Good of Raditz pt.16

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Last time on Good of Raditz Goku Raditz and the Z-Fighters had ended the decisive battle with merciless Prince Vegeta now the Z-Fighters must find a way to bring back their lost comrades Yamcha Tien Shinhan Piccolo and Chiaotzu

"Listen closely, you worthless trash... next time there won't be any miracles to save you... when we meet again I'll slaughter you all" said Vegeta right before he left then his pod took off straight into the sky. Raditz walk over to pick up his son "It's okay son... you can rest easy" said Raditz "Sorry about that Raditz.." said Goku "Don't worry about it... it didn't feel right doing that to our friends, but then again, I might know of a way we can bring them back..." said Raditz then a hey shouted from the sky and everyone looked up it was Kame-Sen'nin Bulma Korin and Chi-Chi. The airship landed "Gohan!!" yelled Chi-Chi as ran towards Gohan she jumped over Goku "GOHAN!! GOHAN!! ARE YOU OKAY!? WAKE UP!! YOUR MOM IS HERE!! WHAT AN AWFUL MESS THEY PUT YOU THROUGH!!" yelled Chi-Chi to Gohan "Gohan is fine but Kakarot is badly injured. You should go check on him" said Raditz "YOU POOR THING... BEING FORCED TO GO THROUGH THIS... YOU'RE NEVER LEAVING YOUR MOM'S SIDE EVER AGAIN!" said Chi-Chi "That's awful Kakarot is badly injured and she's even paying attention" said Raditz "Son Goku are you okay?" asked Bulma "This is brutal" said Master Roshi "S-sorry I let the Saiyan get away" said Goku "That's alright just chasin' him off is quite an accomplishment" said Korin "Vegeta was extremely strong.. I'm afraid everyone besides us had died in the battle" said Raditz "Even Yamcha? But we can bring them back in one year with the Dragon Balls!" said Bulma, Raditz shook his head in denial about their friends coming back." Piccolo was killed which means Kami is gone too... and without Kami we don't have the Dragon Balls anymore" said Goku Bulma was hoping it was a joke but the Z-Fighters gave her a reassuring look that it's not a joke "No way!! You you mean I'm never going to see him again!?" said Bulma as she started to cry "It's a shame if only Piccolo managed to survive" said Master Roshi "Are you sayin' you'd rather have Piccolo survive than me!? " yelled Yajirobe "That's enough everyone!! We need to get the hospital and quickly because I don't have any Senzu Beans left" said Korin.

Master Roshi carried Goku into the airship and Raditz Krillin and everyone else followed then the airship took off "The other's bodies are somewhere around here aren't they?" asked Master Roshi "A little further that way." replied Krillin "Don't cry Bulma... I know that things are looking pretty bad right now, but I have an idea... it might sound a little bit ridiculous, but just hear me out don't get your hopes up, but there's a chance that everyone the Saiyans killed can be brought back right Raditz?" said Krillin "That's correct on Piccolo's home planet there's another set of Dragon Balls with them we can bring our friends back" said Raditz. "Hold on a minute, I think that this is the place.. set it down here Master Roshi. We have to get everyone's bodies on board" said Krillin "Alright one more to go.. where is Chiaotzu's body!?" said Master Roshi "There isn't one, he blew himself up" said Krillin " I really hope we can bring them all back to life.. the way things are their sacrifice has been far too great" said Korin "Korin-Sama... all I can feel is anger at my helplessness" said Master Roshi "It's okay, I'll pilot us from here.. I've calm down a little" said Bulma.

Raditz Jr started to wake up "Raditz Jr!!" said Raditz happily seeing his son wake up "Relax! It's Dad! It's your Dad!" said Raditz "Dad?" said Raditz Jr confused "I'm proud of you Raditz Jr you fought so hard I'm so proud" said Raditz "What happened to Vegeta?" asked Raditz Jr "You could say he got away" said Krillin "But still we gave him a real run for his money didn't we!? He might never come back!" said Krillin "Where's Dad!?" asked Gohan "I'm back here Gohan... thanks to you guys, I somehow managed to survive" said Goku "That's great and all, but yer Goku's wife right? Stop worryin' about the kid and look after your husband" said Yajirobe "It's Goku's fault that Gohan had to go through this in the first place!! He didn't have to drag my boy into that!" yelled Chi-Chi "But the Earth was in danger" said Gohan "I don't care about the Earth I only care about your future!" said Chi-Chi. "Raditz do you think you could tell us about what you mention earlier?" asked Bulma "Vegeta and Nappa seemed to already know that there were Dragon Balls here on Earth. They probably heard about it through my scouter. Also they knew that they granted wishes. The entire time they were here I think they were trying to get the Dragon Balls so they could make a wish" said Raditz "You really think so?" asked Raditz Jr "But it's what they called Piccolo got my attention... they called him a Namekian and said Piccolo and Kami were aliens" said Raditz "That explains his face" said Yajirobe "Shut up!" said Master Roshi "The most important bit is what they said next... they said not only do Namekians have high power levels but some of them have the ability to use magic and if they go to a planet called Namek they might find Dragon Balls even powerful than the ones you have here " continued Raditz.

"That's right! I heard too! They said Namekians could make mysterious balls... " said Gohan "It's a big "if" but if we manage to get to Namek we just might be able to get our hands on more Dragon Balls" said Raditz "Oh I get it if we manage to do that we can wish back everyone killed today!" said Korin "Which means Piccolo can back!!" said Gohan "Exactly! If Piccolo comes back so will Kami! And we'd get the Dragon Balls back!" said Krillin "That's amazing! This must be crazy enough to work!!" said Krillin excitingly "Except it's not going to be that simple there's no way we could pull off something like that" said Bulma "Not even you?" asked Krillin "For one thing Krillin how are going to find out where this whatever-it's called planet is at?" said Bulma "Hey Kakarot don't you know King Kai?" asked Raditz "Yea King Kai can help if anyone knows where it is him!" said Goku "King Kai you heard us? Do you know where Planet Namek is?" asked Goku "Of course I know where Planet Namek is! They don't call me Kai for nothing!" said King Kai "That's amazing we can hear him too! So this is the great King Kai" said Roshi "King Kai everyone can hear you just fine go ahead" said Goku "Before I do allow me to congratulate you all for doing an excellent job! Once Son Goku and Raditz were beaten, I thought it was all over! That was really something!" said King Kai.

"Yea I'd be lying if I say I was surprised not even the Kaio-Ken could do anything against him" said Goku "I greatly miscalculated the Saiyan Vegeta's power I never knew he would be that strong" said King Kai "Maybe I was was wrong to let him go" said Goku "What you're talking about? You and Goku didn't really?" asked Roshi "I'll fill you on details later" said Raditz. "Let's see Planet Namek's location... to phrase it a way you'd understand on Earth it's at a bearing SU83 by 9O45XY" said King Kai "9045XY!?" exclaimed Bulma "You know where that is?" asked Roshi "Hey Turtle Hermit take over piloting for me I need to check something" said Bulma "I have a bad feeling about this" she said "If I recall correctly Planet Namek was once a beautiful place to live. But some time ago they went through a terrible bout of harsh weather... I thought all the Namekians died out at the time, but the planet is slowly restoring itself, but as whether or not there are any survivors... well I'm not certain" said King Kai "This is hopeless there ain't no way there are any Dragon Balls" said Yajirobe "Don't worry once I check on Planet Namek we'll know for sure.. now where is it? Ah found it! Now let's see here" said King Kai checking on Planet Namek "You know, in context this makes sense that must be why Kami or rather the Namekian who became Kami fled to Earth... Kami himself may forgotten all of this because he lost his memory or was too young to remember anything" said Korin "They're still alive!! The Namekians are still alive!! I can sense about a hundred of them on the planet alive and well!!" exclaimed King Kai.

"That's great!!" said Raditz "100 guys like him" said Yajirobe "Don't worry the Namekians are peaceful by nature much like Kami. The Namekian who became Kami and Demon King Piccolo must've been tainted by the evil influences of Earthlings he encountered during his formative years, forcing him to split from his evil half in order to become Earth's God" said King Kai "Good there's a possibility that Yamcha Tien Shinhan Kami can be wish back" said Raditz "You're being naive all of you are being naive" said Bulma "I figured out where Planet Namek is but just how are you planning to get there" she said "Well we'd use a spaceship of course" said Krillin "Like I was saying you're being too naive about this I just calculated how long it would take to arrive on Planet Namek using a spaceship with the best engine made by my Dad and a whopper of an number came back 4339 years and 3 months we'll have to live quite a while" said Bulma "4...339 years!?" said Raditz Jr

"King Kai what should we do?" asked Goku

The Z-Fighters had finally found a solution to their Dragon Ball problem Planet Namek!! But there's one problem they have no way of getting there. How will the Z-Fighters fix this problem found out next time in the next exciting chapter of Good of Raditz!!

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