Good of Raditz pt. 5

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Last time on Good of Raditz,Raditz had started his training with the great Kame-Sen'nin. Son Goku had completed his perilous journey on Snake Way and found King Kai's Planet now Goku will start his training with King Kai but the World King told him some shocking news " The new Saiyan will arrive within a week and he's after Raditz. What does he want with Raditz? Keep on reading to find out.

    A week has passed and the Saiyan pod was in the sky high above the city near Raditz's training grounds "Hey what's that?" asked a random citizen as the Saiyan pod got closer then Boom! The pod landed in the middle of the street "Wh-What is that!?" asked another citizen "Looks like a space pod" said a citizen as the hatch opened on the pod and Saiyan ease his way out the pod. "I knew he would be on a planet like this..huh a power level 2,850 that must be him" said the Saiyan then he flew to direction of the high power level. Meanwhile Raditz was training in the fields "Huh what's that a high power level but they arrived too early but it can't be them it's only one power level but to be safe better lower my power level and hide" said Raditz then he hid behind a boulder "Huh I could've sworn my scouter detected a power level over here" said the Saiyan as he walked closer towards Raditz's hiding spot without knowing "He's coming closer better do somethin'." Raditz thought to himself so he jumped out from his hiding spot and got in a fighting stance. Raditz had a face of shock as he looked at the newly arrived Saiyan's  familiar face "Ah the person I was looking for, Father" said the Saiyan "R-Raditz jr?" said Raditz " I thought you was at home with your Mother" said Raditz "I was but Mother told me that you was on a mission here and I wanted to follow I could be with you I really missed you Father" said Raditz jr "Oh son I missed you too" said Raditz as he and his son hugged "Hey I got stronger too here check on the scouter" said Raditz jr as he handed his father the green scouter  " What a power level of 10,118" Raditz thought to himself "You proud huh dad?" said Raditz Jr "Yea I am you know what how 'bout I take you to my Master Kame-Sen'nin's place how does that sound?" asked Raditz "That sounds okay" replied Raditz Jr "Okay follow me" said Raditz then they flew away. Meanwhile Goku is about to begin his training "Okay Goku before you start training you must get use to the 10x gravity here" said King Kai "Yea no kidding" said Goku "First you must chase Bubbles..So get goin' Bubbles" said King Kai after this command Bubbles starting running "Before I start I better take off my weighed clothing" Goku said to himself as he took off his 50lb shirt, 50lbs boots and the made a loud thud on the ground "Wow I didn't know Goku wore weighted clothing" King Kai thought to himself. Son Goku started chasing Bubbles and every time Goku got closer Bubbles would run faster. In space the two Saiyans drew closer to Earth. On the Kai planet "Almost got you Bubbles...and got you" said Son Goku as he caught Bubbles "Good job Goku" said King Kai Goku celebrated by throwing Bubbles in the air and saying "I caught 'em! I caught 'em!" Oh Gregory can you come here" as King Kai said this command a ball of bright light zoomed past Goku, King Kai and Bubbles "For the next part of training I want you to hit Gregory on the head with this hammer" said King Kai  as he handed Goku a grey hammer "Wow its soo heavy" complained Goku as the hammer clanged against the ground "You're supposed to hit me with that" said Gregory "Okay Ready? Set.." said King Kai then he blew a whistle to signal Goku and Gregory to start the chase. Meanwhile on Earth in the Badlands Gohan was sent into the wild to fend  for himself "I really don't know I'm suppose to take care of myself" said Gohan as he started to cry "Waahh I wanna go home I want my Mom and Dad Waah!" cried Gohan then he heard loud thuds from the distance "Rawrgh" roared a dinosaur Gohan ran as fast as he could but the T-Rex was on his tail "No get away from me Wahhh!!" yelled Gohan "Hmhp Gohan won't last long out here"said Piccolo in the air watching Gohan's process . Luckily Gohan escaped the T-Rex's hungry jaws "Whew that was close" said Gohan catching his breath "I hope Mr.Piccolo knows what he's doing" said while Gohan was hiding the T-Rex had  ate up the boulder that Gohan was hiding behind but Gohan in time escape the T-Rex's hungry jaws again suddenly Gohan decided to attack and the T-Rex fell to the earth "Hmm what fast moves this could be interesting" said Piccolo watching Gohan's movements. While Gohan escaped the T-Rex  but in the distance a rumbling could be heard it was a herd of dinosaurs running towards Gohan's direction "Oh no not more dinosaurs gotta go!!" yelled Gohan.

    While Gohan dodges dinosaurs. Goku trains with the mighty King Kai. Raditz and his son had met with each other for first time in years. Now the Z-Fighters have a new member to fight against the Saiyans and his name is Raditz Jr. What will happen when Saiyans arrive? Find out next time in Good of Raditz pt.6

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