Muzan arrogance

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Last time in I was reborn in demon slayer as an Uchiha

I then just added a few safety mechanism before I remove my hand, "Done"I said as I remove my hands.

She looked down at the seal and saw that a few thing changed but it was still giving out a purple glow from time to time.

I patted on the head before I said"I'm going to something incredibly stupid"
I then disappear from my spot in appear where I saw him.

The smell of burned flesh was in the air and it was coming at me in waves.
I looked at where I saw the eyeball and examine it down to the last minute detail and with that.

I could make something that absolutely counter anything this demon will ever be able to do, no amount of muzan blood will change that.

My Sharingan was still on and so I used it on the remaining chakra of the demon.
The demon chakra disappear and I just smiled.

"I can also play that game," I said as I implanted a small genjutsu on the demon chakra.

Now we continue where we left off

I then looked at where he vanish, where the door appeared and I could feel some sort of disturbance from where the door appeared.

It gave me the same feeling has the flying rajiin, literally everything about the feeling it gave me.
It probably was a coincidence but I think that this demon blood demon art was the thing that flying rajiin was based of.

The basis for both the techniques are basically the same, they both teleport the user of the technique to a place that they want to go.

I'm guessing that unlike my technique, the demon technique create some sort of pocket dimension that you can stay in.

And considering the door were tatami sliding door, I could at least guess that most of the material inside we're flammable. (A/N 90% of it flammable)

I then felt the familiar tug on my shirt. I turned to see that she had followed me.
I wasnt surprise considering I just told her I was going to do something stupid before I vanished from her sight.

It would have been weird if she didn't follow me, I was literally trying to find a way to reopen the door that he left in.

The chance that they were just waiting for me to jump in to jump me again we're at 100% and I was willing to risk it.

This was definitely a bait to lure me out and she would have figured that out the second I told her Muzan was here and he didn't attack.

She looked around before she smelled the scent of burn flesh that was in the air, she looked around a bit before walking somewhere where the dirt was slightly burned.

She then turned around and look where I was standing before she said"Please tell me you weren't going to do what I think you were going to do"

"If by what you think I was going to do you mean see if I can someone find a way in then yes," I answer honestly

"Have you though of the risk?" She asked.
"I was planning to send a clone in as a test to see how it work and what on the other side," I said voicing out my thought

"Have you thought about them being able to come through even after you finish your testing"She said curiously

" plan wasnt full proof"I said after hearing her out.
"I did just plan to put a sun seal near it so if any demon get out, then they burn, the seal would move with it to"I added defending my point a bit.

"How much of your reserve can you comfortably  use right now" She said with a questioning tone.
"I can safely use about 75% of my current reserve before I need to refuel it or I start feeling a bit weaker," I said after checking my current reserve

"How long will that last," She said as she looks at me.
"it depends, it can last up to a few weeks to only a few days or even some hours, it all depends on how I use it, I could potentially go on forever if I barely use any chakra-intensive move because I regenerate my chakra pretty quickly," I said pondering on my thoughts.

"Not forever because even demons need to eat to get to gain energy, and you will probably get hungry and with your appetite, I'm going to say even if you could normally last weeks, you will last only a few days," She said while she pondered on her though.

"When was the last time you ate, "She asked suddenly
*belly grumbling noise* I try to answer her but my stomach answers before me.

"and you wanted to jump in, "She said with a look on her face that told me that I was stupid.
"For the record, I wouldn't have jumped in it," I said feeling like I was getting judged.

"you wouldn't but you would try to find a way in, "She said.
"Could you please stop sending chakra into your eyes?" She said looking at me.

When she said that I remember that I had my ms on all this time, I stop sending chakra into my eyes as they lost their red color and turn back to my original eye color.

I closed my eye for a few second before I reopen them again, my eyes felt a bit tired but apart from that they were fine.

I finally notice that she was in her demon slayer outfit and her Nichirin blade was on her side.
'She must have put it on as soon as the seal turned red,' I thought to myself.

After making sure that no door will suddenly appear again, I even added some measure against it before going to eat with Shinobu.
The King of the demon can wait, I need to spend some time with her before finally fighting him.

Worst case scenario, I die but even then, I trained enough people and raised the strength of the demon slayer so much so it won't affect the much.

But that the worst case scenario, which wont happen because that would cause her to be cry and I promise to not make her cry.

"Master was it truly wise to leave traces behind"A demon said bowing down.
"The day that he choose to fight me would be the day he die" Muzan replied codly.

"Why are so certain master" The demon with biwa said
Muzan smile before he said"I am a calamity, he will just help me reach God hod"

With his eyes changing patterns and his arrogance reaching a new peak, a dark black armor skeleton appeared around muzan.

"I will crush him"He said with newfound hatred in his voice, he would kill his last decedant, the second he kills this brat, his mistake from 800years ago will be gone.

This Thorn in his back will finally be gone.

A/N The seal hid everyone from Muzan sight, also the reason he may act different from canon is because that a whole new muzan.

A stronger more arrogant Muzan that was forced to train to not die over the years.

Reborn in demon slayer as an UchihaWhere stories live. Discover now