Good of Raditz pt. 18

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Last time on Good of Raditz Bulma and the Z-Fighters had finally taken off for Planet Namek! Now they can gather the Namekian Dragon Balls and wish back everyone. But what does Planet Namek has in store for the gang? Find out in this exciting chapter of Good of Raditz!

"What pretty impressive speed! They're already out of sight" said Master Roshi. The spaceship had already zoomed through the Earth's atmosphere "You can walk around now. Things will calm down now that we've left the atmosphere "I'm going to look at the Earth" said Gohan "Well since we're going to be here awhile I guess I'll train my muscles" said Raditz picking up his 500 lbs weights "I'll train too" said Raditz Jr picking up his 200 lbs weights "Gohan are you planning to keep wearing that Shichigosan outfit?" asked Krillin "Nah I made clothes I keep secret from my Mom" said Gohan as he changed into clothes similar to Piccolo's "Wow you must really respect Piccolo" said Krillin "Yea about as much as my Dad" said Gohan "One.. Two.. Three.. " said Raditz lifting his weight "One..Two..Three" copied Raditz Jr. Some time later the five heroes were almost near Piccolo and Kami's home planet with the hopes of finding a next set of Dragon Balls. "I'm dying of boredom and it's barely been a week. We're stuck here for another 20 days I should've installed the long term sleeping equipment... are you guys still image training?" said Bulma

Krillin and Gohan were image training together while Raditz and his son were sleeping peacefully then one of Raditz's weights falls on Raditz's head "Oww!!" yelled Raditz, Raditz's yelling interrupted Krillin and Gohan's image training "Dang it Raditz I was going to win" said Krillin "Its fine if you want to train with your minds or whatever, but this place is starting to get filthy. Would you mind cleaning it up a bit? There's a lady here you know" said Bulma "Bulma this is your mess not ours" said Raditz "But I'm busy here! I have a lot of important things to think about. You guys are just along for the ride you need to help out a bit" said Bulma "But didn't you say you were bored" said Raditz Jr "Be quiet! You should be nicer to a delicate lady me has your Dad taught you how to respect a lady" said Bulma "For a lady she likes to walk around in her underwear" said Gohan "Earth women are strange" said Raditz "Hey guys I've been wondering about the Saiyan Vegeta who ran off do you know where he went off to" "He probably went to Planet No. 45 where he can be healed that's where most Saiyans go" said Raditz "Is that the planet we used to live?" asked Raditz Jr. Raditz was right about Vegeta heading towards a planet where he can be healed and he was heading to Planet No. 45 were Raditz left Planet Vegeta with his wife and were Raditz Jr was born.

"Something's coming! It's Vegeta's pod!" said a soldier "Strange we didn't get any word of his return could something happened to him?" said another soldier "Yes, this is the control room! Vegeta is arriving! Meet him at the landing site at once!" said the first soldier. Vegeta pod was coming down fast "He's alone where's Nappa?" asked a soldier Vegeta's pod landed really hard on a landing pad "HE'S USING THE LIFE SUPPORT EQUIPMENT!! THIS IS TERRIBLE WE MUST GET HIM TO THE TREATMENT CENTER" said a soldier. The soldiers carried Vegeta to a medical machine to be healed after some time Vegeta was finally healed "Alright you're fully healed" said the doctor as the liquid drained from the machine "You can fully open your eyes. Unfortunately we couldn't regenerate your tail" he said as Vegeta stepped out the machine "You must've ran into a lot of trouble Vegeta the high quality rubber armor was in tatters" said the doctor as Vegeta was dressing himself "Where's Lord Frieza?" asked Vegeta "He recently departed" replied the doctor "Tch tired of this planet already? said Vegeta "Cui said he needed to talk to you about something in the training room" said the doctor Is that a fact? You can tell him I nothing to say to him" said Vegeta as he walked away "You forgot your scouter!" said the doctor "It's yours I have no need for it" said Vegeta "In the morning I'll go back to Earth and I'll make sure not to leave a single living thing... no before that I'll pay a visit to Namek" he said "Yo Vegeta I heard you had a tough time recently they say Nappa is dead and Raditz switch sides on you also Raditz's spouse won't be to happy when she finds out you almost killed Raditz" said Cui "Get lost Cui I don't have time to hear your drivel" said Vegeta as he walked past Cui but stopped him "Lord Frieza is pretty upset that you left for Earth by yourself" said Cui "If he's not here he can't gripe about it. Now get your filthy hands of me " said Vegeta "Luckily for you Lord Frieza is being merciful it seems he's been in a forgiving mood ever since your sensational discovery he was thrilled at the prospect of eternal youth and life" said Cui "What!? That means Lord Frieza is leaving for the..." said Vegeta.

"That's right Planet Namek" said Cui "He must been listening through the scouters ! If I don't beat him to the punch I'll be a puppet for eternity" thought Vegeta. "It seems you wanted to keep the Dragon Balls to yourself, but I'd be smart to roll over and give up after all once Lord Frieza get his wish he's going to kill every single Namekian" said Cui "THAT BASTARD" yelled Vegeta as he ran out the room.

Without Cui and Vegeta there was a Saiyan spying on the conversation "So Vegeta is heading for Planet Namek I better get there before he reaches him" said the Saiyan as they ran to their pod and they took off then Vegeta left a little bit after the Saiyan. 34 days after launching from Earth the heroes had finally reached their destination Planet Namek! "Buckle up we're in for a big jolt once I bring this in for a landing" said Bulma "Begin landing procedures for any suitable terrain" commanded Bulma. The ship landed hard on the ground the was covered in blue grass and full of beautiful green water with a peaceful green sky "Hang on a second first I need to check the atmosphere's composition luckily I thought ahead installed the necessary sensors it'd be a miracle if there's any oxygen to begin with, but I also I prepared atmospheric masks" said Bulma but Raditz Krillin Gohan and Raditz Jr were already outside the ship "Wow this is exactly like the place where Piccolo and I trained" said Gohan "Oh yeah the place where we first first fought Nappa and Vegeta he must've been drawn to it by some kind of instinct" said Raditz. "DO YOU FOUR HAVE LEAST BIT OF COMMON SENSE!? WHAT YOU'RE THINKING JUST STROLLING ON OUT HERE... FOR CRYING OUT LOUD ... There better be Dragon Balls" said Bulma checking the Dragon Radar and it went off to Bulma's surprise "It's a signal! I got a Dragon Ball signal!" exclaimed Bulma "Dad I feel a huge ki over there" said Raditz Jr "I'm feeling a lot of them too" he added "There is a lot of them and they're powerful too" said Raditz "Oh come on guys its probably just Namekians. Considering how strong Piccolo and Kami were, it makes sense that the Namekians here are strong as well" said Bulma "This ki seems a little bit evil doesn't it?" said Krillin "I'm telling you it's fine King Kai himself said the Namekians were peaceful by nature. There are four Dragon Balls over that direction so let's get going and find them" said Bulma.

In the sky zoomed past a Saiyan pod Krillin and Gohan were scared to see the looks of it, but Raditz Jr and Raditz weren't really afraid "IT'S A SAIYAN SPACESHIP!!" yelled Krillin.

After minutes landing on Planet Namek the Z-Fighters had already ran into trouble could it be Vegeta or could this be a new powerful threat? Find out next time on Good of Raditz!

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