Chapter 31

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Andrei Volkov

She can't be for real!

I know she has been through a lot and that she is a strong person but why would ahe risk it all just to safe us?

We only got her back.

I can't loose her again.


Mateo Volkov

Fucking hell.

I can't ket her go through with this.

She's going to be hurt.

What if I loose her again?

I don't think I could handle it.

Nikolay Volkov

I just wanted her to be happy and now this?

Why would she do this to herself?

I just got my princess back....

Maxim Volkov

My heart broke when she said she would go back there just to safe us.

I can't loose her.

It would destroy me.


Amelia Volkov

It has been a day since I told them what plan to do.

They are still pretty pissed at me.

I get it.

I just found them again and now I voluntarily think about going back there. The possibility that I won't makr it out alive is pretty damn high but I need to risk it.

It's still 3 weeks until the ball so I need to spend as much time as possible with them in case I really don't make it out alive.


Today is also my first date with Aiden and I'm pretty excited.

Maybe I can get my mind off the things for a few hours and just enjoy a normal teenage life.

Even if it's just for a few hours.

The time went by pretty fast and noe it was already 5 pm so I started getting ready for my date. Aiden said he would pick me up at 6 pm and to wear something comfortable.

I showered, did my make up, brushed my teeth, braided my hair and am now standing in my closet trying to find suitable clothes for a date.

After a while I decided to wear a emerald green silk dress with my nike air force. I put on some rings, a gold necklace and gold matching earrings.

I packed my purse anf headed downstairs as soon as I heard the doorbell.

My brothers and Aiden already waited for me as I descended the stairs.

Aiden looked damn hot and the way he was eying me was nearly unbearable.

"Take care of her" Andrei commanded him as we were about to leave.

"If she is unhappy by the time she gets home I will have my fun with you in our basement, mate" Maxim sneered.

"Understood" Aiden countered.

He opened the car door for me and helped me inside.

"You look gorgeous, amore" he said as he looked at me.

"Thank you. You look pretty handsome" I answered shyly.

We listened to Arctic Monkeys on the way. He didn't tell me where we would go so I'm looking forward to it.

10 minutes into the drive I decided to be bold and took his hand and placed it on my thigh.

He smirked as he gave my thigh a squeeze. The way he tried so hard to keep looking at the road in front of us was turning me on so goddamn much.

As he opened the door for me he told me to close my eyes which I did.

I couldn't believe my eyea as I opened them after a short walk.

This damn man.

We were at the cliff he took me 2 weeks ago. He set up some blankets and food and candles where everywhere. He even laid rose rose petals around the whole place.

"It's perfect" I said impressed as I hugged him.

That man makes me do things, I swear.

He smiled at me and lead me to the blankets. We had a beautiful overview of the city in front of us.

We ate and talked and laughed for hours. It was simply a perfect first date. I couldn't be any happier.

I noticed him staring at me so I turned to face him.

"Is there something on my face?" I asked self-conscious.

"You are beautiful" He stated honestly.

I felt my cheeks redden at his comment.

"Thank you" I mumbled.

"I really like you, Amelia" He continued.

"I really like you too, Aiden" I said now looking him in the eyes.

I noticed his eyes wandering to my lips and then back up to my eyes as I did the same.

"May I kiss you, amore?" He asked shyly.

"Yes" I simply said because I really wanted to taste him. I wanted to know how his lips would feel on mine.

He cupped my face amd leaned closer to me before connecting our lips in a slow and passionate kiss.

I leaned into his touch as my handa wrapped around his neck in order to pull him even closer.

If we didn't have to catch our breath, I'm pretty sure we would continue this kiss.

"Damn" he muttered as he tried to compose himself.

I don't know what he did to me but I felt the urge to kiss him again. So I did.

Without a second thought I cupped his face and crashed our lips together again. He was slightly taken aback but he soon wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me onto his lap.

The slow, passionate kiss turned into a heated one in a matter of seconds. He licked my bottom lip, asking for permission to enter my mouth which I denied. He grabbed my ass which made me gasp, he took this opportunity and let our tongues fight for dominance. I submitted to him completely and let the passion take over me. I slowly grinded my hips on him. He groaned at this and guided my hips with his hands. I let out small moans at the feeling of him.

God this feels amazing.

I needed to breath so I broke the kiss. I leaned my forehead to his and stroke his cheek as he hugged me to his body.

"Was this alright?" he asked still breathless.

"More than alright, but thank you for asking" I said sweetly. I loved how he always asked me if I was uncomfortable or if it was okay to touch me. This means so much to me.

We stayed in this position for a while until we decided that we should go home. We spent the ride home in a comfortable silence. His hand found it's place on my thigh which he squeezed occasionally.

The little gesture made me smile.

I wish this would last forever.


End of chapter <3

In the next couple of chapters there will be some spicy scenes ;)

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