Good of Raditz pt.31

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Last time on Good of Raditz! Frieza could not summon the Namekian Dragon, enraged Frieza discovered a power level that belonged to none other than the Grand Elder! Now the Ginyu Force's powerhouse Recoome has been taken down by Raditz's son Raditz Jr! Soon after Son Goku has finally arrived on Planet Namek! Now Raditz and Son Goku must take on the Ginyu Force's duo Jeice and Burter. How will this fight turn out? Find out in this exciting chapter of Good of Raditz!

"Burter how 'bout we show those two what the infamous Ginyu Force can do!" said Jeice. Burter and Jeice got into a pose "LET'S GO!" shouted Burter and Jeice as the dashed towards Raditz and Goku "They've already won.." said Vegeta silently as Burter and Jeice stopped in front of Raditz and Goku. "You're going to see what happens when you underestimate the Gin-" said Jeice but he was stop short as Goku punched him square in the nose "AHHGNN! You bastard!" he yelled "Whatever you say, but you guys really do leave yourselves open" said Goku "WHAT YOU SAY!" yelled Jeice as he and Burter try to attack Raditz, but they blocked them both then Raditz punched Burter out the way and Goku kicked Jeice out the way. With Jeice and Burter confused on how could Raditz and Goku counterattack so fast then suddenly Goku blew them away "What the hell was that!? What did he just do!?" yelled Jeice "I-it was Kiai.. he sent them flying with a Kiai Push!" said Krillin "Do you think these guys aren't as strong as we thought?" asked Gohan"No it can't be these guys have same amount of ki as that Recoome guy. Maybe Goku gotten so strong he's making these guys look like pushovers" said Krillin "What the hell is going on!? His power level is unmistakably 5000" said Jeice confused "Yes that's it! Kakarot and Raditz raise their power level sharply in the exact moment when they attack. They must be holding every bit of energy until they need it. Since Raditz came back from a near death situation his power level has increased maybe it surpasses even mine!But much how power are they concealing? Just how much stronger have they gotten?" Vegeta thought to himself "This is starting to piss me off I can't continue to let these maggots make a fool out of me! Hey Jeice can you hear me? Fire your Crusher Ball at them knowing our speedy little friends here will probably dodge it and run away." said Burter "Yeah? Then what?" asked Jeice "What do you think? While they're busy dodging it I'll swing around and attack them both! I don't care how fast these two are I'm the fastest in the universe!" said Burter over the scouter "Gotcha! Can't believe these specks of dust are making us go through this!" said Jeice then he formed a giant red ki blast above his hand "CRUSHER!" he shouted "BALL!" shouted Jeice as he launched it towards Raditz and Goku "Heh heh now make your move" said Burter, but they stood there looking at the Crusher Ball "DAMN IT! HURRY UP AND DODGE IT!" yelled Burter and when the Crusher Ball gotten close Son Goku deflected it with his bare hand!

The Crusher Ball headed towards Burter, but he dodge it and when he looked at the brothers direction Goku was still there, but Raditz was missing "Where the hell Raditz go!?" said Burter panicked "BURTER BEHIND YOU!" shouted Jeice then Burter turned around and noticed Raditz behind him with a serious look on his face "Hey Burter" said Raditz "I'm the fastest in the universe! When did you?" said Burter "Well I guess you're the second fastest now" said Raditz "There's no way a Saiyan like you can be faster than me! I'm the fastest in the universe!" said Burter refusing to know that there's someone who faster than him. "Well I guess you're not the fastest anymore" said Raditz "Damn you! Doesn't matter you'll need more than speed to defeat me! I'll wear you down and once you slow down that's when you die" said Burter then he went for a quick punch but Raditz with even faster speed, Burter tried some kicks but Raditz dodged them all with arm crossed. "I HAD ENOUGH OF THIS! NO ONE CAN MAKE A FOOL OUT OF THE GINYU FORCE!" yelled Jeice as he charged at them "Hmhp I guess I have show you my power" said Raditz then he gotten Burter within a blink of an eye and kicked him clear across the sky, Raditz chased Burter and elbowed him in the back breaking his armor. Burter was heading towards the ground unconscious, Raditz caught him with one hand then threw him on the ground. "Hmhp I thought you were strong Burter or maybe did I get stronger?" said Raditz "WHAT YOU WAITING FOR FOOL!? FINISH THEM OFF!" shouted Vegeta "They're defeated already Vegeta there's no need for that!" said Raditz "H-how could this be? W-were the infamous Ginyu Force! We are five men unit comprised of the best from all over the universe! How can someone like him... it really is a nightmare they're wiping the floor with us and there's nothing we can do about it!" said Jeice scared then he flew off in the distance.

"Dad that was awesome what you did to Burter!" said Raditz Jr excited to see his Dad in action then suddenly Vegeta jumped in the air and kneed Burter in the throat killing him then he shot a giant ki blast towards Recoome killing him. "What's wrong with you!? There was no need for that! Raditz already defeated them!" said Goku "Your bleeding heart sentimentality makes me want to wretch. What were you thinking letting the last one get away like that!? With your newfound strength you've could've taken care of him without breaking a sweat" said Vegeta. Meanwhile Lord Frieza has found the Grand Elder's place "Hoho this must be it" said Frieza as he closed in on the peak. Back to the Z-Fighters Vegeta  just told Goku and Raditz about the legend of the Super Saiyan "Super Saiyan!?" exclaimed Goku"Vegeta is that just a legend? There's no way me and Kakarot are Super Saiyans" said Raditz "Either way you two are still no match for the power that is Frieza! Not unless you're immortal! Raditz already knows how ruthless and merciless Frieza, but you Kakarot you have no idea what Frieza's capable of!" said Vegeta "I don't want to sound like I'm bragging, but I think I've gotten pretty strong despite that you're telling me there's no way I can win against this Frieza guy?" said Goku "Yes that's right.. if you plan to fight him you'd best prepare for it Frieza's might is far greater than anything you can possibly imagine" said Vegeta

The Z-Fighters were overwhelmed by Goku and Raditz's new found strength as showed it while fighting against the Blue Hurricane and the Red Magma! Even more trouble is happening as Lord Frieza has found the Grand Elder's home what will happen next? And what is this Super Saiyan Vegeta is going on about? And will the Z-Fighters fight Jeice and Captain Ginyu? Find out in the next exciting chapter of Good of Raditz!

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