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Only the hallway light was on, no glow from the kitchen or living room was present and none from outside found it's way through the door, the lack of light perfectly silhouetting a tall, lean figure. Everything was silent.

"H-hi." Sap stuttered, gazing back towards his brother who took a step forward, clutching George's hand tightly. 

"Hi," the outlined woman spoke, "it's 10'o'clock what do you want." She seemed eager for the boys to leave, unimpressed by their sudden and late arrival.

"Um, can I see Kar- I mean Edith..." It felt so wrong, he wasn't Edith, he was Karl, and Jan couldn't see that behind her arrogant mask of reality designed to her perfect standards, and he knew would be more reluctant to let him in. She wrinkled her nose, looking him up and down judiciously, deciding if he could be trusted in her house, and after a while she landed on a conclusion.

"Fine, but your little gang of gays stays outside, I don't want them in my nice, clean house, got it?" She stated, putting a hand on her hip and turning her nose up at the sight of Dream and George. Sap once again turned to them, shooting an apologetic look to which Dream smiled and gave a thumbs up, urging him to go in.

"Okay, thank you..." Sap replied quietly as he stepped through the door, there was a loud slam behind him and the click of a lock, Jan sauntered past him swiftly, flicking on the kitchen light with a short scowl.

"She's upstairs. And be quick, someone's coming over soon." She snapped, turning on her heel to rummage through a cupboard. Cups clinked against each other and spoons rattled in a draw as he watched her busy around the counters, preparing some kind of warm beverage.

Sap took in a breath, clenching his anticipated fists as he walked towards the staircase, slowly, silently, nervously; the carpeted steps cushioned his footsteps, further muffling the faint tap of his shoes on the floor. A pent up anxiety bubbled in his gut, strangling his throat and knotting his stomach. He remembered the door, the door he pushed open with a crying Karl in his arms and tore off that godforsaken, shabby, wreck of paper that dared to don such a humiliating word, a word Karl had no choice but to identify with. Just beyond that door sat his perfect, adoring boyfriend, but he was scared to open it, why? Perhaps it was a slight feeling of dread that he wouldn't find Karl but only someone who looked like him, and acted like him, not the joyous, smiling, excited Karl he'd fallen in love with but a broken, sullen, unfeeling Karl he'd have to learn to love and accept; anything could have happened in the days of contact loss, only opening that door would let him know. He didn't come here to simply walk away without seeing Karl, and if that meant finding only broken pieces of the boy he adored so much, then so be it. He pushed open the door. 

Karl sat under his window, face buried in his crossed arms that lay over knees that were pulled to his chest, the hood of Sap's hoodie that he still wore covered most of his golden curls, a few poked out around the front, falling over his arms. The lights were off and the curtains drawn. He didn't even notice Sap enter.

"Hey Karl." Heavily, he lifted his head from the cradle of his arms, blinking in the light from the hallway. Eyes red and cheeks raw he brushed a hair from the tip of his nose, loosening his shoulders a little and turned up the corners of his mouth forcefully. Sap felt his insides twist as he gazed upon the boy's pained, false smile.

"Hey" His voice was hoarse and scratched at his throat, it was deeper than usual and while Sap could say he might usually find that hot, this was not good. He didn't want to say anything to make him uncomfortable so simply put the thoughts to the back of his mind, focusing on making things better instead. Sitting next to Karl, he pulled down his hood and ruffled his scraggly hair, placing his arm over his shoulders after.

Pointless Futality - Karlnap //UNDERGOING EDITING :]Where stories live. Discover now