"He's a big old punk with a bit of rockabillly thrown in.", Rose says, still laughing from Juliet's previous comment.

"Would you like to see him?", The Doctor asks both the girls.

"How'd you mean? In concert?"

"What else is a Tardis for? I can take you to the Battle of Trafalgar, the first anti-gravity Olympics, Caesar crossing the Rubicon or Ian Dury at the Top Rank, Sheffield, England, Earth, 21st November, 1979. What do you think?", The Doctor grins at the girls.

"Sheffield it is.", Rose says after a moment of consideration.

"Jules?", He turns to the brunette.

"I'm always up for an adventure."

"Hold on tight.", The Doctor beats the rhythm of the song on the console as they travel.

"Stop!", Rose exclaims.

They stop suddenly, and get thrown to the floor.

"1979. Hell of a year. China invades Vietnam. The Muppet Movie. Love that film. Margaret Thatcher. Urgh. Skylab falls to Earth, with a little help from me. Nearly took off my thumb.", The Doctor says before they walk out of the Tardis.
"And I like my thumb. I need my thumb. I'm very attached to-", The Doctor trials off as riffles are cocked in the trio's direction.

"My thumb."

They are surrounded by Redcoats. The officer in charge is on a black horse.

"1879. Same difference.", He shrugs to himself.

"You will explain your presence. And the nakedness of these girls.", One of the soldiers says in a thick Scottish accent.

The Doctor reverts to an impeccable Scottish accent.

"Are we in Scotland?", He asks.

"How can you be ignorant of that?"

"Oh, I'm, I'm dazed and confused. I've been chasing this, these wee naked children over hill and over dale. Isn't that right, ya timorous beastie's?", The Doctor turns to Rose and Juliet.

"Yes of course!", Juliet responds, her accent perfect for this very situation.

"Och, aye! I've been oot and aboot.", Rose attempts the accent but fails miserably.

"No, don't do that."

"Hoots mon.", She adds.

"No, really don't. Really."

"Will you identify yourself, sir?", The Soldier looks to The Doctor.

"I'm Doctor James McCrimmon, from the township of Balamory. I have my credentials, if I may.", He gets out his psychic paper.

"As you can see, a Doctorate from the University of Edinburgh. I trained under Doctor Bell himself."

An upper-class English accent comes from a carriage nearby.

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