Good of Raditz pt.19

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Last time on Good of Raditz the Z-Fighters had finally landed on Planet Namek! But a new threat had also arrived at Planet Namek! What will happen next to the Z-Fighters? Find out in this exciting chapter of Good of Raditz!

Everyone was panicking except Raditz Jr and Raditz as they felt a different type of ki from the Saiyan pod. "GOHAN AND MASK YOUR KI OR HE'LL KNOW THAT WE'RE HERE" yelled Krillin "Its Vegeta it has to be" he said "I have a feeling it's not Vegeta I don't know but that ki feels like... home" said Raditz "But just in case it's Vegeta we should mask our ki" Raditz added "Alright we'll stay here and collect the Dragon Balls we have the Dragon Radar so we'll have an advantage" said Krillin "Krillin Raditz Jr and Gohan let's go" said Raditz "I'll radio Kame-Sen'nin and let him know what's going on! Once I get back to Earth I'll get Son Goku and come back; the round trip will take two months " said Bulma. In the distance the Saiyan pod had finally landed "I cannot let Vegeta hurt Raditz" said the mystery Saiyan "I know that Frieza is aware of Raditz's treason he'll kill him if he finds me or him I better keep my distance... there he is and he brought Zarbon and Dodoria with him too!" said mystery Saiyan.

Meanwhile at Kame House "W-what was that!? So what are you going to do!?" said Master Roshi talking to Bulma "Right!

So let Son Goku and the others know do you read me!? Just don't let Chi-Chi know" said Bulma. Raditz and others had spotted two more pods and they landed in the distance. In a Namekian village there were bodies of Namekians everywhere "Here it is Lord Frieza" said a soldier "Ohh very good now there are three more yes?" said Lord Frieza "Hold them with care Dodoria it seems Vegeta is after them too" he said "Lord Frieza Cui has arrived he's here pursuing Vegeta also that Saiyan doctor is here as well and she's pursuing Raditz" said Zarbon "Raditz? Hm hm that weakling made it here impressive I thought he died on Earth" said Lord Frieza.

At the crash sites "There you are Vegeta now its time for Cui to clean up your mess I'm here on strict orders from Lord Frieza I'm going to kill you right here out in the open! said Cui. In the middle of nowhere "Don't make me laugh Cui do you really stand a chance against me? I'm right here so by all means come at me" said Vegeta. Back at the Z-Fighters location "O-okay I'll be going back to Earth so good luck! I'll bring back Son Goku as fast I can" said Bulma "H-hold on Bulma we should go back to Earth I mean think about it! We have no idea who this guy was and even if we the Dragon Radar " said Krillin "Krillin don't be a coward we came all this way to bring back our friends we can't just give up we're Z-Fighters we don't give up" said Raditz "You know you're right Raditz we can't give up we'll get those Dragon Balls and bring back our friends" said Krillin "Dad and Krillin someone is coming" said Raditz Jr. "Is it a Saiyan?" said Bulma "No its too low to be a Saiyan's" said Raditz. "This should be the area where the readings disappeared from" said Frieza Soldier "Maybe it's just a Namekian" said Krillin "Those aren't Namekians!" exclaimed Bulma

"That's means he's here! Guys start building your ki" said Raditz "Well look at that they're power levels are garbage" said Frieza Solider "Ey look Raditz is on their side let's give him a little lesson on betraying Lord Frieza but let's take out their spaceship so they can't escape" said another Frieza Soldier and they shot the ship "What bad luck! I guess it wasn't a good time to go sight seeing" said the Frieza Soldier "Guys don't bother wasting your ki on these guys I'll take care them" said Raditz "Hahaha hear that? Raditz says he's going to take care of us hahaha" mocked the Frieza Soldier as Raditz released his power the soldiers were surprised to his readings on the scouter one of them was about to shoot him but Raditz was already in their faces and he smashed their skulls together killing them both. "That was awesome Dad!" said Raditz Jr.

In the Namekian village Zarbon's scouter went off "What's the matter Zarbon?" asked Zarbon "Yes Lord Frieza the scouts sent earlier it seems the readings they were sent to investigate not only reappeared, but after disposing both or men they dropped below the radar again" said Zarbon "How bizarre your certain it isn't Vegeta or Raditz?" asked Frieza "No we're still tracking Vegeta and Raditz separately. And power level was at 3,580" said Zarbon "3580 you say? Nothing would come of it if we left it alone, but their manners are rather poor... next time they appear eliminate them" said Frieza. "Its hopeless now there's no way of getting back to Earth now " said Bulma "We should get out of here for now Bulma someone even stronger might be coming soon" said Krillin "He's right you know even as we speak as sense a ki heading our direction and fast" said Raditz "Haha! I finally caught up with you Raditz" said the mystery Saiyan as Raditz and Raditz Jr look at the Saiyan "M-Mom?" said Raditz Jr quietly "Peper!" said Raditz happily seeing his wife "Wife!?" said Krillin and Gohan as Peper hugged Raditz Jr and Raditz.

"It's been awhile since I last saw you two and Raditz Jr I'm not happy with you sneaking out to go find your Father" said Peper "Sorry Mom" said Raditz Jr "But it's okay I'm glad you found your Father and I found you two" said Peper happily "Who are you?" asked Krillin "Oh I'm Peper Raditz's wife and are you guy's Raditz's friends" said Peper "Yes they are that's Krillin that's Bulma and our nephew Gohan" said Raditz "I can see the Saiyan in Gohan" said Peper.

While Raditz Raditz Jr were having a family reunion Vegeta and Cui had finally come face to face "Heh heh Vegeta it seems the time has come for us fellow rivals settle the score!" said Cui Though with that kind of power level it seems you won't be putting up much of a fight" he added "Fellow rivals you say? Heh.. allow me to show a little something it's an interesting little trick I picked up on Earth " said Vegeta " Heh.. What, how to escape quickly?" joked Cui "The ability to control my power level at will" said Vegeta "Control your power level!?" said Cui " That's right..Why don't you take a look at your scouter and tell me how does my power level fares to yours?" said Vegeta "That's impossible! You and I were always evenly matched!" said Cui "Imbecile! I've been in combat situations that only you can dream of; the battle on Earth nearly claimed my life.. did you honestly think I would remain par with someone in content with hiding behind Frieza!?" said Vegeta as he powered up "19,000 20,000 21,000 22,000!" said Cui reading the numbers then the scouter blew up on him. Zarbon's did the same as it was reading Vegeta's power level "What happened Zarbon?" asked Dodoria "It must be a malfunction the scouter I had set to Vegeta had a reading around 22,000.." said Zarbon "22,000!? It has to be a malfunction of course your scouter is a older model I'll get the correct reading on mine" said Dodoria "What's your reading?" asked Zarbon "Th-this can't be possible is my newer model malfunctioning as well!? It says he has risen to 24,000 as well " said Dodoria "24,000 are you saying his power level has surpassed even our own?" said Zarbon "There's no way...even at his best he couldn't even reach more than 18,000" said Dodoria "It's hardly a surprise when you think about it Vegeta's been on the frontlines for quite awhile now.. he must have learned his new trick during his time on Earth.. it's only 24,000 both of your efforts are enough to dispose of him heh heh" said Frieza

The Z-Fighters had already ran into trouble on Planet Namek as their hopes of getting back to Earth is broken. Good news for Raditz Jr and Raditz they have reunited with Peper the wife of Raditz and the mother of Raditz Jr! Vegeta and Cui had finally come face to face with each other and Vegeta's power has surpassed even Dodoria and Zarbon's! What will happen next to the Dragon Ball hunters find out next time on Good of Raditz!

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