he is sensible, and so incredible

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As Anne walked into her hotel room, she was surprised to find that Marcy wasn't there. She looked around the room, but there was no sign of the raven-haired beauty.

Anne found it somewhat strange but shrugged it off, thinking that Marcy must have gone out for a bit or was just hanging out with Rowan and Juliet.

She was feeling stressed after the meeting she had just had, and the fact that she had to have dinner with a boy she had completely blocked out of her mind.

She decided to take a quick shower to clear her thoughts, it helped a bit, but not much. She changed into some casual clothes since she had no one to impress and because it was just a casual dinner, she had on a hoodie and some shorts.

As she got ready, Anne tried to push the stress out of her mind. She knew that she needed to focus on the present moment, and she didn't want to let her worries get the best of her, knowing that this could possibly feed the fuel to the fire that was the media, and she didn't want that.

After she finished getting ready, Anne sat down on the bed and took a deep breath. She closed her eyes and tried to clear her mind, focusing on the sound of her breathing.

As she sat there, Anne felt her mind drifting to thoughts of Marcy, she missed the girl a lot, and she wished she could just love her without worrying about what anyone else thought, unfortunately that was too much to ask for though for many people.

She forced the negative thoughts away and stood up, leaving the hotel room, with a nervous pit growing in her stomach.


Mr. Abbott had given her Eric's number, so that was the only reason she felt like she couldn't back out of whatever this was. She hated the need she had to please others and put everyone before herself, she knew it wasn't the healthiest but that's what she was used to.

When she had entered the restaurant the boy had seemingly picked out, she was surprised to see him already sitting at a table, the moment he saw her, he quickly stood up, smiling widely as she made her way over to him.

"Sorry, I didn't think you'd be here-" Anne started, but the brown-haired boy waved it off.

"It's fine, you weren't late, I just like getting to places early, you know? Wouldn't wanna leave a lady like you waiting."

His brown eyes shined in the light as he smiled, and held out her chair and helped her in, before sitting down across from her.

Anne observed how his eyes lit up at the slightest attention she gave him, reminding her of when they were younger, except he was more nerdier and scrawny back then, now he was more put-together and charming.

He had always been attractive and always gathered any girls attention though.... Well, every girl except for Anne, she never was interested in the boy, but since she was his best friend at the time, everyone assumed they were dating, or at least assumed they liked one another.

She never had romantic feelings of any sort towards the boy, but she remembered forcing herself into thinking she did, since he was sweet, attractive and noble, he was the perfect guy in most girls eyes, but Anne never liked him like that.

"Wow, it's been a while, huh?" Eric voiced, grinning like a child as he looked at Anne.

Anne awkwardly laughed, nodding in agreement, "Yeah, it has. We're both famous now... who would've thought?"

A chuckle escaped the boys mouth as he shook his head, "Certainly not me— well with my own fame, it doesn't surprise me that you ended up being famous."

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