Chapter 6

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Amelia Volkov

After some while there was a quite knock on my door.

"Come in" I replied and waited patient.

Maxim opened the door and walked inside. As he saw me laying comfortably on my bed he smiled sweetly and said that dinner was ready and that we should go downstairs because the others were already in the dining room.

I grabbed my phone and Maxim and I went downstairs. I was a little nervous to be honest. I mean there are 4 grown ass men, all carrying guns and knives and every single one of them looks like they could kill me within 3 seconds.

As I was lost in thoughts I didn't even realize that we were almost there. Maxim abruptly stopped and turned around to face me. "Don't worry angel, we love you very much and we missed you a lot." he stated happily.

Was I that obvious?

I guess I need to work in my facial expression...

Maxim opened the door and all the conversations died down as my brothers looked at me.

The pressure of their stares was nearly unbearable.

"Uhm, you know, it's rude to stare" I muttered shyly but they must have heard because all of them quickly turned their heads away from me.

I felt a little less under pressure.

"You can sit next to me" Maxim exclaimed joyful as he guided me to the dining table.

I sat down and all of a sudden my hands in my lap was the most interesting thing on earth.

Andrei cleared his throat to get my attention before he started to speak. "Amelia, we are very happy to have you back. I'm not going to go all Dad mode on you and start setting rules because I don't think you would follow them anyway. But I expect you to treat us with the same respect we will give you. I saw you grades at school and I believe it won't be a problem for you to keep them as good as they are now. If you have any problems or questions, don't hesitate to tell us, one of us will always be there if you need anything. And I mean absolutely anything. I don't like secrets or liars, so if you go out, tell at least one of us. I don't expect you to tell us where you are going but at least tell us when you are coming back. I don't know how you lived your life before you came here and I don't plan on forbidding you anything, but you need to promise to be honest with us. We won't judge you or anything. Surely we would like to get to know you better but we respect your boundaries."

Ok wow.

I really don't know what to say because that was a lot of information.

"Thank you. The grades won't be a problem at all. I will treat you with respect when I feel respected. I don't like secrets and liars either and I absolutely hate to be pressured so please don't bombard me with questions because I will tell you everything when I'm ready. I don't have a problem with telling you when I'm going out but as I already said, don't pressure me in telling you something I'm not comfortable with. I know you didn't mention it but you don't need to worry about me getting a boyfriend anytime soon. I have 2 best friends which are both boys and I will introduce them to you if the time is right. They treat me with the upmost respect and I couldn't life without them so don't even start and try to get them away from me." I answered in a cold voice.

All of them looked at me like I magically grew 3 heads.

Maybe they didn't expect me to be so forward and demanding but I honestly couldn't care less.

After an uncomfortable silence, the food was brought in and we all started eating and talking.

Everyone finished and I was too tired so I decided that it was time to get to bed.

"May I go to my room?" I asked loudly so Andrei could hear me.

"Of course, angel" he stated.

After I put my dishes in the sink, I headed towards the door of the dining room. We wished each other 'good night' and I tiredly walked towards my bedroom.

Nikolay Volkov

"We need to talk" was the first thing I said after I was sure that Amelia was gone.

Everyone looked at me with slight confusion written all over their faces.

"Are we going to tell her about the mafia? Because honestly as you already said, Andrei, none of us likes secrets." I wasn't sure what they would say. "I think it's the only way to keep her truly safe. I mean if she knows what she's getting into it would be easier for all of us." I continued and waited for any reaction from my brothers.

Andrei was the first to speak. "I think you are right but let's give her some time to settle in. I mean she only got here a few hours ago and it wouldn't do any good if we just dropped the bomb on her so quickly. вы все согласны?"

(do you all agree?)

Everyone nodded in agreement and so we called it a day and got up, ready to go to bed but suddenly we heard a scream.

"Amelia" Mateo muttered and we ran up the stairs towards her bedroom. The screams only got louder as we reached her door.

Maxim opened the door as we had our guns, ready to shoot, because we fought someone broke in but what we saw terrified us even more.

Amelia was thrashing and screaming in her sleep, tears streaming down her face.

It broke my heart into millions of pieces.



Thank you for reading
I hope you enjoyed this chapter
The next chapter might be triggering some of you so please keep that in mind <3

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