Good of Raditz pt.10

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Last time on Good of Raditz Goku has finally arrived to save the Z-Fighters from Nappa's massacre! But will Goku's strength be enough alone? Keep reading to find out in this exciting chapter of Good of Raditz!

Goku was continuing to beat up Nappa as he knocked Nappa down to the ground but Goku got the ground first "This is for Yamcha!!" yelled Goku as he kicked Nappa to a rock and the rock crumbled on him. Nappa jump from the rumble and was pissed "Augh I hate you!!" said Nappa as he threw a rock at Goku but Goku dodged it. "You hate losing you're not use to fighting someone stronger than you" said Goku "You not stronger than me you little runt your power level was measured when you were a baby your a third class Saiyan I'm a Elite you low class dog!!" yelled Nappa "Nappa don't be a fool calm down how can you fight if you're so angry you can't see straight!" said Vegeta. Nappa took a deep breath "Alright Kakarot time for round two" said Nappa "Hmhp hey Raditz want to take it from here?" said Goku " Sure Kakarot I take it from here" replied Raditz as he walked towards Nappa. "Ha crybaby Raditz won't defeat me" said Nappa "Kakarot and Raditz's power levels had a increased a lot since a year ago Nappa doesn't know what he's in for" said Vegeta to himself as Nappa started to power up "Hmmp looks like Nappa is getting serious" said Raditz the Nappa flicked his fingers to execute his Volcanic Explosion but Raditz escaped it "Ha you can't escape!!" yelled Nappa then he tried to attack Raditz but Raditz dodge it.

Raditz and Nappa's punches were colliding with each other "Hm Nappa we haven't had a good match in a while" said Raditz "Hmhp that was a taste of my power now how you like this" said Nappa as he opened his mouth " Ah the Nappa Cannon he hasn't used that attack in a while Kamehameha!!" said Raditz as he hit the blast with his own the collision caused wind and dust to blow over Vegeta and the Z-Fighters "How did he do so fast the old Raditz couldn't do that before" said Vegeta "I didn't know Dad was that strong" said Raditz Jr after the dust cleared Nappa was surprised to see that Raditz was still standing "That move wasn't as powerful as I remembered" said Raditz "Alright Nappa you're done!! Come down here!" yelled Vegeta Nappa looked at him funny "Don't look at me like that you haven't landed a single punch on these two!" he added "That's just great that was just a warm up looks like the other guy knows what he's doing" said Krillin "I believe my Dad and Uncle Kakarot can beat those jerks!" said Raditz Jr "I said its my turn now get down here!!" said Vegeta as Raditz and Nappa looked him "Well the fun's over Vegeta is going to enjoy killing you and your pathetic brother since you already know that Vegeta is the only one who can stop me and that he's also stronger and faster than us I can't wait to see you fail. It's too bad he won't let me help finish you off" said Nappa as he flew down. "Mhm now what can I do for fun?" he said as he looked at Gohan, Krillin and Raditz Jr then he charged at them!

"Raditz Jr no!! Krillin and Gohan run!!" yelled Raditz then he raced after Nappa "I'm not going to make it!" said Raditz and he rammed into Nappa's back full speed then went around and he and Nappa both on the ground with Nappa on his hand! "Whoa Raditz has gotten stronger!" said Goku surprised to his brother's strength, Raditz then threw Nappa at Vegeta " I..I..I can't move my legs" said Nappa weakly "Wow Raditz you really hurt that guy" said Krillin "Dad that was amazing! how you do it?!" said Raditz Jr " Vegeta Nappa isn't going to get up so I suggest you go away and leave this planet alone" said Raditz. " As usual I'll have to do everything myself" said Vegeta "Veg-Vegeta give me your hand I can't get up" said Nappa sticking his hand out to Vegeta then Vegeta grabbed his hand " Thank you.." said Nappa "Heh heh its the least I can do" said Vegeta tightening his grip then he threw Nappa straight into the air " Maybe you won't be a such disappointment when.. you're dead!!" said Vegeta as he started to charge up "Goodbye" he said then he shot a beam towards Nappa and the beam struck him hard " Veg-Vegeta no! Vegeta no!! Ahh!!" yelled Nappa as he disintegrated in blast. The Z-Fighters were in the air after the blast "I can't believe it he just completely obliterated his teammate" said Krillin as Goku was surprised at Vegeta's power.

"Gohan, Raditz Jr and Krillin its time for you to go back to Roshi's place" said Goku "I..I see Gohan listen to your Dad" said Krillin "But I..I can't " said Gohan "Don't you get it! These Saiyans are on whole nother league! They can use against your Dad if they get a hold of us" said Krillin. "Daddy is that true?" asked Gohan "Yes it is Gohan and its better if me and Raditz took care him" said Goku "Oh Goku don't try to grab his tail we already tried that yea Piccolo grabbed the big guy's tail and he got hammered pretty bad for it. They all fought so hard and they fallen I guess we didn't have it what it took to beat them" said Krillin. " Well I guess I'll have to finish this myself" said Goku "No Kakarot we'll take take care of him as Brother and Brother" said Raditz "Don't worry you'll make it back home after what I seen there's nothing that can stop you two" said Krillin. "You can waste your time with pathetic goodbyes but you're simply postponing the inevitable" said Vegeta

Now its up to Raditz and Goku to defeat the evil Prince Vegeta but will they be enough to stop this Saiyan Prince? Find out next time on Good of Raditz pt.11!!

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