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back to third person bc i didn't like first 💀

Sap woke up to a cold feeling; unlike how he's fallen asleep the previous night, Karl wasn't in his arms. It was strange. As soon as he realized Karl had gone he felt uneasy.... scared.... protective? Like if he wasn't with Karl, someone else was and they weren't with him for good reasons. He rubbed his eyes, turning onto his back to face the ceiling, tracing the uneven brushstrokes intently.

"Sap?" He turned his head just as the door squeaked open and a messy-haired boy wearing his muffin hoodie stepped in. The boy wearing his muffin hoodie twiddled with the hem of the black sleeves nervously, looking down at the floor.

"What's wrong Karl?" Sap asked after picking up on his unease, Propping himself on his side to face him.

"Um-" He started, continuing to fiddle with the hoodie, "Last night, when I went to the bathroom, I, uh, had cramps...and... c-can you get me some stuff from your mum? I don't want to ask..." He looked down at his feet again, hiding his embarrassed expression and hurt eyes. Sap stood from his bed, slowly walking to Karl. He picked him up, making sure to hold him like a baby instead of holding his legs, and kissed his forehead gently.

"Pads?" He questioned, giving Karl another forehead kiss. Karl nodded and Sap set him down again, beginning to walk from the room. "Boxers in the top draw if you need them, and don't worry, they're clean." He said with a wink, pointing to the set of draws that stood next to his wardrobe. Karl smiled as he left, thankful Sap had thought of that as it would be certainly awkward asking, to say the least. He opened the draw, the wheels that rolled it forward squeaking louder the further he pulled it, until they stopped and the draw was fully opened. Understandably, he wasn't all that comfortable wearing Sap's underwear, it just felt weird to even be looking in this draw, but what could he do exactly? Go back next door for some? Yeah, good luck with that one, Sap wouldn't allow that. Putting Karl in any sort of danger was the last thing he wanted to do.

Karl picked the first pair he saw, pushing the draw back. Soon enough the bedroom door opened once again and Sap stepped inside. He held about 5 of said items, wrapped in the common thin blue plastic that rustled even with no movement. Bowing exaggeratedly, he handed them to Karl, announcing formally "For my boyfriend". 

He grinned at Karl's smile as he left the room. Sap decided to pick out something to wear while Karl was gone. Remembering the hoodie Karl left in his room a few days ago, he rummaged through the pile of clean washing his mum had brought up yesterday that he was yet to put away, finding the colorful fabric hidden under everything else. Smiling fondly, he pulled it over his head, surprised it actually fit him given Karl's small frame. It felt warm and still smelt slightly like Karl, despite the laundry detergent used in the wash.

"Hey that's my hoodie" Sap heard a laugh as a pair of small arms clung onto him from behind. He turned around, detaching Karl's arms from himself.

"And isn't that one mine?" He teased, poking Karl's shoulder and kissing his lips gently.

"You're dumb" Karl pushed him away with a laugh, regretting it mere seconds later when he already missed Sap's affection.

"So anything you wanna do today?" Sap asked, falling onto his bed. Karl shook his head, copying Sap by lying beside him and resting his head on his shoulder. Pulling his arm around, Sap began playing with Karl's soft hair, thinking to himself. "We could go on a walk?" He suggested, thinking aloud. Karl nodded in agreement.

"Well first you need to get dressed and have some food" Sap laughed, ruffling Karl's hair and tickling his sides. 

"Fine." Karl stated when Sap finally stopped tickling him, "but I'm wearing your  favorite hoodie." He jumped from the bed, pulling Sap up with him and falling dramatically into his chest out of exhaustion from the extensive workout of lifting his boyfriend to his feet. Flinging open his wardrobe door, Sap tossed Karl his favorite sweater: black sleeves, black collar and white torso with a cartoon flame printed on the front.

"Not looking." He swung back around, studying the wooden door as if it were a Picasso art piece while Karl put on his clothing.

"Now feed me" Karl jumped onto his back, almost knocking him headfirst into the door. Sap caught him, giving him a sort of piggy back onto the landing. Sap decided to not to risk dropping Karl down the stairs, setting him down on the floor again, he took his hand and guided him downstairs into the kitchen.

"What are you making then chef?" Karl asked as he hopped onto the counter, staring down at Sap.

"Who the fuck said i was cooking?" Sap breathlessly chuckled, his face dangerously close to Karl's.

A mug clinked against the countertop as it was placed down, "Sapnap, language." A sweet voice spoke and both boys turned their heads towards its owner.

"Wait- sorry dad, that- it was Karl!" Sap fumbled with his words, attempting to make light of his embarrassment. Meanwhile Karl was struggling to hold back his laughter while Sap's dad didn't look impressed, tucking some of his long hair behind his ear with an eye roll.

"So, anything cool plans for you boys today?" Sap's dad began to fill the jettle that had previously resideded underneath a cabinet, stopping the water and boiling it when it had filled.

"Sap wanted to go on a walk." Karl answered, kicking his feet gently against the  cabinet doors. He ducked as Sap opened a cupboard above his head, pulling out a packet of something.

"Waffles?" He whispered into his ear and Karl nodded, continuing the conversation with Sap's dad.

"Well don't get lost, and I expect you both back before..." he checked his watch, "one. Text either your mum or me if you're going to be late." Karl nodded at him, agreeing on Sap's behalf due to his occupation with figuring out how to work a toaster.

"I'll let Skeppy know." He sighed, picking up his now brewed cup of tea and making his way from the kitchen, leaving Sap and Karl alone, along with all the dangerous utensils they could easily lay their hands on that lay in the unsuspecting kitchen drawers.

"Is that your mum?"

"Who?" Sap had finally managed to get the waffles in the toaster and turned his attention back to Karl.


"Oh yeah, unusual name i know." He leant his forearms against the countertop between Karl's legs, crossing his own and trusting his weight to the likely unstable counter. Playing with Sap's hair for a moment, Karl conjured up another question.

"What about your dad? What's his name?"

"Daryll, but mum always calls him Bad for some reason. Kind of weird if you ask me." Karl hummed, draping his arms over Sap's shoulders and resting his chin atop the other's head.

A moment of comfortable silence passed between the two before a pop from the toaster signified the waffles were done toasting.


guess who finally decided to upload a chapter💀

Pointless Futality - Karlnap //UNDERGOING EDITING :]Where stories live. Discover now