59 | rough interrogation

Start from the beginning

You were sitting on one side of the table, while the investigator sat on the other. His eyes seemed to bore through you, and yet your eyes trailed elsewhere absentmindedly. "You could make this easier for all of us and just tell us what made you think joining the Akatsuki was a good idea." He began, and the only thing you could focus on was how badly he was manspreading.

'Guy Sensei sits like that too,' you observed. You could practically picture your Sensei and the way his teeth managed to shine every time he smiled like an idiot. 'Neji used to sit like that when we were kids,' You recalled, remembering the first day you met and he was leaned so far into the seat he was in that you were sure he was going to sink into it. Though, now that you were all older, he probably thought it was improper and disrespectful. 'Lee usually sat down normally... When he was drunk though, it was all spread eagle.'

"The least you could do is look over here after all the trouble you've caused." The investigator spoke, leaning over the table. "Staying silent isn't going to help you, we'll torture any information out of you that we have too." He was going for the intimidation tactic, which barely even worked in getting you to turn your head toward his direction.

'Oh, it's the dude from the Chuunin exams.' You realized; it was the same guy whose bald head you commented on last time. Ibiki, you remembered his name being. His scars reminded you of the one you received from your fight with Hidan, when you sliced off your entire hand to stop him from attacking. And it didn't even work, because you died that time anyway and Diaval had to revive you. Like the thousand other times that he saved you during your excruciating fight with your sister.

And just like that, your mind fell into another rabbit hole caused by your sister and her death. You probably didn't even deserve to mourn, you wanted her dead anyway, and you killed her. And nobody else outside of you and anyone under the contracts she made remembered her at all. Not that there were many people that remembered her in the first place. And when you eventually died away to old age or something, they'd forget you, too. No doubt the cowards way out, but you could just kill yourself off and they'd forget all about it.

The interrogator leaned back in his seat; arms crossed. 'She's too messed up to even comprehend what I'm saying. She's just spacing out.' He observed, crossing his arms. 'The intimidation tactic isn't working, she hardly responded to that...' He was used to that tactic working, they typically saw those scars of his and caved in. Though, he wasn't sure why he thought it'd work on someone who just got turned in for conspiring with a warmonger.

If he—the best at doing what he does—was having trouble with you, he wondered how his colleagues were doing. If the walls were even just an inch thinner, he'd be able to hear Karins whining and complaining. She made a thousand demands before she even gave answers. But at the very least, she was willing to cooperate.

Shisui gave them trouble in his own right. Being a longtime friend of yours, and a spirit brought back to life 'thanks to you', they figured they might find out a bit about you through him. Though, he didn't spill a word. Anything about Sasuke, he managed to answer so vaguely, and when they tried to emphasize, he'd answer with something even more vague and then it'd lead to a rabbit hole. And with you, he managed to slip by with 'I don't know' even though he knew the answer quite well.

All in all, they weren't having any luck despite having three people to question.

"You're not leaving this room until we have an answer, you know." Your investigator spoke, "I'll die of old age before we're out of here. So, make it easier on yourself, and tell me why you even left the village in the first place." From the reports he got, you left the village at least one or two weeks before you were even seen with the Akatsuki. He had to figure out what happened between that gap, and what even inspired you to leave.

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