New move

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As the assailant was about to pierce my chest, I swiftly substituted myself with a nearby location, watching as he completely destroyed the logs that appeared in place of where I was standing. "That was way too close for comfort," I exclaimed aloud. He ripped his hands out of the log and looked at me, and I swear I saw a smile in his eyes. "Really, how powerful can this thing truly be?" I groaned.

"Now that you've had your fun, it's my turn," I declared, rushing towards him and attempting to strike at his head. However, he effortlessly dodged all of my attacks and kicked my sword away.

Creating some distance between us, I conjured a fireball jutsu near him, causing him to back off. Once I was far enough away, I formed the ram hand sign and created a shadow clone to test something out. The clone appeared, and I charged at him, engaging in a fierce hand-to-hand combat.

He tried to punch me in the throat, but I managed to dodge it and swiftly swiped at his leg. However, he effortlessly jumped over my attack and kicked me in the face. Despite that, I caught his leg while he was still on my face and threw him away. But he regained his balance quickly and charged at me again.

Our fight intensified, exchanging punches and kicks. However, each blow landed on each other's fists or legs. He started to increase his speed, delivering a hundred punches within seconds and then kicking me in the head. My vision began to fade, but before darkness overtook me, I noticed him reaching for a sword, intending to finish me off. However, his head fell forward, and I realized my shadow clone had struck him from behind. I looked up at the clone with a smile. "I finally won, once after two years," I uttered before passing out, waking up back in the place where I had been meditating.

I glanced up to see Gyomei, looking concerned as he observed me. "Are you alright? You were sweating profusely and seemed to be in pain," he asked.

"I'm fine, just had to fight some inner demons," I replied, looking at the gentle giant.

"Alright, better get ready because we're going to fight in about three hours," he informed me.

"Then I better start preparing," I responded, beginning to perform light stretching exercises and incorporating breathing techniques.

"So you're stretching your muscles and getting them warmed up to minimize damage," he remarked.

"How did you know I was exercising and stretching?" I inquired curiously.

"Even though I can't see, my other senses are highly developed. I could hear you stretching and moving around," he explained.

"That's quite a convenient ability. You're like a badger mole," I remarked. Gyomei rose to his feet, gripping his weapon and swinging it around before coming to a stop and beginning to pray.

"Are you a monk?" I asked.

"Yes, I am. May Buddha bless you, my friend," he replied.

"Thank you, I appreciate it," I said with a smile. I then sat down and extended a small amount of chakra out from myself, spreading it to the surroundings every five seconds. It may be a waste of chakra, but I currently have no better way to act as a sensor. After about ten minutes, I had a mental map of everyone's current locations. Standing up, I created five clones that sat down on the floor, exploding one every ten minutes and creating another until I sensed something different.

Three hours later, after one of the clones disappeared, I retrieved its memories and saw that indeed, five demons were approaching our location. "Gyomei, are you ready?

They're coming," I informed him.

"Yes, I am," he replied, clutching his weapon tightly.

"They're here," I alerted him.

A/n any help is appreciated 652 words this time around.(this chapter was posted before its was supposed to be post so it one chapter to late)

Reborn in demon slayer as an UchihaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon