Good of Raditz pt. 2

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Last time on Good of Raditz a new threat has come to Earth and the threat revealed to Goku that he was his Saiyan brother Raditz! What will happen to Son Goku and friends? Keep reading to find out.

Son Goku and Piccolo flew to Gohan's location and they found a field where Raditz was sitting "Huh a power levels of 322 and 334!" yelled Raditz as he spotted Son Goku and Piccolo "Give me my son back Raditz!!" yelled Goku from the air. Piccolo and Goku landed in front of Raditz "Where did you hide my son" asked Goku "Oh I didn't hide him I simply locked my nephew in my pod behind you"said Raditz,Goku went to the to the air to check on Gohan "Daddy help!!" yelled Gohan "Don't worry Gohan Daddy will get you out" Goku yelled back "I'm getting my son back but I know it won't be easy" said Goku "You dare defy your brother!?" yelled Raditz "Why can't you join me and kill the people on this planet" he added "Cause i'm nothing like you and for the last time I don't have a brother" replied Goku "I don't have time for your family squabbling" said Piccolo taking off his turban "What Piccolo you wear weighted clothing too?" said Son Goku taking off his weighted clothing the clothes made a huge thud as they hit ground "What their power levels jumped to 416 and 400" Raditz said to himself. Piccolo and Son Goku charged at Raditz but Raditz was prepared and he blocked the attacks with his forearms and did an attack of his own knocking Goku and Piccolo back "Wow he's strong" said Goku "Piccolo we need to attack him from behind" "I knew you was going to say that" said Piccolo so he and Goku charged Raditz from behind but that attempt failed as Raditz gave them one of his famous Flying Double Kicks.

Raditz went straight into the air the Z-Fighters charged at Raditz again "Double Sunday!!" yelled Raditz as he shot ki blast from both of his hands but luckily the Z-fighters dodged the blasts. "Whoa that was close" exclaimed Goku "Ahh Piccolo you're alright?" Asked Goku as blood dripped onto the ground as Piccolo's arm leaked with blood because his entire arm was erased from existence ."Ha Ha have you seen my arm you can't miss it it's green hey want me lend you a hand? Ha haha!!" said Raditz jokingly "Goku got any new techniques you got up your sleeve?" asked Piccolo "Unfortunately no I don't" replied Goku "Lazy fool while you was slacking I was preparing a new technique that I was going to use on you but I guess I'll have to use it now and the upside is I can use it with one arm" said Piccolo "What's the downside" asked Goku "The downside is that you'll need to distract him while I charge my attack" replied Piccolo. "Got it" said Son Goku as he charged at Raditz then he got behind him grabbed Raditz's tail when Raditz fell to the earth in the the distance Piccolo was charging his attack "Ka..Kakarot I beg of your mercy let me go and I promise I'll leave this planet forever" Raditz pleaded "You promise?" said Goku "Yes Kakarot let me go and I'll leave" said Raditz weakly "Goku don't listen to him Goku! He's only telling lies!!" yelled Piccolo but it was too late Goku already let go Raditz's tail "Damn it Goku!!" yelled Piccolo. Raditz had elbowed Kakarot out of the way "What a power level of 1,330! It's the green one he's concentrating his power into two fingers!" said Raditz "SPECIAL BEAM CANNON!!" yelled Piccolo as he shot a yellow spiraling beam GYURRRN!! said the beam as it went straight for Raditz.

Raditz dodged the beam "If that would of hit me I would've died but luckily it only singed my armor" said Raditz "Now for Kakarot" he said as he walked towards Kakarot "Take this Kakarot!!" he yelled as he stomped on Son Goku's ribs multiple times "AH STOP IT AGH!!" howled Goku in pain then out of nowhere a muffled yell can be heard "Huh a power level of 1,370!!" yelled Raditz "LEAVE MY DADDY ALONE!!" yelled Gohan as he broke out the saiyan pod "L-LEAVE MY DADDY ALONE!!" he yelled as he charged at Raditz ramming head first in his chest knocking him back. "H-he broke through my armor! Nobody could damage me in battle before!" said Raditz surprised then Raditz walked towards Goku and Gohan "Daddy!" yelled Gohan running towards his weak father "Gohan I'm ok just get out here" said Goku "Daddy" "Gohan get out here!!" yelled Goku "I'm going to kill you!" yelled Raditz as he back hand slapped Gohan out of the way "Now you Kakarot!!" he yelled as he prepared to crush Son Goku's ribs.

"A power level of 1,440 and its coming from him!!" yelled Raditz as he spots Piccolo charing his Special Beam Cannon. Raditz for some reason couldn't move then he turned to look to notice that Kakarot had him in a hold,Raditz tried his best to move but with no luck of escaping "Kakarot please if he hits us with that beam with that kind of power we'll be finished!" pleaded Raditz "I don't care if we die I just want to get rid of you!!" said Goku "Please Kakarot let me go I'll promise I change my ways"Raditz added "I don't want to hear your lies Raditz" said Goku "I'm not lying I'm telling the truth I always thought about it throughout my life,my evil way of life has always brought things like being hated,misery and the worst of all guilt. I can't live a life of hatred, misery and guilt forever.I want to change I want live my life as a hero not some villain that spends his days spreading death wherever he goes I want to protect people not hurt or kill them anymore. Kakarot please let me change so will you spare me..Kakarot?" said Raditz. After hearing Raditz's words Goku decided to give his brother a chance to turn a new leaf so he pushes him out of the way just in time "SPECIAL BEAM CANNON!!" yelled Piccolo and Goku was coughing up blood as fell hard to the cold hard ground and he had hole in his torso the size of a medium size bowl. "R-Raditz come closer" said Goku with dying breath "Yes Kakarot?" said Raditz kneeling down to his dying brother "Raditz I'm glad to hear that you want to change your evil ways to good I'm also glad have someone like you who *cough* *cough* who I can call my brother" said Goku then his heart beat had faded into complete silence "Thank you Kakarot and I'll do everything I can to fulfill the promise I made to you" he said with a tear rolling down his cheek.

Now that the fight between the Z-Fighters and Raditz had commenced Raditz promised to his dying brother that he'll change his evil ways and help protect Earth. What's in store our new comrade? Find out next in Good Raditz pt.3

Good of RaditzOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora