"What?" Y/n looked confused as her gaze locked with Dami's.

"You gave me your blood, remember? If a Vampire is well fed the sun has longer to burn them." Dami explained.

"Oh," Y/n whispered and looked down at Dami's injuries. "So if your father had drunk blood he would've survived."

"It's a little bit more complicated than that. Do you want me to explain it to you?" Dami asked.

"Yes," The Werewolf girl replied and moved to sit next to Dami's feet.

She made a gesture for Dami to put her feet on her lap so Dami did it.

"When a Vampire drinks blood they are more resistant to the sun and if they are injured some blood could help them heal quicker. In some clans, the healing process is so fast that you can watch the wound close. My clan is one of them" Dami explained as Y/n started to put salve on her wounded feet.

Y/n's pov:

"But that means that I just could have given Mr. Lee some blood and he would've survived." You thought as your vision got blurry from the tears that build up in your eyes."It's my fault. I could've saved him."

Of course, you blamed yourself like you always did when something went wrong. It was just the voices in your head that told you that you were not good enough. Tears rolled down your face and landed on your wife's feet.

"Oh baby, don't cry," Dami said and wrapped her arms around your shoulder.

She must've sat up while you were focused on her feet.

"You know that it is not your fault." Dami kissed your ear and pulled you closer.

"Yeah, but why didn't you tell me this earlier? Maybe I could've done the same thing for him as I did for you. I could've let him drink my blood and maybe he would still be with us." You sniffed. "He would've regenerated or something."

"No, the damage was too big. His face was already turning to ash." Dami replied.

"But-" You started.

"There was nothing you could do, Y/n. He was already dying." Your wife kissed your ear again and cradled you back and forth. "I know it is hard to accept but there was nothing you could do. You brought him back to me and I'm so thankful for that. You were able to carry him with a broken arm. You did everything you could and I'm so proud of you."

"I just can't think about the possibility that he could've survived." You mumbled.

"There is no use thinking about what could've happened and what not. What happened, happened, and maybe how it was meant to be. I'm sure we will see him again." Your wife pointed out.

After a while, you stopped crying and pulled back. You were not able to look at Dami and started to fidget with your fingers. Some slender finger immediately stopped you from doing so.

"Hey, look at me," Dami demanded in a soft tone.

You slowly looked up and her gaze met yours. Silent tears rolled down her face as she tried to smile.

"I'm so proud of you, my puppy. You were so brave. I knew as soon as they threw you in the room that I will survive. I knew you would do anything to save me. When I'm with you I feel so safe. I feel free and happy like nothing could drag me down. I feel like all the evil on this planet is vanished and only you exist. Just you and me in a golden light." Dami said before she leaned closer to capture your lips with her own.

"I love you so much." You said as soon as she pulled back.

"I love you too, puppy," Dami replied as she lay down again.

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