You got to be kidding me

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Last time in I was reborn in demon slayer as an Uchiha

"I was preparing the final seal"I said making up a believable lie on the spot.
I did see feel Tengen stare at

"Yes final seal"Tengen said in a voice that told me he knew the real reason.
I expected as much considering this man has three wives, he know it better than me.

After making sure all of them were ready and prepared and giving my Tsugoko a pep talk,
I looked at the Kakushi squat in the back and just said."Are you ready"

They nodded their head and that was all the signal I needed.

My eyes slowly turned red as three tomoe spun in them.
Suddenly a wooden door appear in front of everyone.

I looked at everyone and told them to their best, I then walk inside my gate before I was transported inside a castle.

The area I was in was vast and looked rather fancy, I looked around a bit before I noticed someone was in the room, it was him and he look way different.

Now we continue where we left off.
I could literally feel his killing intent, he looked like he wanted to devour me whole and his eyes were spinning.

It seem like just seeing me made him mad,"You finally came huh, "He said to me with an amount of venom that no one could miss

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It seem like just seeing me made him mad,
"You finally came huh, "He said to me with an amount of venom that no one could miss.
"let get this started"I said as I unsheathed my blade.

I was not going to waste time talking to him, even being in his presence made me have to control myself to not shake, the urge that I had to kill him and the sheer amount of rage that I felt building up in my body was calmed down

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I was not going to waste time talking to him, even being in his presence made me have to control myself to not shake, the urge that I had to kill him and the sheer amount of rage that I felt building up in my body was calmed down.

Going in blind with rage isn't going to be a good solution,on the other making him mad seem simple enough considering the hate boner he has for me.

I tilted my head to the right as something went by my head,a huge explosion was heard behind me and I didn't look back,I jumped back as the spot that I was standing on got destroyed.

With my eyes activated I could see all the attack he was aiming at me and so I started blocking and dodging move that only made noise after they hit something.

He rushed at me as I was in the middle of slashing something,I noticed him and used my blade to slash at his head.

I appear behind him before I took out a few kunai from a seal and threw them at him.
I didn't know if I had made contact with his skin at all as I felt nothing as my blade went through him.

As my kunai flew, he barely move and dodged the first kunai but as the kunai pass by him it exploded.
His head damaged but it was instantly healed back to normal.

'Near instant regeneration huh' I thought to myself as I saw that.
I knew for a fact it wasn't instant because I could clearly see the damage for a good mili second before it started healing.

I clench my blade and rush at him, he threw some sort of slash at me that I dodge and continue running at him and when I got close to him, I jump over him.

The slash that was following me from behind hit him, he was almost cut in half but he regenerated pretty quickly.

"Do you really think I wouldn't see that"I said as I jump back in a pair of hands came out of the ground where I was standing before trying to grab me.(A/N with Muzan current state of my mind the talking be kept to a minimum)

He gritted his teeth, his eyes turning red with Rage, I could fully see the sharingan in his eyes but something was different about it.

As soon as I though that a water appear under me, he grinned like he expected me to fall but I just stood on top of the water.(A/N that was literally on of the first thing he learned)

I jump out of the water as it attacked me, a weird three headed snake appeared behind me and started to attack me but I dodge the attacks, as soon as I landed a lightning strike was about to hit me but I manage to dodge it.

'So his instead of destroying blood demon art he can copy them' I though to myself as I dodge and killed the six-headed servant.

I did feel him trying to sneak up on me from behind but I just shunshin away, the spot that I was previously on was completely eviscerated,
There was nothing left, a pillar a blue flame appear near me and I just use the water dragon jutsu to counter it.

As soon as the two clash, the water extenguished the fire but a lot of steam was created, I made a shadow clone before I shunshin away.

He created a huge vacuum of wind and attacked my shadow clone, I just observe his move as my shadow clone was handling everything on his front.

As soon as he was open, I started making a rasengan that I condense to the point that it was no longer visible before I added lightning and wind chakra to it.

I then threw at him and the rasengan disappear half way through, he look confident before a huge explosion happen.

The entire castle shook, the vibration of the explosion was even heard outside the castle and all throughout Japan.

No one knew what made that noise, as the explosion was going on, I look at the center of it and watch a his body got disingegrated but it never truly vanish, his regeneration kept him going, I then release my Uv light seal and threw it in the explosion.

"I will kill you"I heard him say and as the explosion died down I saw it, around him, there was some sort of armor protecting him.

He looked a bit beaten up and he was regenerating, I looked at the gigantic figure that was protecting him before a sweat fell down my forehead.

'You got to be kidding me' I though as I looked at the Susano.
His body was already fully healed and all his wound were gone but now I could now fully see all the sharingan,he had implanted on his body.

A/N the fight just started and none of them are close to full power but Muzan getting serious.
And Atoru better starts using more of his power.

Also muzan his mad so as he calm down he will think more logically meaning he will be more lethal

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