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It was close to midnight now and Sapnap hadn't slept at all. He sat on the end of his bed, a pillow close to his chest, staring at his flapping curtains as they thumped against the window sill in the breeze.  He'd stopped crying hours ago, the salt from his tears settling on his soaked skin, irritating his already coarse cheeks.

He hugged the feathery bundle of a pillow closer, resting his heavy chin on it's temptingly soft fabric. He kept thinking back to when he left. That loud scream; it was definitely Karl's and he couldn't shake the desperation of his shout from his mind, it plagued him to not know if he was safe. And then there was a bang, like something was thrown to the floor - or someone. He kept telling himself it was Karl fighting back like the strong boy his was, but deep down he knew. He knew with the most crippling certainty it was very much the opposite.

He was paying no attention to the real world, lost in a jungle of his own thoughts, scenarios and bad contemplations seeping through the dense leaves, dripping harsh acid rain to the ground; he didn't see the small, shaky brunette stumble through his window and collapse on the floor, he only heard the thump as he hit the dark carpet. He turned his head towards the noise, throwing the pillow aside frantically and kneeling next to the boy. He rolled the frail body over onto his back, holding the back of his fluffy curl filled head with his hand. Washed, slate grey eyes blinked, softening their scared gaze when they met Sap's.

"Karl what the hell?!" Sap whispered, careful not to be to loud and wake his parents. He pushed his arm under Karl's weak knees and lifted him up, placing them both on his bed. Karl wore only a t-shirt and shorts, a range of rainbow coloured bruises eminent on his pale skin; dark red marks littered his perfect face and his now closed eyes donned dark, black rings of violence. He quickly flicked on the bed side lamp, the extra light easily highlighting more, smaller marks and a split lip, blood half hardened and slightly smeared. Breathing heavily, Sap pulled the delicate boy to his chest, much like he held the pillow earlier, running his hand through dry, feathery curls soothingly.

"It's okay, Karl, you're safe, you're safe." He repeated 'you're safe' a few times, reassuring them both there was no more danger, that he was vindicated and secure in Sap's arms. Karl's limp arms snaked loosely around Sap and he rested his beaten head against his chest that rose and fell swiftly at each breath.

"Sorry..." Karl mumbled into Sap's shirt.

"Quit apologizing K, you're okay now." Sap kissed his bruised forehead, his skin tender from impact of a previous blow, "and you're not going back there, never."

"Never..." Karl echoed, burying his face back into Sap's warm shoulder, a small tear slipping From his steel grey eye. He wanted to cry more, but there was no point wasting tears on someone who had seen and wiped them away too many times before. The tight seal of loving arms stayed unbroken, sweet words of reassurance and affection passing through Sap's lips, both their eyelids drooping further closed by the second - knowing they were both safe was enough to send either to sleep, a protective wrap of one another a snugly duvet to comfort their dreams.

"Feeling better?" Sap sniffed, drying a watery eye with the back of his hand. He tightened his grip around Karl squeezing him gently, hoping for a positive answer. Squeezing him back, Karl nodded simply. "Are you gonna tell me what all the bruises are from?"

Karl sat up slowly from his Sapnap seat, staring regretfully into his endearing, carefully inquisitive eyes. "Isn't it obvious...?" He sighed quietly, breaking eye contact, studying Sap's bed sheets. "It's not you're fault Sap, I love you." He fell back into Sap's arms, closing his guilty eyes tight. Sap guessed it was that monster, Harry, but he was still confused, and scared; what exactly did he do? Karl had never had so many colourful, hostile marks on him, so where specifically they came from remained a mystery only two knew the answer to, for now. 

Sap rested his chin on Karl's head, holding his broken frame close. Something small and watery tickled his cheeks, dripping from his chin onto Karl's back. He reached up to wipe his eyes, he had to stay strong, for Karl.

Sap's tired arms grew heavy from holding Karl so tight, he pulled back slightly from their embrace to check if he was okay and, kissing his forehead gently, laid them both down on the soft, inviting mattress. Karl instantly curled up his legs, relaxing into a comfortable balled position, Sap's arm draped over him, holding him in place against his chest. A quiet, mumbled 'I love you' passed Karl's lips as he closed his shattered, heavy eyelids and began to loose consciousness. 

"I love you more, handsome." Sap returned, sympathetic love entwined with his words, adoration that could only ever be directed at the small, fragile boy he protected with strong, infatuate arms.


im so lonley😢

anyway wu&io 🤩 istg if I'm not the top lovejoy listener rn someone must literally NEVER stop listening to them cuz i have them on repeat for like almsot full days😭

Pointless Futality - Karlnap //UNDERGOING EDITING :]Where stories live. Discover now