Chapter Twenty One

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When I came to the first thing I noticed was the disgusting smell of wet earth and copper followed by the mind numbing pain in my body.  I laid on the cold wet floor for a while and then finally decided to force myself up to take in my surroundings. 

It wasn't a great surprise to me that I was locked inside of a cage, no doubt the bars were silver, and the smell of copper was blood. 

I sat quietly trying to listen for something or someone, but all I heard was the dripping of water from the ceiling hitting the puddle on the floor infront of the cage I was in. 

I also quickly realized that I was alone.  No one else was here with me, not even Joe.  I tried to reach her but there was nothing.  It was as if she had never existed and I was again just a lowly wolfless Omega.

Time passed slowly as I sat there feeling sorry for myself.  I wasn't scared, just sad.  I had finally escaped a life of loneliness and submission to only be put back in a cage.  I didn't care if whoever or whatever was holding me captive killed me.  I'd rather be dead than spend the rest of my life wolfless and without the life of freedom I got to experience over the last few weeks.

The longer I sat there though my self pity began to turn into something new.  The more I thought about my freedom being stripped away from me again, a fire started building in my chest, and wirh every passing moment, it grew. 

For the first time I was mad.  Not aggravated mad, but aggressive mad.  If whomever had me captive wanted to enslave me, they'd have to kill me or better yet... maybe I'd kill them.

I was done being weak and submissive!  I had spent a lifetime bowing down and taking peoples shit, and I wasn't going to do it anymore. 

As the hours passed I spent the time thinking about Jackson and Izzie.  I knew that by now they would have noticed that I was missing.  Hopefully they wouldn't come looking or me though.  I didn't want them to end up where I was, I loved them both too much. 

Wait... did I just say I love Izzie?

Maybe "love" wasn't exactly the right word, but I had grown to really like her.  She was completely different now.  She was so calm and relaxed that it was almost annoying, but she had helped me through my first shift.  I saw her patience and kindness and I appreciated it.  I made a mental note to tell her thank you if I ever saw her again.

Then there was Jackson...

Sleep started to overcome me as I day dreamed of him.

I was jolted out of my daydreams when I heard the loud clank of metal keys unlocking the door at the top of the stairs on the far side of the dark dungeon like room. 

My body jolted up right on its on as I heard heavy foot steps slowly walking down the stairs .

"Well this is it.  It's time to show up or shut up Grey" I thought to myslef.  I was prepared to fight for my freedom or die, and it was probably going to be the latter.

I stood up to face who or what ever was coming down the stairs.   I had accepted my fate.  I was ready.

But nothing could've  prepared me for who I saw at the end of the stairs.

😱 Who is it???

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