beautiful and breathless

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When they walked inside, their clothes had been soaked after that short kiss in the rain, and once Marcy closed the door behind them, they walked deeper into the house, leaving some splotches and a small trail of water behind them.

The cold breeze finally hit them both, at first they hadn't noticed it since they were still so dazed by their kiss, it seemed like their heads were spinning.

Marcy shivered and Anne could hear their teeth chattering as they wrapped their arms around themself.

A look of concern crossed Anne's features, "Are you okay?"

Marcy slightly shivered but managed to shrug, "I-I'm fine, just cold and wet is all."

Anne pursed her lips, she knew she had to do something to help her friend(?) warm up, so she quickly excused herself and went to her room to grab some dry clothes for Marcy to wear.

She came back to the living room and handed the clothes to Marcy, who looked at it with a slightly hesitant expression

"Marcy, just take it, you don't have to worry about returning it or whatever, I just don't want you get sick."

Anne held the clothes out again, and as Marcy grabbed them, their fingers brushed lightly against each other, sending a jolt of electricity flowing through both of them. They both could feel their cheeks heating up, but they didn't shy away from the other.

Once the clothes were in Marcy's hands, Anne sent her a half-smile, trying to lighten up the mood and not have awkward tension between them. Marcy got the memo and returned her smile, grateful for Anne's help and offers.

She took the clothes and made her to to change in the bathroom.

Anne went back to her room to pick out dry clothes for herself, too. But her heart was racing a bit and her mind was reeling, she couldn't believe how such a small touch could affect her. Granted, they had shared an intimate moment outside but.... Marcy still somehow made her stomach fill with butterflies without even trying.

Anne sighed softly as she looked through her dresser for some decent night-wear and tried her best to not overthink things and just shake it off.

Once she changed out into dry clothes, she went back into the living room with blankets and whatnot, and waited for Marcy, who came out shortly afterwards, looking much warmer and drier

Once Marcy sat down on the couch next to Anne, she threw a blanket over Marcy's lap and got closer to the girl. Marcy could feel the warmth radiating off of Anne as she snuggled closer, and she couldn't help it when she threw an arm around Anne's shoulder and pulled her closer.

They sat there for a while cozied up next to each other, just enjoying each other's company. They were thankful that whenever they talked to each other it seemed so easy, and when they were just quiet, it didn't seem awkward.

They both couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort and warmth from being so close to each other. The air didn't seem electrified like earlier, instead it seemed soft and gentle, and for a moment, it seemed like they had no worries in the world, like they were the only two people to exist.

They were safe from the outside world for once, it felt like all they needed was each other, they never knew they would find a love as pure as this, where they could feel it in the silence, and in crowded rooms altogether.

The room was dimly-lit, it seemed a bit dark, but neither of them paid it any mind.

Anne shot a glance to Marcy in the darkened room, she could see those green eyes staring back at her, and she let herself be brave and take the first step by gently touching Marcy's hand.

"WOULD YOU KISS ME?" | MarcanneWhere stories live. Discover now