Good of Raditz pt.20

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Last time on Good of Raditz the Z-Fighters had already ran into trouble as their hopes of getting back to Earth was broken. But the the Z-Fighters had met a new Saiyan on Planet Namek and her name is Peper the wife of Raditz and the mother of Raditz Jr! What will happen next? Find out in this exciting chapter of Good of Raditz!

"Wait a minute Vegeta! I just had a great idea! Let's work together I can lend you a hand I never liked Lord Frie- I mean Frieza either,I swear" said Cui 'J-just think, Vegeta! if you and I teamed up with that kind of power level,i think we could handle Zarbon and Dodoria !" he added "Look at you spewing such blatant lies you are truly a pathetic and sickening bastard" said Vegeta "It's no lie Vegeta you have to believe me.. Ah Lord Frieza!!" said Cui ""What!?" said Vegeta "YOU FOOL!!" yelled Cui as he shot a barrage of ki blast at Vegeta "I don't care how big your power level is after taking a attack like that head on there's no way you're getting up again!" said Cui "You wish I have to admit, even for you that was a pretty dismal move I'm speechless" said Vegeta "If my power level has risen obviously my speed has improved as well! Which means little ruse of yours had only succeeded to piss me off!" said Vegeta. Cui was starting to get scared so he decided to try take off "I'm not letting you get away!" yelled Vegeta as he chased after Cui then he got in front of Cui then he punched him causing Cui to go flying then Vegeta blew him to bits! "Feh what a terrible firework.. thanks to his scouter Frieza must know what already happened. I believe I can handle Zarbon and Dodoria, but I'm still no match for Frieza. If the transmissions I picked up on the scouters between Frieza and his are true, these Dragon Ball things only work once if you have all seven of them which means I only have to collect one of them ... once they've gathered the remaining six I'll look for a opening and take them from right under his nose.. if anything goes according to plan and I steal them I'll finally gain eternal life and once I do defeating Frieza will no longer be a dream ! And with him gone no one will get my way! I'll be number one! " said Vegeta.

"Vegeta's rating at 24,000 is the real deal alright he just did Cui in without breaking a sweat" said Dodoria "It's no concern for now let's continue our search for the fifth Dragon Ball" said Lord Frieza "There are readings of Namekians over that direction" said a Soldier "Very well maybe they can tell us where the fifth Dragon Ball is. Make certain you don't let your guard down Vegeta isn't the only one out there" said Lord Frieza then him and his men took off for the fifth Dragon Ball. "Hurry up Bulma we gotta go before they find us" said Raditz "Can't you guys fly!? Just take me with you!" complained Bulma "Geez that lady does complain a lot" said Peper "But you get used to it" said Raditz Jr "Here's a good spot they won't spot us if we're in a cave" said Krillin "How long are we going to be stuck in a place like that?" complained Bulma "Guys do you sense any energy over there?" asked Raditz "It feels different than the one we felt earlier" said Krillin "TAKE COVER SOMEONE IS COMING FROM THAT DIRECTION!!" he yelled. The Z-Fighters hurried and took cover in the cave and soon many soldiers flew past including Lord Frieza "Gohan did you see him the weird one flying second to the front?" asked Krillin "That ki felt like Frieza's " said Raditz "Frieza?" asked Krillin "Yes Frieza the terror of the Universe I used to work for him he's so powerful not even Kakarot could defeat him. He also destroyed Planet Vegeta and he tried to cover it up by saying a meteorite caused the destruction of Planet Vegeta but I knew he caused it, but luckily Peper, Raditz and I were living on Frieza Planet no. 45, but it was unfortunate for all the Saiyans lost that day including my Mother and Father..." said Raditz

"They already have four Dragon Balls and they're heading for the fifth Dragon Ball now" said Bulma checking the Dragon Radar "Frieza must be gathering the Dragon Balls to make his wish knowing him it's probably for immortality so he can rule the universe for all eternity" said Raditz "Do you know the location Bulma?" asked Krillin "It's 14 kilometers that way" said Bulma "Peper don't worry me and Raditz Jr will go with Krillin and Gohan and we'll be back as fast we can" said Raditz "Okay be safe and don't let my baby get hurt or I'll hurt you!" said Peper "Don't worry Mom I'm strong I can handle myself " said Raditz Jr. Raditz Krillin Gohan and Raditz Jr moved quickly across the land towards the Dragon Ball. Back on Earth Son Goku was still recovering at the hospital "Oh still pushing yourself Son Goku?" said the Doctor "How many times have I told you if you keep this up be able to go home" he added laying Goku down "Hey ya doin' Goku?" said Master Roshi "Uhhh is Chi-Chi here?" he said "Nah she left" said Goku "This is for you a "get well" castella " said Master Roshi "About two hours ago I got a message from Bulma and the others" he said "Did they make it to Planet Namek?" asked Goku "Yes Goku they made it safely, but it seems they're not the only ones who have themselves there its seems the Saiyan Vegeta somehow followed them there! " said Master Roshi "Vegeta!? Are you serious!?" yelled Goku "And that's not all just a few moments ago I got a transmission from Turtle saying that I received another message from Bulma Vegeta's not alone there are at least ten of Vegeta's friends and they managed to wreck they came in so now they can't come back to Earth" said Master Roshi "That's awful!" said Goku "And to top it all off there's a guy with a stronger ki than Vegeta" said Roshi.

"Yo! You still alive?" said Yajirobe "Senzu Beans are finally ready but there are only a few of 'em Korin said to bring 'em to you" he said "Talk about perfect timing" said Goku happily "Here you go" said Yajirobe dropping a Senzu Bean in Goku's mouth and he flipped out of the hospital bed and broke the cast from his body! "I've been waiting for this moment! King Kai sent this to me from Other World it's my dogi!" said Goku "Alright I'm off to Planet Namek!" he said excitingly "I'm taking the rest of the Senzu Beans with me" he added "Namek? How are you going to get there?" asked Roshi "Bulma's Dad came to visit me I asked him if he could build a spaceship for me just in case " said Goku "Like the one Kami had?" asked Roshi "Well that one used stuff that couldn't be found on Earth, but I thought about it we have two Saiyan pods here the one Raditz used and the one I used as a kid! While Raditz's was blown up I remembered Raditz Jr had one too so Mr.Briefs took the two rebuilt and repaired" he said then he jumped out of the window then he yelled "Flying Nimbus!!" and the Nimbus carried him the Capsule Corp building.

After receiving newly harvested Senzu Beans Son Goku headed to the Capsule Corp building for his new spaceship he should be able to go to Planet Namek! What will to the Z-Fighters next? Find out next time on Good of Raditz!

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