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The door clicked behind them as Sap locked it. Stuffing one hand into his coat pocket he took Karl's with the other. He lead them to the grassy pavement, gently swinging their arms as they walked peacefully.

"So where we going SatNav?" Karl giggled, training his eyes to Sap's face.

"What?" Sap coughed, raising his brows.

"SatNav." Karl repeated, a cheeky smile plastered on his face.

"Karl, are you making fun of my name?" Sap laughed. Shrugging, Karl laid his head on his shoulder, holding Sap's arm for support, a large grin still spread across his features. Sap shook his head, diverting his attention from the pulchritudinous boy beside him and instead to the slightly less prepossessing - but nonetheless pleasing - sight of the scenic oak and walnut trees lining the pavement border; the sun shining through their leaves, piercing the crisp summer morning air and instead casting warm shadows on the grass and stone where the off-white shoes of the boy he so irrefutably loved stepped in sync with his.

Turning his gaze back to his statuesque boyfriend, he observed how radiantly the tepid sun rays enhanced his already perfect features, bringing out just a few dotted freckles that only imminently furthered his undivided affection towards the boy. As he learnt only last night, Karl hadn't always had someone to love, care for and be cared for and Sap couldn't deny being the first to truly devote such emotions in a romantic way was the greatest privilege, and, in his eyes, the most rewarding thing he could ever give. Sure, something of physical embodiment might be worth more than his own life on paper, but more than his own life was nothing compared to the value of infatuation he felt towards Karl.


The most resplendent, refined, radiant soul he'd ever met. Never failed to lift his spirits above what they'd ever been before. A person so full of love and joy single touch would be equivalent to a millennium of good-will and therapy. A person so full of care to give, who had undergone such betrayal and distrust from those who were supposed to give unconditional, honorable appreciation, who stripped him of the freedom he earned to be his elated, jubilant self, instead thrusting him into an eternal state of caution, hopelessness and suffering, from which he most likely will never recover despite the endless supply of devotion Sap could provide. This thought sickened him. The thought that Karl's pure mind would be scarred for the rest of his life. Scarred, ruined, corrupted. Wickedly depraved by acts of selfishness so unrighteously out of his control.

"Sap?" Karl managed to pull him from the spiraling vortex of his mind, back to the sun glazed pavements their feet guided them so innocently across.


"Do you actually have any plan of where we're going?"

"Uh." He stopped walking, gazing around as if the built up brick houses would give him some kind of map to find their way, "I don't think so?" He admitted, watching Karl's confusion turn to an amused grin.

"Well it's almost one... and we're like 50 years away from home" He fell into Sap's side dramatically, catching himself just before knocking Sap over.

"Ok ok I know." He assisted Karl off his shoulder to his previous standing position, "I'll just call dad to say we're late." Digging into his coat pocket, he pulled out the battered lump of metal he'd kept for a number of years, quickly notifying Daryll of their anticipated late arrival before taking Karl's soft hand again. The two swiftly fell back into a comforting silence, the presence of each other's company enough to compensate for the lack of conversation. From the point of view of someone other than themselves, it might seem that they were actually rather bored of the other's companionship, however they were both more than content with time to simply think while enjoying the comfort of their lover.

For instance, Karl's mind began to wonder back to last night's ardent conversation; the memories of Sap's bitter yet amiable reaction still fresh in his bruised mind, along with every piece of traumatizing experience he was forced to somewhat relive in the hopes that, by understanding his situation better, Sap would possibly be able to help him. Of course, he only skimmed over details, but recalling deeper into the dark vortex of his short time with certain people would surely be far less durable and far more daunting than a mostly brief summary.

It was soon that the boys had found their way back to their street, dark clouds beginning to roll in to disrupt the clement summer warmth. The bond between their hands had remained unbroken for the entirety of their blissful journey, neither having once even thought about tearing the contact that bound their physical love together. They were only a few hundred meters from Sap's front door when completely out of the blue - unanticipated by anyone who hadn't taken the darkening sky for a warning - rain began to pour down by the bucket load, emptying all clouds of their liquidy load onto the two boy's heads.

Sap started hed running through the droplets, dragging Karl behind him. Karl couldn't help but laugh as he was pulled along the pavement and across the lawn, watching Sap slip on the wet grass trying to get them both somewhere dry.

"Ew, Karl it's all wet." He groaned from the floor, deciding not to pick himself up and instead further the damp accumulating in Karl's hoodie.

"Really, Sapnap, I didn't notice." He laughed, the sweet sound carrying through the drizzling rain with ease, filling Sap's ears with the addicting drug he'd grown to adore so much. He felt compelled by the trace Karl's giggles and gaze had trapped him in, pulling himself up and staring into his pearly, silvery eyes; smiling as Karl continued to find humour in his fall.

"Karl shut up." he chuckled, taking his face in his hands. Karl's amusement failed to cease, giving Sap a golden opportunity.

"I told you to shut that pretty face of yours" without a breath between his words, Sap pressed his lips to Karl's, replacing his hands from Karl's face to his waist and the back of his head, pulling them even closer - if that was even possible. He felt Karl's arms around his neck, allowing for them to lean slightly further into eachother due to the obstruction of his arms being removed.

"Sapnap what do you think you're doing?!" The boy's moment was instantly ruined, both jumping back at the shout. They turned to see Daryll in the doorway calling them over.

"Sapnap you were 50 minutes late and now you're standing outside in the pouring rain, probably making Karl and yourself sick!" The boys looked at eachother, both fighting back smiles, "whatever, just get inside, your mum wants to speak to you." He moved out of the way, ushering the two inside. The light hit their faces like a bullet, thier eyes having grown accustomed to the dark outside. The heating warmed their skin, making their hoodies feel all the more damp.

They entered the kitchen hand in hand, standing across the island from Skeppy. While Sap gained his mum's attention, Karl turned to look around despite the scenery having not changed since this morning.

But something had changed. There were people in the living room adjacent to them. Not just Dream and George like one would expect, in fact they were not among those who sat on the grey sofa's around the coffee table, steaming mugs of tea placed on costers and in hands.

Karl quickly hid himself behind Sap, covering his face with the dirtied purple fabric on his back. He didn't even mean to hide, it was just sort of his fight or flight response kicking in. But he was right to hide.

wow badly written cliff hanger??? i think so.

guys i also think im gonna re-write some of the other chapters cuz looking back some of them are a bit questionable in terms of writing 💀 so if i update it pls read cuz they will probably make more sense after i do💀💀💀💀

Pointless Futality - Karlnap //UNDERGOING EDITING :]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz