Chapter 28

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Amelia Volkov

The remaining week went by pretty fast and it was already weekend. During the week I had a mission with Jay and Damien but it wasn't anything special.

I spent a lot of times with my brothers and I thin we get along quite well since that incident. I also talked a lot to Aiden and we get along pretty well.

I like him.
Probably more than I should.
I talked to Jay and Damien about it and they just told me to go for it bit I'm not sure...

Earlier today, Aiden asked if I would like to spent some time with him again and I obviously agreed.

Currently I am sitting in my room finishing up my make up and waiting for him to pick me up.

About 10 minutes later he texted me that he was waiting for me outside.

I grabbed everything I would need and headed downstairs. I said goodbye to my brothers and was greeted by a good looking Aiden. He opened the passenger door for me.

We didn't know where to go so we just started driving without a destination. While we drove we listened to the Arctic Monkeys and sang along.

Secrets I have held in my heart
Are harder to hide than I thought
Maybe I just wanna be yours

I wanna be yours
I wanna be yours
Wanna be yours
Wanna be yours
Wanna be yours

Let me be your 'leccy meter
And I'll never run out
Let me be the portable heater
That you'll get cold without
I wanna be your setting lotion
Hold your hair in deep devotion (I'll be)
At least as deep as the Pacific Ocean
Now I wanna be yours

Secrets I have held in my heart
Are harder to hide than I thought
Maybe I just wanna be yours

I noticed him looking at me while he parked the car near a forest.
He opened the door for me and helped me out of the car which I appreciated.

I followed him as he started walking deeper into the forest.

It was a sunny Saturday afternoon and believe me when I say that rhe scene in front of me was straight out of a movie.

After a short walk we reached a small lake within the forest. There were so many different kinds of flowers all around the place. It looked so peaceful.

He layed down a blanket and grabbed a basket with lots of food and drinks as we sat down, watching the mesmerizing view in front of us.

"It's beautiful" I stated.

"Very" bit he didn't look at the scene in front of us, rather he looked at me when he said it.

I was so embarrassed by the fact that je meant me that I tried to hide my face but he took my hand in his as he looked in my eyes.

"Don't ever hide that beautiful face of yours from me ever again, ok?" he said seriously.

I only nodded, not trusting my voice.

We ate and talked alot about everything. Just to get to know each other better.

I found out that he was the heir to the English mafia. He also had a little sister who was 5 years old. He loves music and reading and he also likes gun ranges and street races just like me. We had a lot in common.

As the sun started setting he cleared hia throat to get my attention.

I looked at him and waited for him to continue. He took my hands in his after quietly askimg for my permission.

That's another thing I really like about him. He never touches me without my permission or without being 100% sure that I feel comfortable with it.

"I like you" he stated nervously and honestly I was taken aback because it was quite sudden.

"I really want to spend more time with you and I would like to take you out on a date" he continued, nwver braking eye contact.

I searched his eyes for any signs of a lie but everything he said was honest.

I blushed so hard, I'm pretty sure I look like a tomato right now.

"I like you too" I whispered "very much"

My face only grew redder, if that's even possible.

"Thank god" he lst out a sigh of relief at my statement.

"As for the date, I'm pretty sure you need to ask my brothers for permission first" I stated sheepishly.

"I don't care. I only want to make you happy." He answers seriously.

We continued to talk until it was 7 pm and time for me to head back home.

I was so happy that he truly cared for me.


I opened the front door and signaled for my brothers that I was at home. All of them came rushing towards me, hugging me and asking if I was alright.

"I'm pretty good, actually" I smiled happily at them. All of them looked relief and glad as they saw my smile while they glared at Aiden as they realized that he was still here.

"Uh, I uh wanted to a-ask you guys s-something" he stuttered nervously while avoiding eye contact with him.

"Go on" Andrei stated.

"I uh I wanted to uhm ask if I uh could take Amelia out on a date" he asked.

All of my brothers were speechless for a moment.

I mean I told them that there was someone I liked and someone who did make me quite happy but I guess they didn't expect it to be Aiden.

"No" - Andrei
"Uh-Uh" - Nikolay
"Never" - Mateo

"I'm ok with it as long as you treat her right" Maxim said which earned him a glare from our other brothers.

"Come on guys. She's old enough and Aiden isn't such a bad choice. I mean she could do much worse" he stated nonchalantly.

"And he makea her quite happy. I mean look at her." he continued which made all of them turn their attention to me.

"Amelia? Is that true?" Andrei asked.

"Yes. He makes me happy and I really like him. He treats me well." I answered honestly.

All of them searched for any signs of a lie but they didn't find any because it was the truth.

"Fine. But if you dare to hurt her in any kind of way I will make sure that you will suffer." Andrei stated coldly.

"If you even think about hurting her I will make your life a living hell. That's a promise!" Mateo agreed.

"I'm with them" Nikolay stated.

"Best friend or not. She's still my baby sister and I would torture you until you don't even know your own name anymore if anything ever happens to her or if you nake her unhappy" Maxim said, venom lacing his voice.

"I understand. I promise to take good care of her. I would never do anything to hurt her or make her unhappy" Aiden said confidently.

After Aiden left we spent some time together after dinner. We watched a couple of movies while cuddling on the sofa in the living room until all of us were quite tired.

I checked my phone before heading to bed.

'Good night, amore' read the text I got from Aiden 10 minutes ago.

'Good night, симпатичный мальчик' I replied before falling into a peaceful slumber.

(pretty boy)


End of chapter <3

Please let me know if you have any suggestions for the following chapters  :)

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