arcade and kisses

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As Anne and Marcy walked into the arcade, they were greeted by a cacophony of sounds and a mixture of colors. The bright neon lights of the machines and the flashing screens of the games filled the room, and the smell of popcorn and cotton candy wafted through the air.

The girls looked around in wonder, taking in the sights and sounds of the arcade. They walked hand in hand, the sound of their footsteps echoing off the polished floors.

The arcade was packed with people, and the air was filled with the sound of laughter and the clinking of coins. Anne and Marcy weaved their way through the crowds, Marcy's eyes wide with excitement as Anne admired her, and was rugged along to some claw machines.

As they approached the machines, they could see the colorful flashing lights and hear the sound of the mechanical arms moving back and forth, while a young girl tried her luck at one of the machines, her face filled with determination as she inserted a coin once more and maneuvered the claw over a stuffed animal, hoping to grab it and win the prize.

The two had stopped to watch if the young girl would succeed or not, glancing at each other as their hearts warmed slightly at the girl's enthusiasm.

Soon after though, Marcy's attention was quickly swept away, and she tugged lightly on Anne's hand as they wandered over to the basketball game.

The sound of basketballs being shot filled the air, and the girls stopped to watch because it somewhat reminded them of their own game on the court sometime ago.

A group of boys competed against each other and two boys currently playing had faces with intense concentration, while their eyes were fixed on the hoop as they tried to score the most points possible.

Meanwhile, their friends hollered them on and threw light-hearted insults, urging them to do better.

"Your aim sucks! Aim to the right a bit more!" One of the boys yelled.

The boy playing glanced back with furrowed brows but rolled his eyes and followed his friend's advice, aiming more to the right when he threw the ball. It landed straight into the net, and his friend cheered.

"See?! What'd I tell you, bro!"

"Shut up! I'm still not winning yet, and that was just one shot that you helped with."

Once the boys began bickering more obnoxiously and loudly, Anne and Marcy decided that it was their time to move onto the next section of the arcade. Marcy's eyes lit up once she realized they were the classic arcade games, and she let go of Anne's hand to speed over to them as quickly as she could.

Anne followed closely behind, her hands tucked into her pockets as she walked and a smile spread across her face when she spotted the excited look on Marcy's face.

When she drew up alongside Marcy, the girl looked at her with pure joy in her eyes, jumping up and down with excitement. Positive emotions flooded through Anne, filling her with an indescribable sense of happiness and contentment.

"They have all the classics! There's Pac-Man, and Space Invaders and- and-" Marcy said, tripping over her words as she gestured wildly to the games.

A laugh escaped Anne's lips before she asked, "Which do you wanna play first?"

Marcy thought for a moment before pointing at the Pac-Man machine, earning a nod from Anne as they approached it and stood side by side, entering a coin into the slot to start up the game.

Their eyes were fixed on the screen, as Anne kindly let Marcy go first.

Marcy's fingers flew over the joystick as she expertly navigated the yellow creature through the maze, while Anne watched with a mixture of admiration and amusement whenever Marcy would dodge any ghosts or eat them.

Her tongue was stuck out in slight concentration, a habit she had developed after years of gaming, but Anne honestly found it pretty adorable, even when Marcy's nose would occasionally scrunch up when she almost died in the game.

Even though they were hardly talking, the presence of the other brought deep comfort to them, and Anne couldn't help but cherish this moment, she always was grateful for any chance to spend time with Marcy.

After a few rounds of Pac-Man, they moved on to other games, each one more challenging than the last and they cheered each other on, offering words of encouragement and support whenever they could as they spent an hour or so playing. But sometimes they'd play competitively and try to beat one another in other games like shooting ones.

As the night wore on and the arcade began to empty out, Anne and Marcy found themselves alone in the dimly lit room, surrounded by the glow of the machines and at the spot they were standing, the workers couldn't really see them.

They looked at each other, their eyes meeting in a moment of quiet understanding. Without a word, they leaned in and kissed, their lips meeting in a soft, gentle embrace.

As Marcy kissed Anne, she felt a sense of tenderness and warmth wash over her. She could feel Anne's soft lips against her own, and she couldn't help but lean deeper into the kiss, savoring the sweet taste of her girlfriend's mouth while Anne smiled, feeling that joy and contentment that she never experienced before she met Marcy, but now always came whenever they kissed.

Anne pushed Marcy up against the machine, her body pressed against hers, making Marcy gasp in surprise before she felt vibrations flowing through their kiss because of Marcy's soft giggles, she was enjoying the moment but also found it kind of cute that Anne was doing this.

Anne grumbled and applied more pressure to the kiss, succeeding in shutting the other girls giggles down. They could feel their bodies pressed flush together and it only spurred them on more, and them feel so alive and connected.

They pulled away, their faces flushed and they met each other's eyes, a small smile crossing both of their faces as Anne took Marcy's hand, and they kissed again, their lips meeting in a passionate embrace.

They interlocked their hands while they kissed, feeling a sense of closeness and intimacy that they had never felt before. But this kiss was much shorter and more sweeter.

It was a moment of pure bliss, a moment that they would never forget. They pulled away again, just breathing in the air, as they both grinned, feeling a sense of joy and connection that they had never felt before, that they had never felt except when they were with each other.

Anne took a few steps back, taking Marcy's hand and lifting her off the machine, once both her feet were on the ground, she sent Anne a grateful smile before they walked out of the arcade with their hands clasped together.

As they stepped out into the cool night air, their pockets were lighter but their hearts fuller, with love and joy.

The arcade had been a place of wonder and excitement, a place where they could forget their troubles and just have fun. They still held hands as they walked along the path back to their car. Only letting go when they entered the vehicle and drove on the road.

Along the ride, Marcy turned to look at her girlfriend, so many emotions flooded her when she did, none were negative of course and it was overwhelming but in the best way possible.

One of Anne's hands let go of the steering wheel and she waited for Marcy to interlock her fingers through them, taking her eyes off the road for a few seconds to capture the beauty that was her girlfriend before paying attention to the road, a smile stuck on her face for the rest of the ride.

To be continued...

[a/n] this chapter was okay, but I think there was enough cute moments.

it was obvious I got lazy in detailing the arcade a bit so sorry, lmao.

i know this is earlier than I usually post but I hope you like it! don't know if I'll post again today.

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