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It was morning and bright. Karl hadn't slept much last night, he'd barely been sleeping for an hour before rustling and movement woke him. He was only slightly conscious and not at all aware of Harry behind him. His hand moved down from Karl's waist to his hip. Karl could feel himself wanting to throw up, his shirt had lifted up slightly in his sleep and Harry's clammy fingers rested on his skin. He shifted his position to let Harry's hand fall off him. Of course, Harry wasted no time putting it back again, this time, Karl got sharply out of bed and exited his room as quickly and quietly as he could.

There wasn't really anywhere he could go right now, except downstairs. He expected at least one of the stairs to creak, but none did, the house looked pretty old so that was a surprise. He made his way into the kitchen. It was empty, luckily. He wanted something to wake him up a bit, maybe a coffee.

He searched a couple of cupboards eventually finding a jar of instant coffee. He reached for it, only just catching it as it fell from its place at the front of the shelf. With the jar and a mug he'd also found in hand, he flicked on the kettle and set the mug on the counter. The cutlery rattled as he fished a spoon from the draw; adding 2 teaspoons of coffee into the plain, white mug. He didn't feel like he wanted sugar right now, and anyway he couldn't find any. He bought the steaming kettle to his cup and poured it. He stirred the black liquid and added a splash of cool milk. It burned the back of his throat as he drank but it was what he needed right now. Downing it in a matter of seconds, he trudged back upstairs, really wanting to change out of his clothes from last night.

Harry was still sleeping when Karl entered his room. Karl could admit he did look rather punchable sleeping. He ignored his stupid thought and opened a draw carefully, pulling out an old t-shirt and pair of shorts.

"Edith?" A slurry, deep voice called his 'name'. Karl stopped, he was about to open the door but he stopped.

"Uh..." he stuttered, keeping his hand on the door handle.

"Come back to bed." Harry demanded, his tired grogginess showing in his voice.

"I was, gonna chan-"

Harry cut him off, "No, no you're not, you're coming back over here, now." His tone was definitely intimidating. It didn't take Karl 2 seconds to swing open his door and run into the bathroom, locking the door behind him. Luckily, Harry didn't follow him so he could change in peace, undisturbed. He was glad to take off the sports bras he'd had on for so long, he knew it wasn't good to constrict his chest for too long but it wasn't his fault, he couldn't help not being able to remove them last night. He only wore one of them today as his shirt was quite baggy and mostly covered his chest. It wasn't the best outfit but it was comfortable.

-----------im too lazy to write this bit------------

Harry had left earlier that day, leaving Karl on his own for once. He'd found the WiFi router as well and the password on the side of it so he now sat on the end of his bed catching up on things he'd missed, not having data either meant he'd had no connection apart from Sap for the past week or 2.

Flicking his thumb, he scrolled through his Instagram feed, looking at a few posts from friends he'd made at other places. They weren't real friends, they stopped talking after Karl moved away; he just didn't have the heart to unfollow them, it was petty, but whatever.

He sighed. Everything was boring. Continuing to scroll through his recommended feed, something caught his eye. He stopped flicking his thumb to look at the pictures. One was of a man who looked an awful lot like Harry, the other was of a window and two people embracing on the other side. It had only been posted last night and the caption was the most disturbing thing: Bro my gf ditched me 4 a mf twink wth. Should get her back later with some shit.


Karl was a little suspicious of this post. First of all, the guy looked exactly like Harry: secondly, the user was 'Harrrylikez_we_eed' and lastly but most importantly; he had gone over to Sap's last night and it would be quite a coincidence if both people in the window were wearing suits and the room was lit the same purple Sap's was if the picture wasn't of them. His suspicions were confirmed when he tapped on the profile to see it was definitely Harry's.

So Harry knew he was at Sap's last night? He didn't say anything...

And, what did should get her back later with some shit mean? What shit? He did nothing wrong...

Karl was confused. He thought Harry was sleeping then, not taking random pictures of him. He was such a creep. Looking at his profile Karl could also see that he was 19 years old which sort of made things better but at the same time, much worse. Yeah, technically he wasn't a pedophile, but the age gap was enough for him to seem like one. I mean, he'd told Karl he wanted to fuck him for god's sake!

Karl shut off his phone, avoiding anything worse that he might have found out. He rested his head against the wall, again finding himself staring at Sap's drawing. He picked at his nails again, something he knew he should stop but he just couldn't. The polish on them was chipped anyway but it was still a shame to ruin the rest. He didn't care though, he just did it subconsciously when he was stressed, or thinking deeply about something.

A sudden wave of tiredness washed over him, after having virtually no sleep that night it was no surprise. Usually he wouldn't sleep during the day, then again usually he wouldn't be at a friend's house so late at night. He laid down, pulling his plain, purple blanket over himself, the warmth of it fueling his need for sleep. He closed his eyes, drifting to sleep quite quickly, a range of thoughts crossing his mind before everything went black: I wonder what Sap's doing right now? Harry is such a pice of shit? What on earth is up with that caption?

Why can't I just be a real boy?

I don't know wth this chapter was aiming for💀

how was it guys I'm too tired to proof read?? Cheers 4 the comments and reads as well i appreciate it babagorillas



Pointless Futality - Karlnap //UNDERGOING EDITING :]Where stories live. Discover now