Chapter 4

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Amelia Volkov

As we reached the mansion, I quickly went to my room and grabbed 2 suitcases and a bag. In my first suitcase I packed all of my clothes and in the second one I put all my essentials like make up und bra's etc. I  hid in my guns and knives in there too.
I couldn't leave without my babies ;)
I decided that I would put my gun into the waistband onto the back of my jeans.

In my bag I put my phone charger, sleeping pills, painkillers and laptop.

After I got everything I meeded, I started heading downstairs. Officer Santiago waited in the living room, so that's where I headed.

I said my goodbyes to my favorite guards and finally left that hell for good.

It didn't take long until we were back at the police station. My brothers would pick me up tomorrow morning so officer Santiago arranged a hotel room for me to stay in.

The hotel was a really nice place and I enjoyed the short time I was there.

After a sleepless night, officer Santiago picked me up at 8 a.m. and brought me yet again to the station.

I made myself comfortable on the sofa in her office and waited until my brothers arrived.

Is my live really going to change?


Shut up. I mean if it's going to be better. Do you think thes will like me?

Don't get your hopes up. Your mother didn't like you either.


A knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts.

As I turned around there were two large men standing in the doorway. They kinda looked like me. Both had dark hair and similar eye colors. Both of them were probably around 6'6 or 6'7, muscular but what catches my eyes is something else.
An untrained eye wouldn't see them only if you would look close enough, but I grew up with that kind of shit so the guns they were carrying caught my attention.
I scanned the both men and discovered that each carried a gun on their right ankle and a gun on the right side of their hips.

Why were they armend?
I mean sure it could be for protection purposes but each of them, 2 guns?
That's unusual.

As I looked up to their faces again I could see how much emotions they held.

Sadness. Happiness. Love. Adoration.
To name a few.

I didn't understand why they would look at me like that, I mean I don't even know who they are and they certainly don't know me either.

But something felt strangely familiar.

I could feel the powerful aura which was radiating from both of them.

They looked intimidating. But not that it would scare me.

Both of them were tattooed, and it looked really good.

I, myself have a few tattoos but on places noone could see, unless they saw me naked or with very little clothing, which I always tried to avoid.

The one on the right cleared his throat to get my attention. "Hey Amelia, I'm Nikolay amd I'm your 3rd oldest brother. This one is Andrei, he is the oldest brother" Nikolay said as he motioned to the one on the left.

"Hey" I said as confidently as I could.

Don't you dare show any weaknesses in front of them.

"We are going to take you to New York with us after we complete all the paperwork here" Andrei stated, no emotion in his voice.

"Sure" I answered with an equally emotionless tone.

Both of them looked taken aback, but they were quick to cover it up.
I internally smiled at their reaction.

After they finished signing the papers, all three of us headed to the airport.

I honestly fought, from the way they were dressed, we would just simply fly first class, but I was sooo wrong.
As we reached the airport there was a whole ass jet in front of us.

They both chuckled at my complete surprised reaction and I quickly swiped my face of any emotion.

Inside the jet there was a fucking bedroom, a lounge, bathroom and whatsoever.

I made myself comfortable in a single seat beside the window, in hope they wouldn't sit next to me. And thank the lords they sat far away from me, probably knowing that I wouldn't want to talk.

I was surprised as a sudden wave of tiredness washed over me, so I swallowed some painkillers and a sleeping pill, because it wouldn't look that good if they witnessed me screaming in my sleep on the first day of our encounter.

My eyes kept closing but I didn't quite trust that I will be safe with them, so i fought the sleep as hard as I could, even after I took the sleeping pill.

"It's okay, принцесса, go to sleep, you are safe" that's all it took for me to fall into a deep, dream less slumber.



I woke up to someone gently shaking my shoulders and to my surprise I didn't even flinch back.

That was new...
It's weird but I didn't feel in danger but somehow I felt safe?

"Good morning, принцесса. You need to get up. We already landed in New York, ok?" Nikolay told me sweetly.


After rubbing my eyes, in hope my sleepy state would go away, I slowly stood up and got out of the jet. There was already a black G wagon waiting for us.

The drive to the house was just filled with some light conversations to get to know each other better.

I liked talking to both of them, they didn't ask too many questions and it was refreshing have a somewhat normal conversation with someone except Jay and Damien.

Oh fuck.

I totally forgot about them.

As we reached the house, yeah ok cancel the house part it was a freaking mansion. Way bigger than the one I lived in.

My suspicion about them being involved in the underground where confirmed by the heavy security which surrounded the whole place.

Nikolay took my two suitcases as we got out of the car and headed to the front door.

"Don't freak out but Maxim and Mateo are very energetic." I only nodded to Andrei's warning.

"Ready?" I wanted to say no but it was too late because Andrei already opened the door.


Amelia VolkovWhere stories live. Discover now