Chapter 30

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Amelia Volkov

I'm so fed up with thw constant drama in my life.

Aiden cleared his throat to get the attention of everyone in the room.

As they saw the state I'm in, they immediately stopped everything they were doing, solely focusing on me.

Luca gave me this weird look and I guess he knew what I was about to say as his eyes widened in realization.

"I'm sorry" I simply said which left all of them, especially my brothers confused.

Aiden looked at me, quietly telling me that it isn't my fault and that I should just tell them.

I took a deep breath before speaking "There is uhm a little problem."

"No, not a little problem. A big problem" Aidem argued to which I facebalmed myself mentally.

"So uhm there is someone from uh my past who uh texted me earlier..." I drifted off to the sudden flashbacks running through my mind. I tried to compose myself but it didn't work very well, my hands wouldn't stop trembling.

Aiden noticed and grabbed my hands as he looked at me.

I didn't say anything I just gave Andrei my phone and showed them the message.

Anger and frustration was evident on their faces. Except for Luca. His eyes held worry, guilt, and fear.

Before we entered the room earlier I texted Jay and Damien that they should come over because something happened.

While my brothers friends read the message, the door busted open and a worried looking Jay and Damien stood in front of us. Both trying to catch their breath before Jay rushed to my side, checking if I was alright.

I didn't say anything as I handed them my phone. Jay clenched his jaw and Damien paled slightly as they finished reading the message.

"Again?" Damien asked enraged.

"What do you mean 'again'?" Andrei asked confused.

"This isn't the first message she got from him." Jay stated coldly.

"I didn't tell you because I didn't want you guys to be in danger ok?" I tried to reason.

"Danger? Are you kidding me? We are a fucking mafia! We can protect ourselves!" Mateo snapped.

I shared a look with Jay and Damien before finally telling them the whole truth.

"I know. But he is too. And not just any mafia. They are the Norwegian-Swedish mafia. They would do anything to get me back. I am their most precious possession as they would call me. They didn't train me for nothing. I was their best weapon. They wouldn't let me go this easily. You don't know what your getting yourself into, ok?" I said anxiously.

"It's true... They would do anything to get her back. The first time she escaped they killed the whole Italian mafia without a second thought. My whole family because we wanted to help her. Only Noah and me survived and that's just because we were on a mission. We built the mafia back up with my uncle as the current don but... " Jay admitted bitterly.

"It isn't as easy as you might think. They are strong. Really strong. We tried everything to get her away from them but it resulted in a massacre. Not only Jay's parents but also mine were killed, trying to protect her. We don't regret trying to save her but consider the possibility that none of you would survive if you intervene. I'm. not telling you to just give her up but we need to be smart about this." Damien explained in his business voice, trying to mask his emotions at the mentioning of their families.

All of my brothers and their friends semmed deep in thought about the new information.

I got another message on my phone.

Unknown number: We can do this the easy way or the hard way doll. You know what happened the last time you tried to escape. You don't want to repeat it, do you?

It's as if they listened to our conversation.

I know that the next thing I am going to say will probably cause my brothers to loose their temper but it's the only possible way to end this whole thing forever.

Before I spoke I braced myself by taking a deep breath and trying to sound as calm as possible even if my heart is now racing again.

"There is ine way to end this once and for all" I started.

Jay and Damien immediately knew what I was trying to say.

"Oh hell no" both of them yelled at me.

"This is the only way, don't you get it?" I countered.

"Are you out of your mind?" - Damien
"I'm not letting you do this!" - Jay

"Would someone care to explain what the hell you are talking about?" Maxim asked slightly angered.

"She wants to let herself get caught and eradicate them from the inside out" Jay explained angrily.

"Hell no" - Andrei
"Are you nuts?" Maxim
"Don't you even dare!" - Nikolay
"Fuck no" - Aiden
"Not in a million years" - Mateo

"There is no other way. I don't care what you say. Either you help me or I'm doing this alone!" I stated determined.

"Are you stupid? Do you honestly think this is a good idea? You are putting yourself in danger! What if something happens to you? What if they do all of this again?" Andrei snapped.

"Then tell me what else I should do? We can work out a solid plan and I wouldn't be there for long ok? I'm used to theit methods. I'm immune to pain and any sort of drug ok? There's nothing going to happen that didn't already, ok?" I tried to reason with them and my statement brought them yet again, deep in thought.

"There's going to be a mafia ball in 3 weeks. They will most probably try to do something there. It would give us enough time to plan, alright?" I added.

"Fine" Andrei said which made my brothers snap and try to argue with him.

"I don't like it either but she is right" He stated which made all of them shut up.

Aiden held my hand the whole time which gave me the strength I needed.


End of chapter <3

Look forward to the next couple of chapters ;)

Amelia VolkovWhere stories live. Discover now