Chapter Twenty

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I wasn't sure how long I'd been gone. I finally convinced Joe we needed to go back. I'm sure Izzie had already told Jackson that I had finally shifted, but I couldn't wait to show him my wolf.

As Joe tracked our way back to the camp I took a step back into my mind amd closed my eyes. I could hear the sounds of the forset and smell all the smells so clearly. I had started to drift off to sleep when suddenly a buzz of elecshot through my body and Joe came to a halt.

"What's wrong?" I asked Joe.

"I don't know. The air has changed. It feels itchy" she said cautiously.

I came to the front join Joe to see if I could feel it too, and I did. The air felt like it was suddenly buzzing with electricity, or "itchy" in Joe's words.

Joe tilted her nose upward.

"What is that smell? I asked.

Joe's ears tilted back as she lowered herself to the ground, walking forward slowly.

A light popping sound came from behind us and Joe immediately whipped around in a defensive stance baring her teeth.

She told there for a moment waiting for the attack, but nothing happened.

"Maybe it was just a squirrel. " I offered. Hoping I was right but afraid that I was wrong.

"It wasn't a squirrel" Joe said.

Joe cautiously stepped in the direction of the noise. She was shaking with anger and malice as a deep growl left her throat. Warning whomever or whatever was playing with us.

The wind started to blow through the trees as clouds quickly approached overhead. The air became thicker with the feeling of electricity. Something was coming, but I didn't know what.

Before I could tell Joe to run and a black figure stepped out from the trees. It's moved with a fluidity I'd never seen before. The black figures feet didn't touch the ground but quickly glided across the forest floor in our direction.

Joe let out a snarl as her hackles raised, challenging the black figure, but as Joe lunged forward the black figure disappeared into then air.

At the same time rain began to pour from the now dark sky looming above us. A crack of lightning struck the trees infront of us followed by a loud boom of thunder that shook the ground.

Jow turned to run but the black figure stood directly behind us flanked by two of the largest wolves I'd ever seen.

The one on the right had cream colored fur with icy blue eyes. His snout was pulled back showing his teeth as he growled at me. I could tell this wolf wanted to kill me. The look in its eyes told me that much.

The dark brown wolf on the left was a bit smaller but still bigger than me. It stood there in a defensive stance but not with the intent to kill like the other.

The black figure hovered in the middle of the two wolves. I couldn't tell that it wasn't electricity we had felt in the air, but magic. Whatever this thing or person was, wielded powerful magic.

Suddenly the figure lifted its hand out with its palm facing the sky. A small orb of light danced in its hand. Then without warning the orb shot from the magical beings hand at the speed of light.

Before we could run the orb smashed into our body and darkness overtook us.

Who or what do you think this black figure is? Who are the two wolves with it and what are they going to do with Joe? I can't wait to find out! 😃

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