"You bad dog.", Finch growls.

"Affirmative.", K9 says one final time.
The school goes KaBOOM! The children rejoice as paper rains down on them.

"Yes!", Kenny exclaims.

"Did you have something to do with it?", A girl asks him.

"Yeah, I did.", Kenny sheepishly admits.

"Oh my God. Kenny blew up the school! It was Kenny!", The girl called Melissa announces to everyone.

"Yay! Kenny! Kenny! Kenny! Kenny!", They all exclaim. Juliet watches on with a smile.

"I'm sorry.", The Doctor says to Sarah Jane.

"It's all right. He was just a daft metal dog. It's fine, really.", She assures him.

Sarah Jane bursts into tears. The Doctor tries to comfort her.
Which has relocated itself from the destroyed school to Belle Vue Park. Sarah Jane walks up and the Doctor steps out.

"Cup of tea?", He asks her.
"You've redecorated.", Sarah Jane notices.

"Do you like it?"

"Oh, I, I do. Yeah. I preferred it as it was, but er, yeah. It'll do."

"I love it.", Rose comments.

"As do I!", Juliet grins, grabbing her girlfriend's hand.

"Hey, you what's forty seven times three hundred and sixty nine?", Sarah Janes asks the blonde.

"No idea. It's gone now. The oil's faded.", Rose shrugs.

"But you're still clever. More than a match for him. As a friend, that is.", Sarah Jane winks at her.

"You and me both. Doctor?"

"Er, we're about to head off, but you could come with us.", He offers.

"No. I can't do this anymore. Besides, I've got a much bigger adventure ahead. Time I stopped waiting for you and found a life of my own.", Sarah Jane declines.

"Can I come? No, not with you, I mean with you. Because I'm not the tin dog, and I want to see what's out there.", Mickey asks.

"Oh, go on, Doctor. Sarah Jane Smith, Mickey Smith. You need a Smith on board."

"Okay then, I could do with a laugh.", The Doctor shrugs.

"Is that okay?", Mickey asks Rose and Juliet. Juliet nods, although in her eyes you can see she is not pleased with this development.

"No, great. Why not?", Rose lies through her teeth.

"Well, I'd better go."

"What do I do? Do I stay with him?", Rose asks Sarah Jane.

"Yes. Some things are worth getting your heart broken for. Find me, if you need to, one day. Find me."
"It's daft, but I haven't ever thanked you for that time. And like I said, I wouldn't have missed it for the world."

"Something to tell the grandkids."

"Oh, I think it'll be someone else's grandkids now.", Sarah Jane says.

"Right. Yes, sorry. I didn't get a chance to ask. You haven't...? There hasn't been anyone? You know.", The Doctor awkwardly attempts to ask.

"Well, there was this one guy. I travelled with him for a while, but he was a tough act to follow. Goodbye, Doctor.", Sarah Jane says.

"Oh, it's not goodbye."

"Do say it. Please. This time. Say it."

"Goodbye, my Sarah Jane.", He lifts her off her feet in a big hug, then goes back inside the Tardis. Sarah Jane turns her back and walks away as the Tardis starts to dematerialise. At the last moment, she turns back to see -

"K9!", She cries.


"But you were blown up."

"he Master rebuilt me. My systems are much improved with new undetectable hyperlink facilities.", K9 explains.

"Oh, he replaced you with a brand new model."


"Yeah, he does that. Come on, you. Home. We've got work to do.", Sarah Jane says.


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