Good of Raditz pt. 14

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Last time on Good of Raditz Vegeta and Raditz had achieved their Oozaru forms! Now they're having a giant Oozaru battle and Goku is in the middle of these giants!! And now Raditz Jr Krillin and Gohan are returning to the battlefield where they could cause more problems what will happen next found out next time in this exciting chapter of Good of Raditz!!

"Now that I'm in my Oozaru form maybe this fight will be a little even" said Raditz as he punched Vegeta in the gut "You fool Raditz you're still weak in your Oozaru form" said Vegeta as he tried to attack Goku but Raditz gave him a giant uppercut "I'll show him the power of Earth's Spirit Bomb!!" said Goku in his mind as escape Vegeta but Vegeta's tail smacks him clear across the battlefield . Vegeta got up and went after Goku but Raditz tackled him out the way. "Raditz I'll crush you along with your brother!!" yelled Vegeta "As huge as he is he's so fast! But luckily Raditz is around I might have time to focus on making the Spirit Bomb!" said Goku "I just need ten seconds ! Wait that's it! Raditz cover your eyes!!" he said as Raditz covered his eyes.

"Tien Shinhan I need to borrow your move!! TAIYO-KEN!!" yelled Goku as a blinding flashed in Vegeta's face "Damn you!! M-my eyes!!" yelled Vegeta as Goku flew away "Okay this should be far enough... to the land, the seas and all living things... please share with me just a bit of your life energy! I beg of you!" said Goku as he stuck his hands in the sky "D- Damn you! Damn it my eyes!!" said Vegeta "Just ... Just a little bit more, and my Spirit Bomb will be ready!!" Goku said in his mind "Damn it! said Vegeta "He's starting to get his vision back! But at this distance I should be able to use my Spirit Bomb and Raditz could slow him down " Goku said in his mind but Vegeta spotted him "I- it's ready!! I've gathered energy from the whole Earth!" said Goku "TAKE THIS!!" yelled Vegeta as he shot a ki blast cannon towards Goku Raditz tried to stop it but it was too late as he already fired it. The blast caused Goku and Yajirobe to go flying. Meanwhile Raditz Jr Krillin and Gohan zoomed towards the battlefield "Damn... I never expected him to attack like that he caught me off guard completely! W-what a mess the Spirit Bomb I worked so hard to make is gone..." said Goku "Heh what a stubborn guy I can tell you nearly hit your limit" said Vegeta "He's.. got me I have no chance in beating him anymore... I nearly used all my ki for the Spirit Bomb just now" said Goku as Vegeta walked towards him "Hahaha What you're going to do now?!" said Vegeta as prepared to stomp on him but Goku dodged in time then Vegeta slapped him out the way causing Goku to slam against a mountain. Vegeta stepped on Goku's lower body and Vegeta was going to do it again but Raditz punched Vegeta out the way. "Goku's ki is getting smaller by the second!" said Krillin "That's strange because my Dad's ki has gotten bigger somehow" said Raditz Jr. Vegeta punch Raditz in the gut and grabbed his tail "Low class scum!" said Vegeta as he ripped off Raditz's tail and Raditz shrunk to his regular size "Hahaha sorry Kakarot I accidentally crushed your legs! This time I'll accidentally crush your heart! said Vegeta as he dived his finger towards Goku "Kakarot!!" yelled Raditz as he grabbed Goku and moved out the way Vegeta's finger almost crushed them then Goku shot a ki blast into Vegeta's eye.

Vegeta chased them "Damn it Kakarot how dare you leave a scar on my face "We're close" said Krillin. Krillin Raditz Jr and Gohan spotted the Oozaru Vegeta "Krillin is ..." said Raditz Jr but he was cut short by Krillin telling him and Gohan to get down. "Oh no Goku and Raditz are in trouble come on this way!!" said Krillin as they ran towards Oozaru Vegeta. Yajirobe came out nowhere and surprised them "Yajirobe!!" yelled Krillin "Who do you think that monster is!? It's the Saiyan!" said Yajirobe "I know that! But if we cut off his tail he'll go back to normal" said Krillin "Listen Gohan you and Raditz Jr and Yajirobe swing around in front of him and draw his attention I'll wait for an opening sneak up behind him and cut off his tail! Hurry up! He and Raditz are going to die" said Krillin "Draw his attention? You gotta be kiddin' me you guys might not know about this, but even if goes back to normal size he's still crazy strong" said Yajirobe "Dad I don't want you to leave me again! Please don't die!!" said Raditz Jr in his mind "G-Goku's ki is nearly gone!! Damn it this is bad... we might not make it in time!!" said Krillin.

Vegeta noticed that someone was there "Who's there!? Show yourself!" said Vegeta "Over here!! Leave my Dad alone" said Raditz Jr "Well what a surprise! If it isn't Kakarot and Raditz's kids! I see you came all this way to see me crush your fathers" said Vegeta "No or never" said Krillin as he stuck his hand in the air "KIENZAN!!" yelled Krillin " Watch closely now I'm going to crush them until there's nothing left!" said Vegeta as Krillin threw his Kienzan but Vegeta jumped over it!! "N-no way!!!" exclaimed Krillin "Did you think I wouldn't realize there was another one of you here? You seem to enjoy worthless sentimentality... I knew there was no way these kids would come alone! Once I'm finished with Kakarot and Raditz you're next! Hahaha!!! Your mistake was challenging me to battle!" said Vegeta "D-damn there has to be something we can do!! said Krillin. Then suddenly Vegeta just froze up for Raditz Jr had cut off his tail!! "Damn it! I didn't expect for Raditz's kid to do that!!" said Vegeta then he shrunk his normal size "I-it's cut... his tail's cut off!! You did it Raditz Jr he... he's back to normal size!" said Krillin "Bastards! Getting me angry... you must really want to die" said Vegeta "W-what's going on!? W-where did that monster?" said Gohan trying to figure out what happened. Vegeta charged at Gohan "Raditz Jr and Gohan get there!!!" yelled Krillin "I'll start with you two.." Vegeta said as he punched Gohan and Raditz Jr in the gut "What's the matter? I thought Saiyan half breeds were strong and Raditz Jr you're a full blooded Saiyan you should be able to put up a fight" said Vegeta as Krillin charged at Vegeta but Vegeta kicked Krillin out of the way "Now get up! I want to enjoy myself a little more" said Vegeta kicking Gohan and Raditz Jr "The least I can do is let you two die next you're fathers just to show you how gracious I can be" said Vegeta as he threw Raditz Jr and Gohan down to Raditz and Goku "Gohan your Dad is banged up right now... there's not a lot I can do anymore you'll have to fight for the both of us... he's a lot weaker now ... I know you can do it..." said Goku "D-Dad can you still fight Vegeta?" asked Raditz Jr "No I can't I'm sorry I used up all my energy" said Raditz. "Alright here's the order I'll go in: First Kakarot then Raditz and next Kakarot and Raditz's kids followed by that bald headed punk from earlier" said Vegeta.

With the Z-Fighters badly damaged its up to Raditz Jr Krillin and Gohan to finish the fight! Will they be able to finish this? Find out next time in the next exciting chapter of Good of Raditz!

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