Good of Raditz pt. 1 (Saiyan Saga)

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Gohan! Gohan where are you!" yelled Chi-Chi. Its been 5 five years of peace since the defeat of Demon King Piccolo jr, Goku was in woods training as usual when he heard the call of Chi Chi then he hurried home as fast as he can. "Hey Chi-Chi what's the matter?"asked Goku "I need you to find your son,you don't want to be late to Roshi's do you?" replied Chi-Chi "Oh yeah I'll find him" said Son Goku cheerfully then he went into the woods looking for his son "FLYING NIMBUS" he yelled and a yellow puffy cloud took him to the sky. Meanwhile in the woods Son Gohan was admiring a bird "Hey there little birdie you're pretty"said Gohan then the bird flew away"Wait don't go" said Gohan chasing the bird suddenly the log that Gohan was standing on fell over the cliff "Wah Daddy!!' he cried as the log fell into a rushing river. "Daddy Help! I don't wanna die!!"he yelled then the log fell over the waterfall "Don't worry Gohan" said Son Goku as he got there just in time but somehow Gohan was on a stick high above the waterfall "Oh thank you Daddy!! There was bird and I fell and there was a river and a waterfall I was so scared!!" said Gohan panickingly "Okay... Gohan how you get up here did cha jump?" said Son Goku "Umm I dunno know"said Gohan.

Meanwhile in space trouble has taken a new form and is heading towards Earth then the weird spaceship lands in a field near a farm "Wh-What was that?!" said a farmer "B-Better ch-check it out" he said as he went to the crash site "Holy crap its a meteorite" said the farmer as the hatch on the space pod opened "Wait its an space pod" said the Farmer as a man with long spiky hair that reached his heels and he wore some kind space armor complete with gauntlets and he two red bands on his left leg and left arm appeared in front of him . The Farmer prepared his rifle to shoot the scary newcomer "Hmph a power level of five"said the alien checking the device on his human like face "Don't move or I'll shoot" yelled the Farmer but the alien didn't care he took a step anyways, the Farmer shot at the alien Bang! the Farmer was on ground next to his truck."Stupid human, Kakarot should've taken care of them along time a go.. huh a huge power level in the west it must be Kakarot" said the alien as he flew in that direction. In the Badlands "Time for some training so I can finally defeat Son Goku"said Piccolo suddenly the alien appeared in front of him "Tch you're not Kakarot"said the alien "What if I was,was is it to you?" Piccolo remarked "Wanna be that way huh" said the alien "Hah!" yelled Piccolo as he shot a ki blast at the alien and when the smoked cleared the alien was still standing unscratched "That was a nice attempt to tickle me.. now watch as use my signature move I like to call Double... what another power level that must be Kakarot" said the alien as flew towards high power level "I'm coming Kakarot!". On Kame Island "Hello There!" yelled Goku "Hey that's Goku" said Krillin"Nice to see you again Goku" said Master Roshi "Hey Goku are you babysitting?" asked Bulma "No that's my son Gohan" said Son Goku as his friends had shock on their faces "Wow I didn't know you had it in you" said Roshi "What's your name" asked Krillin "My name Son Gohan.. I'm four"replied Gohan "Hi Son Gohan what do you want to be when you grow up?"asked Bulma "I wanna be a scholar" answered Gohan "Ha..What's that?" said Son Goku with a serious look on his face "What's the matter Goku? asked Krillin "A huge power level comin' our way" replied Goku "I feel it too" said Krillin suddenly the alien appeared in the sky then he landed on Kame Island "Ah the person I was looking for,Kakarot" said the alien "There's nobody here of that name" said Goku "that's you Kakarot" said the alien pointing at Goku " And we'll kill the inhabitants here and sell this planet because that's what we do brother" said the alien "Brother!!" yelled everyone on the island "Quit your lying! I don't have a brother!" yelled Goku "Goku there's some truth behind your alien origins, long time ago your Granpa Gohan told me that he found a strange pod and next to it a baby. Gohan took that baby home and he was a rowdy child. One day the child fell into a ravine and hit his head Grandpa Gohan took the child home to recover any normal child would have died but he survived after the incident he became the nicest child in the world" said Master Roshi "And that child was me huh?" asked Goku "Mhm hm" nodded Roshi "If Goku is really an alien then why is he here?" asked Krillin "That's simple we Saiyans are usually sent to other planets to kill its inhabitants and sell to the highest bidder and we sometimes send saiyan children to weaker planets like this one" said the alien "Also Kakarot is one of few surviving Saiyans along with me his brother Raditz" he added " Ah! Kakarot what happened to your tail!!"yelled Raditz "I got rid of it a long time ago"said Son Goku "You fool you realized you lost your true power no wonder you're so soft on these pathetic weaklings" said Raditz as looked at Gohan "Hey is that you're son Kakarot" asked Raditz "No he's not" replied Goku "Don't lie Kakarot I can see the Saiyan in him" said Raditz walking closer "Don't get any closer!" yelled Goku but Raditz ignored him stepped closer and he kneed Goku in the gut then he grabbed Gohan "Kakarot I want you to kill 100 humans by tomorrow and I don't want to hurt my nephew but I will if I have to " said Raditz "Goku will never do that!" yelled Master Roshi " He will because he's a Saiyan and if he want his son back" said Raditz as he went to the air and flew away. "FLYING NIMBUS!!" yelled Goku "Goku you can't do it you're hurt" said Krillin "But I can't sit here and do nothing I need to do something" said Goku "You can't do it alone!" yelled a voice from above then the mysterious person landed "Piccolo!!" yelled everyone "I can't let that alien get in the way of my plan for world domination but for now you guys need my help defeating the threat" said Piccolo "We could and we'll need to team up to stop him and after this I'll defeat you" said Goku "Bulma hand me the Dragon Radar" Bulma handed Goku the Dragon Radar "There he stopped come on Piccolo" said Goku as he hopped on the Nimbus "Hey Piccolo you think you can keep up with my Flying Nimbus?" said Goku "I have a better way of traveling then your silly little cloud"said Piccolo.

Will this temporary team up with Son Goku and Piccolo be enough to stop the new threat? Find out next time in Good of Raditz pt.2

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