Good of Raditz pt.8

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Last time on Good of Raditz the Z-Fighters had lost Yamcha and Chiaotzu then Tien had gave his life to help the Z-Fighters but he's efforts were useless as Nappa was still alive. How will the Z-Fighters defeat the Saiyan brute? Keep on reading to find out.

"Goku where are you!!! We need you!!" shouted Krillin Nappa charged at the Z-Fighters "Nappa wait!!" Said Vegeta and Nappa frozen in mid air."Wait this Goku you speak of you mean Kakarot and you say he's stronger than us?" "Yea and he'll destroy you both!!" Yelled Krillin "Fine we'll wait 3 hours for this Kakarot and if he doesn't arrive Nappa will destroy you all" said Vegeta "Forget that I say they die now!!" Yelled Nappa as he went after the Z-Fighters. "Nappa do you really want to defy me!!" Yelled Vegeta "Oh yeah sorry Vegeta " replied Nappa "The battle will resume after three hours whether Kakarot is here or not " said Vegeta.

The Z-Fighters and the Saiyans took a break from the battle "Oh come on Piccolo give him a break its his first time in a battle. That's scary as it is" said Krillin sorry for Gohan "Well I'm more angry for myself to count on him what a waste of time go home you'll only slow us down " said Piccolo. "Oh come on Vegeta I was beginning to have fun now I'm bored " whined Nappa "Calm down use your willpower it be a much better show after 3 hours Hm hm hm" said Vegeta. Meanwhile in the Other World Goku is making the perilous journey back to King Yemma's office to meet up with Kami. On Earth during the break the Z-Fighters worry about Goku's arrival "Ugh I can't stand this why are we waiting for?" Asked Nappa " We'll teach Kakarot a lesson he had a choice to join us but he betrayed us and forgot what it was like being a Saiyan therefore he must be punished" said Vegeta. "We'll wait for Kakarot to show he's cowardly face then he'll watch in horror as we kill his son and his friends." Said Vegeta "And after he sees the price of his betrayal we'll have fun ripping him apart." He added " I like the way you think Vegeta that's a great plan" said Nappa " But it all depends on if he shows up or not." Said Vegeta.

Krillin was pacing back and forth as he worried about the battle "What's the matter Mr.Krillin" asked Raditz Jr. "Oh nothing it's just that I'm worry about rather if Goku will show up in time or not" said Krillin "I'm pretty sure Kakarot is on his way as we speak" said Raditz. Raditz was right about Son Goku being on his way. "Ha.." "What's the matter Kami-Sama?" asked Mr.Popo " Its Goku he arrived at King Yemma"s checkpoint" replied Kami "You better hurry" "Right" Kami teleported to King Yemma's "Come on Goku there's no time to lose" said Kami as Goku grabbed on to him and they teleported back to the Lookout. Son Goku jumped off the Lookout head first. At the battlefield the Z-Fighters and the Saiyans were still waiting for Goku's arrival "Hurry Kakarot with your help we might have a chance against Vegeta and Nappa" Raditz thought to himself "Is there something wrong Dad?" asked Raditz Jr. looking at his Father's worried face "Hm? Oh nothing" said Raditz "Dad will Uncle Kakarot get here in time?" asked Raditz Jr. "He will and when he does we'll surely beat Vegeta and Nappa" said Raditz.

Goku was falling past Korin's Tower "Hey Korin have any Senzu Beans left?" Asked Goku "Yea sure take my last three ha!" said Korin as he threw three small beans at Goku "FLYING NIMBUS!!" Yelled Goku as he zoomed towards the Z-Fighters rescue. Meanwhile on the battlefield "Hmm times up " said Vegeta checking his scouter " I guess he's scared" he added " My dad isn't a coward" yelled Gohan "Raditz and Krillin you're the decoys keep him from me as long as possible" said "Raditz Jr and Gohan I want you to attack when I grab his tail" said Piccolo " Right!" said Krillin and Raditz as they charged at Nappa the they went to the air and Piccolo grabbed Nappa's tail "You bastard!" yelled Nappa Raditz Jr and Gohan charged but Nappa elbowed Piccolo in the head "Hey don't die on us now we need you to tell us about the Dragon Balls" said Nappa laying Piccolo down then Nappa charged at Gohan and Raditz Jr but Krillin stopped him "Ha ha looks like you have some tricks up your sleeve " laughed Vegeta "You like that huh? Then you'll like this" said Krillin as started to charge up his attack then energy started to form in his hand and it made a giant disk like energy "Destructo-Disk!! he yelled as he threw the energy disk at Nappa "Heh heh" laughed Nappa as he prepared to block the Destructo Disk.

" Nappa watch out!!" yelled Vegeta "Huh?" Nappa was slightly scratched by the Destructo Disk " Oh you're making me so mad!!" yelled Nappa as he was about to throw a ki blast at Krillin but Piccolo stopped him by throwing a ki blast at his back. "Ah my back!! You scorched my back!!"yelled Nappa "Ha ha what's the matter Nappa you bite more than you can chew!?" laughed Vegeta. " Why you little.." "Don't worry Mr.Piccolo let me take him on he won't kill you because without you the Dragon Balls won't work right? said Raditz Jr "Kid I'm not letting you take him on by yourself" said Piccolo "Ha! Raditz's kid you must be weak like your Father Ha Ha!!" laughed Nappa. "How dare you talk about my son like that!!" yelled Raditz as he charged at Nappa but he was stopped short by Nappa's elbow in his gut. Raditz fell hard to the ground "Dad!! You bully how dare you hurt my Dad!!" said Raditz Jr as he kicked Nappa into a plateau Nappa got up and he was pissed " Okay kid play time is over NOW YOU DIE!!" yelled Nappa "Hah! Its Goku! He's on his way!!" exclaimed Piccolo "Yeah I can feel him too" said Gohan "Kakarot..." said Raditz"Hey Vegeta are they bluffing or are we going to see some real action?" said Nappa "Hah! Whatever it is its coming this way!!" said Vegeta checking his scouter.

With Goku closing in on his friends and family's rescue the Z-Fighters might have a bigger chance of defeating the terrible Vegeta and Nappa but will he get there in time or will he come to the Z-Fighters corpses? Find out next time on Good of Raditz pt. 9!!

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