The justice league and melissa new power

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At justice league tower

We see that all the superhero teams are there as many of the founding members are injured by this new superhero

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We see that all the superhero teams are there as many of the founding members are injured by this new superhero. As they got called and saw the condition of them as martian manhunter was burned and was currently getting treated and superman has been beaten pretty and before they could have done anything his regeneration has started and woke up after few minutes and diana and others were okay as they were sitting as we see clark there as he said

"So today everyone is here as we are here to speak about this new hero moonknight " he said as he show them the picture of him

"So today everyone is here as we are here to speak about this new hero moonknight " he said as he show them the picture of him

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As others say it and then suddenly plastic man said

"Who is this a cheap ripoff copy of batman" he said

At these everyone look sternly at him as he got glares from everyone as he said

"Sorry guy my fault" he said as green arrow asked

"So what are his capabilities" he asked

At this everyone nodded as they wanted to know what's so special about him

As they played the recordings captured from batdrone as everyone thought

'Pretty terrifying' they all thought

As we see him beating one goon when the goon said

"So how are you feeling anger, rage, pleasure anything" he said

"What are you talking about" he said shocking the goon as he said

"Why would I feel anything to do this thing to you" he said as he knocked out the goon

"Well from my personal experience we can say he is a martial artist and weapon specialist as we have seen from his point of view that he is a potential threat as you have seen what he can to a powerful being like martian manhunter and superman" batman said

"Well there was certainly something different about him as you see I was not able to read his mind its like something has protected his mind from telepathy" Martian manhunter said

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