Chapter 21

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Nikolay Volkov

I'm glad that Amelia decided to come home today. I hope she is ready to talk to us or tell us what's going on in her life. I want to help her. We all want that.

As if on cue the front door opened and I heard Amelia yelling "I'm home." I immediately rushed to her.

She looked really exhausted. Without looking at any of us she stated that the wanted to talk to us and left foe the living room. All of us followed behind her. After all of us gathered in the living room and sat down, Amelia took a deep breath and started.

"First of all, this is really hard for ms to talk about so please hear me out until I'm finished and don't interrupt me ok?" After we all nodded in acknowledgment she continued.

"As you all know I was taken away by Rosalia. The first two years I was living with her were hell. She made sure I always remembered that I was an embarrassment and disappointment to her. It started with light punishments. She would hit me kick me and yell at me for whatever reason she had. I could only breatn the wrong way and it would enrage her. He quickly became addicted to drugs and alcohol which made the whole situation worse. After 2 years she passed away due to drug overdose."

How could our mother do this to her own daughter?!

"After her funeral a friend of her took me in. At first he was really nice to me but after two months everything changed drastically. I had to cook, clean and do laundry at the age of 6. He started to 'train' me. The training consisted of beating me, putting me on various kinds of drugs or torture me until I was barely conscious but the insisted that I would fight back. He uhm he sold me to his friends. This continued until he died. I never had any friends expect for Jay and Damien. Noah was the father I never had. They mean so much to me I can't even describe it. Every time I got beat up they were there for me. They couldn't get me out of that house because John had so much more power than any of us combined. I know if they could they would have."

Oh god.

How is she still alive? I mean of course we had training but not that intense and gruesome. How could someone do this to a fucking child?

"So when you had that nightmare..." Maxim combined.

Oh. It makes sense...

How could we all be so ignorant?

After that intense talk, we all decided that we would sleep with Amelia on the sofa. My siblings fell asleep fast but I couldn't wrap my head around what she had told us.

After some hours of just laying there I decided to go to the kitchen and make myself something to drink.

As I heard some movement behind me I turned around and saw Amelia standing in the doorway looking at me.

"Hey" she greeted me softly.

I smiled weakly at her. The only thing I could think of was hugging her, so I did. "I'm proud of you for telling us. Thank you for trusting us." I whispered holding her tighter to my body.

We just stood ther like this for a while before I decided to break the hug. "Do you want something to drink, angel?"

She looked at me, smiling, and thanked me as I gave her a glass of water.

We talked for a while about anything and everything. It was quite nice talking to her. When I noticed her eyes getting heavier, I picked her up bridal style and carried her to the sofa.

I sat down, with her still in my arms and started to comb through her hair until she fell asleep. i stayed awake to watch her peaceful sleep until, I too grew tired, I mean it was already 3 am.


"Look how cute"
"Take a picture"
"Don't wake them up, idiot"

I slowly opened my eyes and noticed all my brother looking at me and taking fucking pictures.

I glared at them but it didn't help. "Are you nuts? Don't wake her up!" I whisper-yelled at them.

"Too late" Amelia murmured.

I smiled down at her and kissed her forehead. She looked at me and smiled softly.

"Come on, angel. Let's get up and eat breakfast" I said as I stood up with her in my arms.

She let out soft giggles and the sound of it made me incredibly happy.

We spent the remaining day just talking and spending time together.

Amelia Volkov

The day we spent together was really nice. I was honestly happy for the first time.

The little moment I had with Nikolay made me realize that those people are really important to me and I really wanted to get closer to them.

Tomorrow I would go back to school with Maxim and Nikolay.

Let's see how this will go....


Omg thank you so much for reading my story!

The school is quite stressful so there will be slow updates

I'm sorry😅

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