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I attacked the weak person in jump at him, ready to devour him, I slap the person knocking him unconscious
"I'm enjoy devouring you but I'm make sure you still alive during it, "the demon said with great joy

He took a bite at the barely unconscious body before it .Poof. what the noise that was made when he took a bite out of it, with smoke everywhere I couldn't see around me there was no one.
In then. I looked up in I saw a figure with a mask on dashing at me

A while back
"It's been a few hours in my blood has not dried up yet it looks just like I left it, I really should know what kinda body I got, is it an Uzumaki body or a one-piece body, either way, it's great for me, "I said to no one particular
I took a piece of paper on the ground in "transformation Justus "
Now it look like a mask I put it on my face In than i transform my stick into my blade again. I sense someone coming in my direction so I used a shadow clone and made him lay near the door, I made it with so little chakra he looks on the verge of death.
After putting him on to the bed, I jump up and stood upside down on the roof, now we wait for him to take the bait and bite the clone. A few seconds later he got inside the house and did the usual villain monologue, he attack it taking a bite out the clone exploded it, the demon look up, and I dashed at him trying to finish this fast.
He dodge it I try to punch me but I block it and kicked hard him with chakra infused kick.

He went flying out of the window and went into the other house's roof. I followed after him and I decided to pull my Nichirin blade out of the sheat.
I jumped out the window into the roof to see him regenerating his chest which had a hole in it

"You are regenerating a bit to fast for my liking "i said
"Hahaha kid you think you can kill me with that weak attack Of yours don't make me laugh I was a demon before your grandparents even learn how to walk," he said as he finished regenerating

"How old are you exactly you don't look like a demon that just turn otherwise you would have been badly injured by that kick"i said
"Why should I tell you, a dead man doesn't ask questions " he reply
I dash at him with full speed while saying "total concentration breathing flame breathing: First Form: Unknowing Fire" in one fell swoop i charges towards him at high speeds and unleashes a singular slash that aims to decapitate him, but he dodge it and kick me, in the gut so hard that I went flying a bit before I backflip to not just go flying of the roof the second I got my surroundings straight he was in front of me throwing a punch that I dodge.

"Flame breathing Second Form: Rising Scorching Sun," I said as I slash upward he got his hands cut in I dashed at him trying to kill him now that he doesn't have an arm he look at me with a smile.
When I try to go for his head he swung at me with his hands uncut, I sliced in kick him in the face to get some distance, before dashing at him again. I'm not trying to give him some time to breath.
I went for his neck but he blocked it with hands 'they regenerated already'I thought to myself as substitute myself into a log as he punch a hole straight to it.

"Oh you managed to escape guess you better than the last one they send I'm going to enjoy seeing suffer struggle in fear me"he said
"Blood demon art wind blade"he yelled as a bunch of wind blade appear on his hand
But he didn't attack me yet then he said something else
"Enhancement" he yelled out as air was going straight to him forming an armor I didn't stay there tho, so I just dashed at him while saying "thunder breathing First Form: Thunderclap and Flash" (A/N he had hid Sharingan on while watching Kaminari fight so he copies it) I zoom to him In went for the head.
"Blood demon art air construct"he said
I try to cut his head but he blocked it with a air shield I try to push further in cracks started to appear before he push me off.

"Two breathing style that a pretty impressive talent there but unfortunately you met me"he said as he dashed at me

He appear behind me in what felt like an instant 'he fast'I thought he went for a side punch that connected to my jaw, I went flying before I substitute with a rock I ran back at him."Thunder breathing First Form: Thunderclap and Flash"i yelled out while appearing next to him. I went for a neck slash he block it I try again "First Form: Thunderclap and Flash 6fold" I again attack saying "First Form: Thunderclap and Flash 8 fold" I was attacking him without letting him breathe but he armor wouldn't budge after finishing my move I send some chakra to my eyes as they turned red with 3tomoe in each eye as looking him (A/N he Sharingan got changed to matched the demon slayer world so instead of chakra he sees the life force energy).

"So one of them survive master will be glad to know this, if I offered him your head I become a upper moon once again with some much more blood in power"he said smiling like a mad man

We dashed toward each other .....

A/N school is tiring but it give me ideas in sport season is starting soon but hey I got the next chapter done so tomorrow it gonna drop around this time

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