Chapter Thirty

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I tried to ignore the chill that shot through my body.  I wanted to chalk it up to being paranoid, but Joe wasn't willing to let that be.

"Grey, no one just drops off a bouquet of flowers without signing the note unless they're creepy," she said.

"Hush... maybe I have a secret admirer. Not everything is sinister Joe."

"You're one of those people that are just glutton for punishment, aren't ya.  Ill be here taking a nap whenever you get the nerve to take care of this creep."  She said as she sauntered off to the back of my mind. 

I didn't have time for this.  I had to be at the cafe in 10 minutes.  I quickly changed into my uniform and pinned my name tag on.  My hair was a mess from training, so the only option I had was to pull it up into a high ponytail.  Luckily the cafe was close to my house so I could make it there in time if I hurried.

As I crossed over the little bridge that connected the path to try cabin to the main road, I felt a sense of in case wash over me.  I felt like I was being watched.  Not necessarily in a creepy way, but in a protective way.  The way a mother watches from afar as their kids play. Nonetheless,  it was still weird.

Again, I chose to ignore it.  I refused to live on guard all the time because of my past.  Since being here with Paul in this new pack, I felt like I had a second chance at a life.  I didn't want to miss the good things by always being jaded.  I reminded myself that if I allowed the ghost of my past to haunt me, then they won.  And I wasn't going to allow them to take anything else from me.

With that self reassurance, I crossed the road and walked into the cafe. Normally, the place is filled with chatter and laughter, but the moment I walked in, I immediately noticed everyone was talking in a whisper. 

Before I could ask what was going on, Paul stepped out from the bar and said,
"Grey, there is something you should know."

What do you think is going on?  Who is watching her?

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