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"Mum dad said you want to talk to me?" Sap reached out his arm t put it over Karl' shoulder, but gravity seemed to simply take it back down to his side. Glancing to the side, the was no Karl. He felt a little relief when he realized Karl was behind him.

"Hi darling, yeah." Skeppy turned from the stove where she had been cooking something or other to face Sapnap, "Next door just came round, said they couldn't find their daughter, Edith, just wondering if you knew anything?" Karl had been listening in to their conversation, upon hearing who he'd seen in the living room, he wrapped his arms tightly around Sap, covering his face further.


"Oh, has Karl?"

"Karl?" Sap turned to ask Karl, instead finding him shaking forcibly against his back. "Karl!" Instantly, Sap enveloped him in a protective embrace, threading his fingers through his floccose, light-brunette hair to calm him. Bending down with the boy in his arms, he lent him against the adjacent wall for stability. Karl continued to shake, a few silent tears dripping down his face, burning his once soft skin with course salt, leaving silvery, hot, messy trails from his pearly grey eyes down to where Sap's hoodie cut them off, soaking up his sorrow into that deep lilac hoodie that still smelt like Karl despite Skeppy's laundry detergent.

"Karl what's wrong?" Sap pulled away from him, taking in his tear stained face and watery, red eyes. He wiped away a few that were still trickling down his cheeks, entrenching a warm path into his skin.

"Karl tell me." He continued moping the water the hadn't stopped leaking from his eyes, "Is it the people?" he inquired cautiously, pulling Karl back into his chest as he nodded affirmatively.

"Karl I promise they're not going to hurt you." Karl shook his head, gripping tightly around Sap, his sniffles muffled by Sap's shoulder. Sap had accepted that Karl wouldn't talk, but he was full of surprises, even if they were only small ones.

"T-they, he, h-harry" Karl barley whispered those few words before breaking into cries again, holding Sap close with every bit of strength he possessed. Sap instantly guessed what Karl had implied, a small sense of rage built up inside him turned to fear when, from the corner of his eye, he spotted a pair of shoes that clicked as they stepped onto the tiled kitchen floor.

"Everything alright?" A deep voice filled both their ears. Sap turned his head, taking a guess when Karl clung onto him again. Dread clouded his insides, preventing him from thinking of anything other that Karl's safety. Harry's innocent smile dropped as his eyes landed on Karl's red, glossy face, he took a step forward and bent down to their level. Pushing Sap aside roughly, he clasped Karl's arm, his face falling into sympathy and care. It was fake. Sap could tell it was fake.

"Edith, what happened? What did he do to you?" This guy was a good actor, that's for sure, anyone hearing him now would truly not believe anything either Karl or Sapnap accused him of; he was too sweet. But this man was a rapist, or he attempted to be one, but god knows if he'd tried anything before. Sap watched Karl's terrified expression as Harry pulled him up to stand, the alarmed glint in his eyes stood out among all other emotions lacing his features. Harry pulled Karl into a stiff embrace, whispering with hot, musty breath into his ear.

"Don't. Try. Anything." Karl's face turned completely pale. How he felt could only be described as wanting to die. Panic set in and he bean to tremble again, gripping onto the only thing he could to stay up: Harry. Looking Sap in the eyes, tears, rigid breaths and shakes begged for help, but he daren't say a word, hoping, entreating his eyes did the talking, conveying a message of desperation to Sap.

"Let go of him you prick." Sap hopped to his feet, successfully prying Karl away from that man. Karl latched onto him like a hungry leach, jittering in his arms, his once soft curls now heavy with foreboding, hot, frightened tears. In the few, long nights they had spent together, Karl had never seen Harry so livid, so determined to obtain something that didn't belong to him, and that something was Karl. Only a playing piece to Harry's pathetic game of his so called 'life'. But Sap wasn't going to let Karl fall victim to this man's game again. Or at least he would try.


"Yes. Now get out of this house." Sap screamed the last part of his sentence, taking Harry by surprise and drawing the whole house's attention to the three. Skeppy poked her head into the kitchen, glaring at Sap.

"Sapnap! Don't shout like that!" She wasn't too involved in what was happening in her kitchen, until Karl revealed his face, un-burying it from Sap's chest, his eyes pleading for her to intervene. It was in this moment of silence, of Skeppy looking between the three wondering wondering about everything, that Jan and her husband emerged, surprised faces glued to Karl's as they gasped.

"Edith!" Much like Harry, Jan rushed over to him, ripping him from Sap's defensive arms, "where were you? We were so worried!" She was so caught up trying to put on her motherly mask, she failed to notice the tears falling from his eyes and the shaking of his bones. Sap could see he was visibly tense, his arms locked down by his sides and legs frozen in position. The moment she let go, he recalled to Sap's side, letting him put an arm around his waist, carefully and subtly protecting him.

She turned her fake smile and caring eyes towards Sap, eyeing him assessivley. "And you are Sapnap?" Her counterfeit grin made both boys cringe; it was painful to witness her attempt at passing as caring. "Edith has told us quite a bit about you, you know, says you're her best friend. Just the other day she said how much she couldn't wait to sleep over." Karl was stunned at the lies she spewed from that phoney face, all made up just so she could seem like a mother, which she had of course failed substantially at.

To say Sap couldn't take her forgery anymore would be a complete understatement; he was completely driven mad by her barefaced fabrication; if she actually knew anything about her son's life - if she even had the privilege of classifying such a vehement, charming, handsome boy as her son - she would know Sap was not his bet friend, but his boyfriend; he never chose to sleep over the other night, she probably didn't even care enough to know why he was gone.

"That's cool." he blatantly replied, shrugging.

"Good. Well i think its time we all got going, come on Edith." Grabbing Karl's small hand, she pulled him away, but Sap was quick to hold his shoulders to stop her taking him any further.

"Karl doesn't want to go. He wants to stay with me."

"What?" She scoffed, turning slowly to face him again, her pathetically fake expression having finally fell, replaced with that of confusion and impaciente.

"I said Karl doesn't want to go with you." He began to raise his voice, feeling anger bubbling inside him.

"Who's Karl? You know what it doesn't matter. We're leaving." Both her and Harry made their way to the door with Karl trapped between them, James trailing behind. Karl looked back with that same helpless, defensless expression, begging for any kind of saviour.

"No!" Sap wanted to run after them and take the boy back, but a pair of arms blocked his path, severing the thin line of hope between the two.

"Sapnap, please, let them go." Skeppy threaded her fingers through his short curls, much like he did with Karl, holding him tightly to calm his stress.

"But mum he doesn't want to go!"

"Okay, okay, shh." She kissed his head, brining him into a releaving embrace, rubbing her son's back as he began to cry salty tears into her shoulder, his heart drumming against his chest as it broke with each painful second passing.


L Karl icl 💀 /j ofc

anyway i edited a couple of the chapters cuz they were rly bugging me, not much change except some description to hopefully make his coming out more emotional

on the subject of coming out💀 miacoolest my favourite quote 'bro besties for life idc if u a pebble or what or a worm idc' so inspirational🥹 (i died after u said that it was too funny)

ok bye🤩

Pointless Futality - Karlnap //UNDERGOING EDITING :]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang