He stares at me hard, demanding that I stay focused on what's happening. I nod to him and glance back at Dani who nods to me telling me to go.

"Carl, Liam." Michonne implores running up to us. She looks over everyone who's ready to move in confusion. "We can't just let them have this place." She says sounding just like Rick.

"We can!" Carl and Liam snap back and Dani looks at them in shock at their attitude although they remind me of her right now. It surprises me how angry they are with Michonne. "All we need to do is survive the night." He looks around at all of us. "This is mine and Liams show. Our plan." His eyes lock onto Michonne's and then Rosita. I see Dani fighting to hide her proud smile as the boys take lead. "And you're gonna do it." Liam steps in. "You're all gonna do it. So let's go!" He calls and everyone scatters.

I grab Dani's arm and kiss her quickly as she pats my chest. "I'll meet you. I promise." She says quietly. I nod as I hold her face in my hands. "You better Mrs Dixon or I'm coming to find your ass." I tell her seriously and she chuckles before I run off with Rosita.

Stay safe, baby.


Danielle's POV

"One minute!" Negan calls as me and boys walk closer to the gate. It goes quiet for a few more moments before his voice comes back through the speaker. "You brought this on your self Rick!" He bellows and I can guarantee he's shaking his head.

We begin to climb up the lookout ladder as Negan keeps talking. "See, I was willing to work with you, all you had to do was follow a few every simple rules. Now? Well now I see that you got to go! Scorched earth you dick!" He yells just as we get to the top.

"He's not home." Carl calls softly.

"Oh-ho-holy shit," Negan swings around to face us and his eyes light up when he sees me standing next to my nephew. All guns swing to us and I feel Liam and Carl step closer to me discreetly.

Negan looks at Liam before he looks at Carl, and just for a second, a little second, I can see he regrets that it's the boys who answered him. "Everybody hold your fire. It's the Grimes boys and my sexy friend." He calls to his men.

"Look at you, answering the door like big boys." He mocks condescendingly. "I am so proud. Daddy's not home, huh?" He asks, swinging the bat around so it rests on his shoulder. "Well, I guess he's gonna get back to a big old smoky surprise."

I step forward and glare at Negan who smiles at me. Carl's eyes cut to me and he holds my gaze letting me see how serious he is before he turns back and faces Negan, his face hard with resolve. "There's families in here. Kids. My little sister." He growls menacingly, an intense look on his face and a proud feeling builds in my chest when I realise he learnt that from me.

Negan looks at him impressed. "Well, that shit just breaks my heart. There's kids in The Sanctuary. You musta seen them. Even had a little baby at one of the outposts. I wonder what happened to her?" Negan asks rhetorically and his eyes cut to mine as he smirks like he knows I know who he is talking about. "None of this shit's fair kid. Hell you know that. Your aunt even knows that. You had to kill your own mom."

My glare deepens when he mentions Lori. "That shit is screwed up. Ergo, we need someone in charge who is willing to do whatever it takes to make sure this shit doesn't happen. Oh wait." He opens his arms in invitation. "That's me!"

Carl narrows his eye. "Bad stuff does happen, but we can figure this out. We can stop this." He sound so sure of himself. I've always believed he would make a good leader and here he is proving me right.

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