witness her bring the world to its knees.

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