Good of Raditz pt. 23

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Last time on Good of Raditz the Z-Fighters were getting chased by Dodoria, but luckily the Z-Fighters got away soon Dodoria's life was cut short by Vegeta who was even powerful than before. The Z-Fighters had saved a Namekian child from the destruction of this village. What will happen next? Find out in this exciting chapter of Good of Raditz!

Vegeta was still flying around looking for the next Namekian village holding a Dragon Ball "Muhaha There's no doubt about it! I feel about twenty sizeable power levels all clustered together! It's a Namekian village it has to be!!" said Vegeta as he flew down to the Namekian village. "Now that Frieza and his men lost their scouters I'm free to do what I want without attracting unwanted attention!" he said " The villagers are still alive meaning Frieza hasn't touch this village" he said as he spotted the village. The villagers were enjoying a peaceful time until Vegeta landed "Is the village elder here? I've have come to take the Dragon Ball off your hands" said Vegeta "I am the Elder. Tell me why you seek the Dragon Balls." said the Namekian Elder "That's none of your concern just hand it over and quickly! It is here right?" said Vegeta "Leave us. I cannot allow you to have our Dragon Ball. I sense much evil in you" said the Namekian Elder "Then you will die!" said Vegeta. Meanwhile at the Capsule House Krillin was filling Bulma in with the details while Raditz Jr and Raditz enjoy Peper's cooking "Oh Peper I missed your cooking!!" said Raditz with a mouthful "You should try this it's great!!" said Raditz Jr to the Namekian child "We do not eat things like this.. we get by simply on water" said the Namekian child. "Weird your village had some kind of vegetables growing" said Raditz "No those are Ajisa sprouts.. long ago before the abnormal weather occurred Namek was said to be a beautiful world covered in Ajisa trees.. however most of the Ajisa forest and Namekians had died out. We're trying to make Namek beautiful once again by planting more Ajisa trees" said the Namekian child "Oh that's depressing.. by the way what's your name?" asked Raditz Jr "Dende.. who exactly are you people?" said Dende then Gohan sensed something strange "Could that be!?" said Gohan then he ran outside and the rest followed "A lot ki is disappearing one by one" said Raditz "More Namekians are being killed!" said Gohan "That makes me even more angry!!" said Raditz Jr "And it's someone we know very well.. Vegeta!" said Krillin "I don't know if Vegeta or Frieza are working together, but we can not let either of them get the Dragon Balls and wish for eternal life that could result to the end of the universe" said Raditz "If we could find and hide at least one of the Dragon Balls, they won't be able to gather all seven" said Bulma "We can't! If we were they'd keep searching until they've killed every Namekian on the planet" said Gohan "It's terrible no matter which way it turns out.. even if Goku gets here there's no guarantee he'll be able to beat them " said Krillin "P-please tell me about yourselves where have you come from and how do you know about the Dragon Balls?" said Dende.

Meanwhile at the Namekian village Vegeta was killing many helpless Namekians "I have a distinct feeling you aren't going to give me the Dragon Ball " said Vegeta "You horrible monster why are you doing this? I be damned if I hand it over to you!" said the Namekian Elder "You are one stubborn old man alright suit yourself, I'll find it on my own" said Vegeta then he shot a ki blast at the Namekian Elder "Alright where to begin?" said Vegeta. Back at the Z-Fighters location "As it turns out he was a Namekian who escaped to Earth ... we figured since he created our Dragon Balls we'd find more of them here and be able to wish back our fallen friends" said Krillin "I see... so that's what's going on.. I understand who you are now... please come with me!! I'll take you to see the Grand Elder!" said Dende. "I thought they'd least try to hide it , but there it was on grand display" said Vegeta with a Dragon Ball in his hand then he just threw it in the lake "Submerging it here will ensure it stays hidden from anyone else who may want to find it." said Vegeta.

"Dodoria should've returned by now .. could he be still chasing after those unusual runts?" said Zarbon "It's no importance if the fool can't catch those children and Raditz and his brat. Forget about him go and search for the remaining Dragon Balls" said Frieza. "Yes sir as you wish if we search the remaining villages the Dragon Balls should be there " said Zarbon "Then I should take the five we already have and wait for you back at the ship" said Frieza then Zarbon and a Frieza Soldier left looking for the Dragon Balls soon Frieza left for his ship. Back at the Z-Fighters location "Who's the Grand Elder?" asked Bulma "The one who gave birth to us all here on Namek. He is the sole survivor of climatic anomaly long ago, who has once more gave vitality to Namek. I am the Elder's 108th child" said Dende "You said he was the sole survivor? How exactly do you guys have children?" asked Bulma "How? We lay eggs out of our mouths" replied Dende "Oh of course how else? So then the Grand Elder is a woman right?" said Bulma "What's a woman?" asked Dende "There's two kinds of Namekians right? One male and one female" said Bulma "Two kinds...n-no" said Dende "Enough talking about Namekian genders, Dende could you please tell us why go meet the Grand Elder?" said Raditz "The people who attacked our village already collected four Dragon Balls and you said a lot of people were killed in that direction correct?" said Dende "Vegeta had wiped them out already" said Raditz "There aren't many Namekians left on this world " said Dende "If Vegeta found the Dragon Ball that means there's only one any chance does the Grand Elder have the last one?" said Raditz "Yes! " said Dende "Damn it! Frieza and his men may have lost their scouters, but Vegeta figured out how to sense ki! If searches for the Grand Elder he'll steal the Dragon Ball!" said Krillin "Then we must warn the Grand Elder at once!!" yelled Dende.

"Please show us the way Dende" said Raditz "Vegeta will sense our ki if we fly how long will it take if we walk?" said Krillin "30 days" replied Dende "30 days!? Then we have no choice" said Krillin. Krillin , Raditz and Dende left for Grand Elder "We'll get the Dragon Ball and come back here" said Raditz "Please come back to me safely Raditz!!" yelled Peper. Meanwhile at in space Son Goku was still training as he headed towards Planet Namek "Alright I got the hang of 20x gravity I guess I'll try 30x normal gravity" he said "Goku! Goku can you hear me!?" said a voice in his head "Hey I know that voice! Is that you King Kai?" said Goku "That's right! Is that outer space you're in right now? Why you're out there? Oh I get it now you're heading towards Planet Namek" said King Kai "Yea I am I'm surprised you didn't know" said Son Goku "Something terrible is happening on Namek " he said "Something terrible eh? I'll have you tell me the later, but it happens I have a few visitors with me" said King Kai "What about them?" asked Goku "These guys are something else! They cleared Snake Way and arrived here in less the time than you did! And there's four of them" said King Kai "I'm pretty sure you know them quite well" he added "You mean they made it to your place at the same time King Kai?" said Goku "Do you mind if I talked to Goku" said Yamcha "Yo! Goku can you hear me? We ran into the dead Kami here in Other World and he told us about this place! We hear you're heading to Piccolo's home planet to look for their Dragon Balls so you can bring us back to life" said Yamcha "King Kai said there were four of you so Yamcha is Tien Shinhan Piccolo and Chiaotzu there with you?" asked Goku "Yea everyone is here" replied Yamcha "Feh.. as if I would let myself sit at the sidelines and let everyone get stronger than me" said Piccolo "I thought Chiaotzu was blown to bits!" exclaimed Goku "Kami was able to recreate his body just for him" said Yamcha "Goku you mentioned something terrible was happening" said King Kai "The Saiyan Vegeta had arrived on Planet Namek looking for the Dragon Balls as well, but luckily Vegeta doesn't even know they're there, but that's not half of it there's a bunch of strong guys there too and they're looking for the Dragon Balls too" said Goku "I'll check on Planet Namek for you" said King Kai "There's a huge ki!! Now to see where it's coming from... IT'S FRIEZA!!!!" said King Kai

Vegeta had gotten his hands on a Dragon Ball decreasing the Z-Fighters chance of ever getting a Dragon Ball, but luckily Dende the Namekian child that the Z-Fighters saved came up with a solution the Grand Elder who is the creator of the Namekian Dragon Balls. Will the Z-Fighters be worthy of receiving the Dragon Ball from the Dragon Ball from the Grand Elder? Find out in the next exciting chapter of Good of Raditz!

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