lavender haze ( + closure)

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Anne and Marcy had spent the rest of the night, after making their relationship official just talking. They just wanted to get to know each other better, their strengths and weaknesses, their interests and dislikes, and the insides and outs of each other's minds.

They stayed up 'til 2AM just talking quietly to one another, before they fell asleep curled up next to one another, with feelings that they never thought they'd be able to achieve, even in their wildest dreams could they ever had dreamt a love like this.

By the time it was 11AM, they still hadn't been awake, until a weight had jumped onto them, which immediately awoke the two.

Through groggy eyes they could see Domino staring at them, Anne's grumpiness soon turned to adoration as she scooped the cat up and cooed, slightly rubbing the cats back as Domino contentedly leant into the touch and purred.

Marcy sat back and smiled fondly as she looked at Anne, she could get used to waking up next to the brunettes side.

Even when Anne was barely awake, she still looked beautiful, and it amazed Marcy to no end. She truly couldn't believe how lucky she was for having Anne in her life. And she didn't know what she did to deserve Anne, but she did know one thing, that she'd forever be grateful.

Domino jumped away once she figured she'd had enough, which made Anne roll her eyes fondly at her furry friend before turning to Marcy.

At first, they just stared at each other silently, before Anne smiled as she remembered the sweet moments they had shared last night, how they had kissed, and how they had solidified their relationship, and the casual conversation they had 'til the early hours of the morning, she was grateful for once to be so tired.

Anne and Marcy laid there, side by side, their eyes locked in a silent but meaningful conversation. They didn't need to talk to know that this moment was special, even if it seemed small, it was the start to how their relationship would be, and that's what it made it so grand.

They both smiled softly before whispering to each other.



Their voices were barely audible above the sound of their breathing.

The room was quiet overall, except for the occasional sound of Domino purring contentedly nearby whilst licking her paw.

As they gaze into each other's eyes, Anne felt a warm, fluttery feeling in her chest. She had never felt this way before, but she knew that she liked it, and could get used to the feeling.

She liked Marcy, and she knew she wanted to spend more time with her. And she knew Marcy felt the same way about her, too.

For a moment, the two forgot about everything else in the world except for the other girl lying next to them, and how much they wished they could stay like this, with each other, forever, just in sweet bliss and in the lavender haze.

But eventually, Anne broke their eye contact because she  remembered something important. She needed to buy some food for Domino, since she had only gotten the cat yesterday, she didn't have any pet food for her, and Domino obviously needed to eat, so she needed to make a quick stop at a store.

"I need to get Domino cat food," Anne voiced, which made Marcy hum.

For a second, silence passed and Anne hesitated for a moment, she wanted to ask if  Marcy could come with her, but wasn't sure if she should or not.

But before she could say anything though, Marcy spoke up. "Do you want me to come with you?" She asked, her voice soft and gentle. "I can drive, if you want."

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