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Karl sat on the floor, rested against his wardrobe, one hand mindlessly tapping against the rough floor, a small piece of orange paper curled up in the other. He'd only moved in yesterday and he already had nothing to do. Usually, he would be taken on walks and be forced to meet some of the kids around, but this couple didn't seem to have anything planned. Karl wasn't complaining though, he did enjoy doing nothing sometimes, but not for this long. He had been sat in his room all day and had only gone downstairs for breakfast. Yes, he had a phone but he was too scared to ask for the WiFi  password. The ceiling was no longer interesting, he'd already memorised every crack and bump in the paintwork and he had no motivation to start learning the walls.

Sighing, he uncrumpled the paper in his left hand for what was possibly the 20th time that hour, a small, longing smile tugging at his lips as he gazed at the note.


The stupid smiley made his heart flutter and he began to think of that boy again. His sweet grin and pretty eyes had already printed themselves to Karl's mind and he wasn't nearly as sick of them as he was the cracking ceiling. Gazing to his feet, he saw the orange pen still lying on the floor, Sap's pen. He'd been twirling it between his idle fingers for a while that morning, before it accidentality flung from his hand and boredom motivated him to stay put rather than retrieving it.

He sighed, scrunching the paper back into a ball, letting his hand flop to the floor once more. The slow tick of his alarm clock again drummed on his ears, an endless stream of faint blips in the silence of his dull bedroom. Nothing hung on his walls, he didn't see a point given how short a time he would stay there, and he certainly didn't posses the will to decorate it in any other way. In the bottom of the old carrier bag still lay a small string of multi-coloured fairy lights that hadn't seen daylight for a good year, he wondered if they even worked any more; knowing his luck the batteries had leaked long ago and he'd have to bin the lights. He couldn't imagine doing that, they were one of the only remnants of a happier life.

Everything felt stale in the unkept room; the space was smaller and uninviting, a monotone range of greys and browns weaved into everything around him almost as if the designer wished mindless torment on him long ago. As used to boredom as he was, it still plagued him all the same, filling his body with an ache for movement but no strength.

A light tap of a small object jolted Karl from his crack-counting agenda, forcing his weary eyes to gaze over the gap outside. He jumped up excitedly upon seeing a friendly grin radiate kindness his way, Sap's dark curls framing his hazel eyes that shone gold in the light. Under his hand, a cat striped with deep browns and auburns lay stretched across the window pane, it's ears perked as it stared curiously towards Karl.

"Hey Karlmeister," Sap beamed, his bright, teasing voice breaking the silent solitude Karl'd abhorred for too long, a small smile now pulling at his lips, "I see you've won the last to gain human interaction."

"Shut up," Karl giggled, leaning his weight against the window frame, "You should stop throwing things into my room for attention."

"Close it then." He stated with a smile, smoothing down the cat's ears only for them to spring right back up. Fur and dust floated in the sunbeams as he stared at the lounging feline, the cat basking in Sap's tender touches, who's soft gaze lingered on the other's pale features and perfectly fluffed brown hair, Karl's attention far too focused on his sweet pet to notice.

"Patches," Sap said to Karl, the smile staying glued to his face, "Her name's Patches." He watched as Karl's eyes gleamed with fondness, his little smile growing bigger at the information. His hair looked like a crown of gold laurels in the sun, falling immaculately over his shining grey eyes, framing his face with effortless perfection and beauty. He was the very image of a pearl amongst everyone else's oyster.

"Is she yours?" He asked, knocking Sap from his daydreams.

"Uh- no," He said, drawing in a breath taken from him when Karl met his gaze, "she's my brother's, but he's away at the moment. University." Karl nodded, turning his head back to Patches, his smile growing even wider and happy as Patches rolled onto her back, expecting tickles from Sap. "He's actually coming back in a few days for his birthday, you can meet him if you want."

"Maybe, if he's any less annoying that you." A grin replaced Karl's sweet smile and his eyes scrunched up for a moment with it, like a squint but less focused. Sap could only laugh back at this, shaking his head a little as he rubbed Patches' belly, to which she squirmed around and pushed Sap's finger to her chin with a soft paw.

A sharp knock severed the joy of the boys' conversation. Karl flinched at the noise, snapping his body to face it's source. In the doorway, the tall, lean man stood, arms crossed and thin eyebrows furrowed, he glanced between Karl and the boy next door, whose radiant beams of happiness faltered under the man's scrutiny.

"Oh look, a friend."He said, his piercing stare carrying an angry warning. Glancing to Sap again, his lips thinned and eyes narrowed, disapproval evident in his ways. "That's... lovely." He hesitated, forcing out a word of slight affection, something similar to a gag holding his words back. The boys were silent in his presence, afraid that even a breath would shred his at least somewhat welcoming demeanour. 

"Jan says lunch." He began again, the spite never leaving his voice, "Now."

Again, Karl jolted, a tightness grasping his chest. He wanted to take a step forward, but his body stayed put, instead forcing a slow nod. James' narrow eyes were fixed on Sap until the moment he turned, flashing Karl another hostile warning as his spare frame twisted away. Karl didn't think to acknowledge Sap as he left, his mind too focused on, what he deemed to be, more important things. He didn't even close the door, a slight noise could be taken as protest and James would turn on him quick as anything. It was best not to take risks. Not anymore.



finally edited it, hope its much better than before. after looking at what happens later i had to come back and add in bits here and just make it make more sense in general. my writings definatley changed a lot since a year ago when i first wrote this and im much more pleased with the edit rather than the previous version

thank u for reading or rereading !!

Pointless Futality - Karlnap //UNDERGOING EDITING :]Where stories live. Discover now