Chapter One

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I'm adding songs to each chapter! I want to not only create a story you can enjoy but a while experience 😆 ...


It was early in the morning.  Too early for most, but I preferred to wake up and start my day before everyone else.  The Blue Moon Pack house was always busy, and even though most of the pack ignored me, I still felt uncomfortable when I was around them.  But mornings allowed me freedom to breathe.

I made way to the pack house kitchen to grab a cup of coffee and eased my way out of the back door. 

The morning air was cool and a soft breeze blew my blonde curls to one side.  I walked out to the pier that stretched out into the ocean, feeling the cool sand beneath my feet. 

Coming out to the pier gave me a sense of hope.  Looking out over the endless ocean, wondering what else was out there.  I had been her, in this pack, bond to a life of servitude for as long as I could remember.  Often times I would imagine what it was like to be free.  Completely free to live as I pleased.

Once the sun started to make its way above the dark line of the deep part of the ocean, I knew it was time to go.  My peaceful moment had come to its end.

As I walked up to the back steps I picked up on the powerful presence behind the door. It was Izzie.

Before I could turn around and run the door opened and a hand reached out and smacked me across the face. 

"Where have you been, Grey?", Izzie screamed. 

I immediately dropped my gaze to the floor, knowing if I looked her in the eye, I would regret it. 

"I was just taking out my trash", I lied in an almost childlike voice.

I hated how weak I sounded.  I wanted to punch her in the face, but I knew Izzie out ranked me, an Omega, as the Alpha's daughter.

Izzie was always a bitch, but more so now days.  She was getting married in a few days, and the term Bridezilla didn't cover it.

"You Omegas are all the same.  Get to your station.  I won't allow your lack of time management to ruin my wedding", she said with a scowl on her face.

I immediately nodded my head and scurried towards the dining hall. 

I absolutely hated her. She had been a bully for as long as I could remember.  Izzie knew that she had the power to abuse and use anyone in the pack and she wielded that power like a mighty sword.

When we were about 10 years old she and her gang of minions had tricked me into thinking they wanted me to play with them.  I had no friends.  Izzie must've been able to smell the desperation on me.  She knew I was an easy mark.  

Izzie and Layla, her best friend,  suggested a game of hiding go seek.  They told me that if I found them all that I could walk with them to and from school and I would officially be a part of their "pack". 

 It still makes my stomach churn to think about how excited I was for them to even consider me.

I eagerly ran to the stable where I was told to go into the storage room and count while they hid.  Once I was done counting I sprang towards the door with excitement.

Only to realize that it had been locked from the outside. They left me there for the rest of the afternoon and all through the night.  Izzie knew that no one would come looking for me.  There was no one. 

I was a orphaned pup at the mercy of the pack.  The only person who had ever taken an interest in me was Sable.  The pack doctor.  Sable is who found me when I was about 2 years old.  I was left at the pack border and she had found me on her way back from a supply run.

The Alpha and Luna had granted her request to allow me to be raised by the pack.   I had stayed with her until my 9th birthday.  

The day after my birthday she was sent to help a neighboring pack and was killed by rouges.  She was the closest thing I had to a mother and a friend. 

The next morning to my surprise the closet door opened.  In the door way stood a tall and lanky boy with curly blonde hair, honey colored eyes, and a smile the size of Texas.

"Let me guess, Izzie and her gang of gremlins locked you in here," he said with dimpled smile. 

"How'd you know?" I mumbled as I sat with my knees pulled to my chest sulking.

"Cause they did it to me a while back too" he laughed as he started to walk away.

Jacskon was a few years older than me and the son the Beta. 

"Did you ever tell anyone?" I asked trailing behind him.

"Nah, its not like anyone would believe me if I had.  Instead, I got even with her in my own way.  You remember that time she had that God awful haircut? I snuck into her room and cut a chunk of her hair out.  The next day I could hear her screams from the top of the pack house all the way out here, it was great", he laughed.

That was they day Jackson and I became friends.  We were an unlikely pair, a future Beta and an Omega.  But we were inseparable from that day forward.

My unfortunate run in with Izzie was just the beginning of a very long day.  When I had finally finished all of my duties I made my way up to my room. 

I stopped on the second floor and walked out into the large balcony that overlooked the back of the pack lands.  I looked up at the sky and noticed the moon.

There was a slight red haze to it. Sable had always called it a Blood Moon.  She said that it was the most powerful of all the moons because it brought about life and death. She would always tell me to make a wish on it, and if it came true that meant the Moon Goddess favored you.

I had wished many wishes under a Blood Moon growing up. None of those wishes ever came true.

But out of habit I closed my eyes and wished for freedom. 

When I opened my eyes a star shot across the moon.  It was the first shooting star I had ever seen.  It felt almost... magical.  

As I laid myself down I took one last look at the moon, and rolled over and drifted off to sleep. 


That's the first chapter,  what do you think?  Do you think Grey's wish will come true? What about Izzie? She seems kinda bitchy, right?  Let me know in the comments!  Please hit that Vote button so I can see if I'm doing a good job or totally failing here.  😅


Where are you at right now?

I'm at home in the United States laying across the bed listening to my kids run threw the house like crazy ppl 🤪 !

Hope you are well and safe. Know that you are loved and that you are special in this space! ❤️

Moon Bound Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant