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It was coming to around noon, the younger boyfriends were both sat on Sap's bed. Karl was rested partially between Sap's legs and partially on them with his head leant against his stomach. He'd been asleep on and off today, now being around the fourth time he'd fallen asleep since they woke up. Though, Sap was glad he was asleep; the headache he kept complaining about sounded horrible and his parents weren't sure if he should be allowed painkillers or not. Sap had also noticed Karl shaking quite a few times and zoning out when he was awake, presumably just some of the withdrawal symptoms.

Sap's cat had also been enjoying the calm, sleepy morning, she'd joined them earlier and perched herself ontop of Karl's chest. So there on Sap's bed sat Sap, eyes closed and slightly dozing off himself, Karl who was asleep again and Patches who had been doing different activities for the past hour or so, some of which consisting of curling into a restful ball and later using her paws to rearrange the loose fold's of Karl's (Sap's) hoodie into a comfortable nest.

Simply no noise came in through Sap's door, the whole house seemingly silent apart from small beeps of the dish washer downstairs. Sap ran his hand through Karl's soft hair, brushing out any knots with his fingers. Having not slept much last night he felt quite tired, but not tired enough to fully sleep, just tired enough to lie down and think. He wondered how Karl had got that drug. That question had kept springing to mind the whole day and it bugged him not to know. Hopefully it was an accident, because, as he'd found out from a quick google search a few hours prior, rohypnol was some kind of date rape drug used to incapacitate a victim and the thought that someone would want to do that to Karl... it was unnerving to say the least...

Thinking about that again, Sap put an arm over Karl to protect him, destroying Patches' DIY nest. He tried to think about something else and soon found himself fantasizing about none other than Karl, his boyfriend. He smiled at the thought of Karl as his boyfriend. It felt right. Like it was what Karl should be.

"Sap stop." Karl giggled as Sap lent towards him, outstretching his arms to tickle his sides. He grinned as Karl laughed, the sweet noise of Karl's laughter carried by the brisk breeze. Sap was sat on his knees, Karl laying down on the grass beneath him as they both played about in the tall, green field.

Karl suddenly grabbed on to Sap's shirt when he took a seconds break from tickling. Sap fell forwards, catching himself by planting his hands on the ground mere moments before he would have collapsed onto Karl. Still gripping his shirt, Karl pulled Sap down, connecting Sap's soft lips with his own. It was a shock at first, but Sap quickly got himself together, leaning all his body weight on to Karl and threading his hands gently through his messy hair.

guys i tried but failed

Sap propped himself up on his hands, grinning down at Karl who lay flustered underneath him.

"You wanted to kiss me so bad didn't you Karl~" He smirked, tapping Karl's nose. They just stared at eachother for a moment, taking in one another's beauty. Sap leant down again, the taste of Karl's lips on his tounge once more as he bit his bottom lip gently and-


Slowly adjusting his eyes to the light, Sap sat up, looking around before noticing Karl lying next to him. His face was still pale and his eyes half lidded. He looked over when Sap had woken up.

"Sap..." His voice sounded very groggy and raspy, like a nail being scratched across a blackboard and somehow, he looked worse than he had earlier that morning.

"What's wrong baby?" Sap turned on his side to face Karl, putting his hand under Karl's chin to turn his face towards him.

"Stomach. Head." Karl said, grasping his stomach in a fetal position.

Pointless Futality - Karlnap //UNDERGOING EDITING :]Where stories live. Discover now