Good of Raditz pt.29

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Last time on Good of Raditz the Ginyu Force had arrived and found the Z-Fighters and began their havoc with Guldo. Guldo caused trouble for the Z-Fighters, but Raditz stopped him short now it's Recoome's turn to fight the Z-Fighters, but he's going after Raditz and Vegeta. How will Raditz and Vegeta deal with Recoome? Find out in this exciting chapter of Good of Raditz!

Raditz stared at Recoome furiously while his power increased rapidly suddenly he charged at Recoome and punched him straight in the face causing him to go flying and Vegeta slammed him to the ground then Raditz grabbed Recoome and threw him into a plateau "DOUBLE SUNDAY!" yelled Raditz as he shot a giant Double Sunday at Recoome. The explosion almost devastated the battlefield "He won that fight in the blink of an eye! It's scary how strong Raditz gotten" said Krillin "It's a ki.. he's alive! He's alive!" said Raditz Jr in fear as the smoke cleared Recoome was still standing in one his poses "Hiii!" said Recoome "That's enough warm up exercise for me! Let's start playing for real!" he said "What a show off! Meanwhile we're the ones getting dusty" said Burter "RECOOME...KICK!" yelled Recoome as he charged at Raditz and kneed him in the face. Raditz recovered from the attack "I have a feeling this going to take awhile" said Raditz then he struggled to take off his shirt and when he threw on the ground it made a huge thud and he took off his wrist guards which also made thuds. "Raditz's power level just rose to 30,120!" said Burter as Raditz charged at Recoome and attacked him furiously, but Recoome was blocking all his attacks "Hey that's pretty good! You're better than I thought Raditz" said Recoome.

Recoome gave Raditz a giant Recoome elbow and Recoome was going to attack him again, but Raditz flew into the air and Recoome chased him. Recoome was already on top of Raditz and he kicked him to the lake soon Raditz shot out of the lake and hit Recoome really hard in his gut then Recoome grabbed him and prepared for a piledriver and he and Raditz were heading towards the ground! When the dust cleared all the Z-Fighters could see was Recoome standing over what appeared to be Raditz's body in the ground "Hey buddy you alright there?" said Recoome as he pulled Raditz out meanwhile Raditz Jr power level was increasing rapidly due to his anger "10,200 10,400, 10,600 10,800.. Whoah Raditz's brat power level jumped to 21,890!" said Burter "You haven't croaked on me yet have ya?" said Recoome suddenly Raditz shot a ki blast in Recoome's face causing him to fall to the ground suddenly Recoome sprang right up! "Alright! That's more like it! If you got anymore moves you wanna try now's the time to bust 'em out otherwise I'm going to go ahead and kill you know okay?" said Recoome ""Damn it Recoome is just wrecking my body I can't keep this up any longer... he's been playing with me like it was some kind of game" said Raditz to himself "YOUR LIFE IS MINE! TOH!" yelled Recoome as he pulled off yet another pose "Dad! I can't stand this anymore! I can't watch my Dad get beat up by Recoome anymore!" yelled Raditz Jr angrily as he was about to start charging towards Recoome, but Krillin stopped him "Let me go! I gotta help my Dad!" he yelled "Raditz Jr you'll get yourself killed your Dad can handle this on his own" said Krillin "Here comes my big finish!" said Recoome "RECOOME.. ERASER GUN!" he yelled as he shot a giant mouth energy wave towards Raditz "Dad!" shouted Raditz Jr as he moved his Dad out the way and Vegeta kicked Recoome in the back of the head closing his mouth on the blast. The blast caused a giant explosion in the distance "You're such a reckless child you're lucky it didn't hit you or you'll be dead" said Vegeta "That sneak attack was pretty good! That pop you gave me on top of the head made me close my mouth! And get a load of my teeth! I might just be a little upset about that! Hey Burter and Jeice! Do me a favor and let me take the little ones too! Okay? Huh? Okay?" said Recoome "Geez what a whiner!" said Jeice "Okay fine! Enjoy yourself, but later you're gonna to buy us chocolate parfaits!" said Burter "There you have it little maggots your all mine now!" said Recoome then he gave Krillin a giant Recoome Kick causing him to go flying across the ground. "Krillin!" yelled Gohan "My.. my bones, it only took one kick and know I can't get up I hate to say it but we're done for we can't stand up to them or even run away they've taken away the Dragon Balls as well" said Krillin "Now I done it ! I went and used too much power! And here I was hoping to toy around with him a little more!" said Recoome "I'll do much as I can.." said Gohan "No we'll do much as we can!" said Raditz Jr.

Meanwhile Nail who was told by the Grand Elder to go help the Z-Fighters, but he decided to ignore his orders and go back to the Grand Elder "Forgive me my duty is protect the Grand Elder " said Nail. Back at the battle Raditz Jr and Gohan were already badly damaged by Recoome then Raditz Jr and Gohan shot giant ki blasts at Recoome, but he blew it back! The blast almost hit the kids but luckily they dodged it suddenly Recoome appeared in front of them and punched them both. Meanwhile Frieza and Ginyu were standing in front of the glorious Dragon Balls "Great work Ginyu you've exceeded my expectations not only you found all seven Dragon Ball but you managed to find them quickly I was wise to call in the Ginyu Force" said Lord Frieza "I am truly honored Lord Frieza" said Captain Ginyu "At last will be mine! It's right here in the palm of my hand! What wonderful joy!" said Lord Frieza "Would you like me to perform the Dance of Joy?" asked Captain Ginyu "Perhaps you can do it for me next time" said Frieza. Jr and Gohan were weak from Recoome as he walked towards them "I can't be beaten by you.. you.." said Raditz Jr weakly. "Now let us began Dragon Balls! Grant I Lord Frieza my wish of eternal life and youth!" said Lord Frieza.

Recoome has started his attack on the Z-Fighters and he started his attack on Raditz and not even he can handle Recoome and with Raditz Jr's anger building up from his Dad beating will he end up saving the Z-Fighters? And with all seven Dragon Balls back in Frieza's hands will he get wish for eternal life!? Find out in the next exciting chapter of Good of Raditz!!

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