Chapter Seventeen

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My eyes lazily opened as I took in the beautiful morning.  I woke up to the sound of birds chirping and squirrels chattering.  The wind rustling the leaves of the gigantic trees above .

It was so.... LOUD!

I covered my ears and rolled into my pillow.  My head was pounding.  My body felt like it was trying to turn inside out.

I must have started running a fever in the middle of the night.  My skin felt like it was on fire, and my clothes soaking wet from sweat.

I threw the blankets off of myslef and attempted to sit up, but my muscles felt like jello.  I feel back onto the sleeping bag and started up at the roof of the tent.

"Come on Grey, pull it together.   This is no time to be a weakling. " I scolded myslef.

A few minutes later I tried again to sit up right, this time I was successful.  After a few deep breaths I stood up.  

Bad decision.

Everything started to spin.  Pain shot through every part of my body and I fell to my knees.

"OK, standing isn't going to happen, leys try crawling" I thought to myslef.

I started crawling on my hands and knees to the door of the tent. I needed air, and water.  Alot of water.

As I crawled out of the tent, the cold mountain air hit me.  I sighed in relief.  It felt wonderful.

Still on all fours I looked to my side to see Izzie sitting on a fallen tree watching me with a look of amusement.

"Watcha doing down there Grey?" she asked with a chuckle.

Another wave of fire shot through my body causing my stomach to turn. 

"I think I'm really sick Izzie.  I woke up drenched in sweat.  I have a fever and my whole body hurts. " I said with a grunt.

"Yea, your not sick." Izzie said standing up and walking towards me.

She kneeled down infront of me, staring intently for a minute,  then she patted my head and stood up.

"Izzie, can you please stop being weird and help me get to the river?  I think  the fever has dehydrated me.  I need water." I pleaded.

She stood there not moving with a smirk on her face and said, " You're not sick.  You're shifting. "

Well it's about dang time!! 😆

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