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Dream had led them to quite a dodgy looking street in the town, there were a few like it side by side that led off the main street. All the paintwork up the side was cracked and the bricks were crumbling. Mold nested in the cracks, it spread across the walls, decorating the cement. The only reason they'd come down here was because Dream wanted to go in the charity shop. George, Dream and Sap were all inside, Karl had stayed outside after smelling the rot of inside. He was just waiting, slouched against the chipped wall. People looked down the street from the main street as they passed by, they all had the same expressions, obviously thinking he was some kind of drug dealer or something. The clacking of shoes echoed here, so did Karl's breathing. He looked down at his feet; there was nothing better to look at.

He listed to the shoes and talking, the din resonating down the long alley. He then heard more distinct voices. Looking up, he spied some roadmen clustered about 10 meters away, they all wore puffer jackets at tracksuits, talking in their roadman accents. He could hear them quite clearly and they seemed to be looking at him. He averted his gaze back down. Never engage in any sort of conversation or activity with a roadman.

Karl kept looking down, making eye contact would be a bad move. He kept his head down, but after only a minute, he was cornered by a circle of puffer jackets and had to look up.

"Yo leng ting," one spoke up, forcing his voice deeper than it should go, "we was jus' over there an we saw you and I'm tellin' you looks mighty fine tho innit." Typical roadman talk can be hard to understand, Karl could of course understand it due to being amongst people like this for a while, but for people who can't decipher the dialogue, translation is provided: 'hello pretty thing, we were just over there and we saw you, and just want to say you look quite hot." Now, it's extremely unusual to come across a gay roadman, so of course Karl was confused at first, but he soon realized...

"So leng ting, wass your name innit."

Karl didn't really want to talk to them but he knew they would keep pressing questions if he didn't, "Karl."

"Karl? But ain't that man's name tho?"

Karl didn't respond, he fumbled with his brain for something to feedback. "Y-yeah" His voice slightly cracked, making it go higher than he wanted.

"Man's lying innit, sweet face like you ain't no man." The one who spoke reached out a hand, brushing it against Karl's cheek, twisting a wisp of hair that had fallen from behind his ear. Karl could smell the putrid mix of all the boy's aftershaves mixing together with sweat from the waistcoats and jackets they probably never changed or washed.

The door to the shop clicked behind them, Karl could see Sap only a little bit through the gaps where the roadmen were stood apart. Sap could see him too. He hoped Sap read the terrified expression on his face and saw the small, hot tear that lingered in the corner of his grey eyes, threatening to fall at any second.

"Karl? Hey move!" He called, breaking apart the ring of roadmen that surrounded Karl, "Clear off you fuckers!" Yelling, he pulled Karl by the hand, leading him to Dream who had little to no experience with roadmen however was the most likely to scare them off. His broad shoulders and tall posture made him ideal for protecting Karls (and attracting Georges). 

Karl simply hid behind Sap as Dream confronted the roadmen, swearing and shouting at them, George began to reiterate some of what Dream said, echoing him like a large cave. Karl brushed away the water that had welled in his eyes, luckily none of it having spilled and allowed Sap to warmly embrace him from the side, apologizing profusely despite there being no need.

It wasn't long before the roadmen disappeared back down the alley, flipping the four off as to compose their manly conscience. Dream waved sarcastically at them with a grin, proud of his work.

guys this is so rushed cuz i have 2 sleep but enjoy 😭

EDIT: re-wrote the ending cuz it was shit 🤩

Pointless Futality - Karlnap //UNDERGOING EDITING :]Where stories live. Discover now