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Karl jumped at the sudden opening of the bedroom door, it swung fully open, hitting the wall harshly. Sap lept in, a vanilla ice-cream tub rattling in his hands; Karl suspected it did not contain ice-cream.

"Karllll~" He stood in front of the brunette, smirking down at him, "Look what I stole from my mum." He ripped off the lid, shoving it into Karl's lap with a small giggle. Karl rolled his eyes, brushing his fingers over the colourful bottles inside before carefully picking one out, turning it between his fingers inquisitively.

"And what do you want me to do with it?" He asked, his tone sarcastic and smile sly.

"I dunno, thought you might find them useful," scoffing playfully, Sap fell beside Karl, swiftly taking a bottle of bright green polish from the box, tossing it back only seconds after.

"Maybe you should touch up these unholy excuses of painted nails." He clutched one of his boyfriend's hands gently, pointing to the chipped colours painted on. They were black, white and purple; the same as they'd been since the day he met Karl. His painted nails were something he first noticed about Karl, well apart from his pretty face, stunning eyes and beautiful hair, and he thought it was time the old polish was replaced. It was time for Karl to start something new, with Sap, to forget everything he'd been through and replace it with love and care from his real family. But Sap knew forgetting was impossible.

"At least mine are painted, yours are almost and plain as your dull personality." Karl smiled smugly, disregarding the box to his side apart from a bottle of purple and one of orange. Ripping his hand from Sap's, he held the bottles together, deducing whether they'd be a good combination.

"Wait we should make ours match!" He shouted quietly, looking to Sap for approval to which he was granted as Sap could never say no to him. He rolled his eyes, huffing a light hearted 'fine', a content smile plastered to his face. Karl's pearl eyes gleamed with excitement and he quickly took Sap's left hand, crossing his legs and placing it on his knee.

"Okay can I at least pick the colours?"

"No." Karl was already unscrewing the gold, shiny lid, wiping away excess orange paint from the brush on the neck of the bottle. Carefully, he painted the first stroke on Sap's thumb, laughing sweetly as Sap recalled his hand screaming "It's cold!".

"Give me your hand, I need to finish." He reached for the hand Sap hung in the air out of his reach, cautious not to spill any paint from the open bottle. Finally, he pulled Sap's hand back down and continued to apply the cool liquid, managing to somehow ignore Sap's complaints and stay concentrated until he had done a whole 4 fingers, leaving his ring finger still colourless.

"Karl you missed one." Sap stated with a successful smirk, pointing to the obviously un-painted nail and pushing his face slyly towards Karl's.

"Yes I know you idiot." He screwed the lid back on, switching it for the purple bottle that lay in his lap.

"I'm not an idiot, I'm just telling you that you missed one."

"Yes you are."

Sap leaned forward, connecting their lips in a short, sweet kiss, eyeing Karl's flushed face triumphantly. He laughed, pulling back and exaggerating a yawn. Karl huffed, reaching again for Sap's hand, hurriedly applying the purple paint, still keeping it neat.

"Better, idiot?" He said, throwing Sap's hand back to him and beginning to paint his own in a similar pattern to Saps; all purple except the ring finger, which was orange. Carefully painting, he listened to Sap's judging and rambling about his nails; complaining that the orange was too bright and the purple was too dark, whining about how it wouldn't dry quick enough, nagging Karl to paint his other hand, it was cute how much he seemed to be enraptured by one of Karl's favorite activities, it was sweet. Karl smiled softly as he finished his left hand.

"Karllll do this oneeee" Sap again pushed his right hand onto Karl's knee, begging him to continue. Shaking his knee gently, he pressed again, "Karllll, please."

"Okay okay, shut up."

Karl began painting again, concentrating on his steady hand, his grey eyes shining with admirable endeavor. A curl fell from its place on his head, obscuring his vision, Sap reached to tuck it back behind his ear but lingered his fingers against Karl's soft cheek. A pink, powdery blush spread across his face as he tried to focus his attention to the hand on his knee but his hand wouldn't keep still and he soon accidentally painted a small patch of Sap's skin.

"Sapnap!" He looked up sharply, an annoyed sigh passing his lips. Sap simply laughed, withdrawing his hand slowly from Karl's warm, petal pink cheek. Luckily, Karl was done with his hand so tossed it back to him. Sap studied it, watching the polish shining in the sliver of sunlight that poked through the window, the wet paint threatening to spill off his nails at any moment.

"It's okay, I guess" he shrugged, donning a sarcastic smirk and infatuated eyes, gazing over to the mop of curly, chestnut hair that flopped over a pretty face. A careful orange stroke was painted across the last of Karl's nails and he sat up, his brown waves falling back into place. "Lemme see." Sap begged, bringing both their hands together, the contrasting colours complementing each other well. He smiled at their hands, appreciating Karl's contentment greatly.

"They're really good. But now I have to pay you for your services." He said, taking both of Karl's hands gently.

"I literally used your  nail paint, why do you-"

"Shut up Karl." Sap laughed, pushing Karl backwards onto the bed, tickling his sides, he continued to justify payment while Karl giggled and smiled underneath him, "well, if you don't want my money, will you let me at least leave a tip?" Karl shook his head, still writhing and laughing from the tickling. "Say yes!" Sap smiled, beginning to tickle his stomach as well.

"OKAY YES" Karl shouted when he finally got a breath.

"Good," Sap ceased his persuasion method, leaning down to cover Karl's face in a blanket of sweet kisses as the brunette squirmed, desperately trying to get away despite the other's tight hold on his hands and body weight weighing him down before he finally managed to push Sap's face away from his own. In the brief second they made eye contact before bursting into a fit of giggles, Sap could have sworn the glimmer in Karl's eyes was brighter than the sun, reflecting his placid smile and comfortable demeanor, a strong tranquility shining like a ruby in the bright, summer sun. As they laughed and joked and eventually cuddled into each other, a light switched on in Sap's head, and he realized how utterly lucky and fortunate he was to be able to call the fawn-haired boy his.


hi guyz it's been a while...

uhh i tried to write a whole part of fluff tell me how it was 😃

Pointless Futality - Karlnap //UNDERGOING EDITING :]Where stories live. Discover now